MODFLOW 6  version 6.5.0.dev2
MODFLOW 6 Code Documentation
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 Ctvbasemodule::ar_set_pointersAnnounce package and set pointers to variables
 Cdisconnexchangemodule::disconnexchangetypeExchange based on connection between discretizations of DisBaseType. The data specifies the connections, similar to the information stored in the connections object: DisBaseTypecon
 Cgwegweexchangemodule::gweexchangetypeDerived type for GwtExchangeType
 Cgwfgwfexchangemodule::gwfexchangetypeDerived type for GwfExchangeType
 Cgwtgwtexchangemodule::gwtexchangetypeDerived type for GwtExchangeType
 Cspatialmodelconnectionmodule::spatialmodelconnectiontypeClass to manage spatial connection of a model to one or more models of the same type. Spatial connection here means that the model domains (spatial discretization) are adjacent and connected via DisConnExchangeType object(s). The connection itself is a Numerical Exchange as well, and part of a Numerical Solution providing the amat and rhs
 Cgwegweconnectionmodule::gwegweconnectiontypeConnects a GWE model to other GWE models in space. Derives from NumericalExchangeType so the solution can use it to fetch the coefficients for this connection
 Cgwfgwfconnectionmodule::gwfgwfconnectiontypeConnecting a GWF model to other models in space, implements NumericalExchangeType so the solution can used this object to determine the coefficients for the coupling between two adjacent models
 Cgwtgwtconnectionmodule::gwtgwtconnectiontypeConnects a GWT model to other GWT models in space. Derives from NumericalExchangeType so the solution can use it to fetch the coefficients for this connection
 Cbasemodelmodule::basemodeltypeHighest level model type. All models extend this parent type
 Cexplicitmodelmodule::explicitmodeltypeBase type for models that solve themselves
 Cgwfinterfacemodelmodule::gwfinterfacemodeltypeThe GWF Interface Model is a utility to calculate the solution's exchange coefficients from the interface between a GWF model and its GWF neighbors. The interface model itself will not be part of the solution, it is not being solved. Patching (a part of the) discretizations of two GWF models in a general way, e.g. DIS+DIS with refinement, requires the resulting
 Cprtmodule::prtmodeltypeParticle tracking (PRT) model
 Cgweinterfacemodelmodule::gweinterfacemodeltypeThe GWE Interface Model is a utility to calculate the solution's exchange coefficients from the interface between a GWE model and its GWE neighbors. The interface model itself will not be part of the solution, it is not being solved
 Cgwtinterfacemodelmodule::gwtinterfacemodeltypeThe GWT Interface Model is a utility to calculate the solution's exchange coefficients from the interface between a GWT model and its GWT neighbors. The interface model itself will not be part of the solution, it is not being solved
 Cexplicitsolutionmodule::explicitsolutiontypeManages and solves explicit models
 Cbndextmodule::bndextfoundtype@ brief BndExtFoundType
 Cboundinputcontextmodule::boundinputcontexttypeDerived type for boundary package input context
 Cbudgetmodule::budgettypeDerived type for the Budget object
 Ccelldefnmodule::celldefntypeBase grid cell definition
 Ccellmodule::celltypeBase type for grid cells of a concrete type. Contains a cell-definition which is information shared by cell types
 Ccharacterstringmodule::characterstringtypeThis class is used to store a single deferred-length character string. It was designed to work in an array implementation so that a jagged character array could be used in MODFLOW and stored in the memory manager
 Cconvergencesummarymodule::convergencesummarytypeThis structure stores the generic convergence info for a solution
 Cdis2dmodule::dis2dtypeStructured grid discretization
 Cdismodule::distypeStructured grid discretization
 Cdisumodule::disutypeUnstructured grid discretization
 Cdisv2dmodule::disv2dtypeVertex grid discretization
 Cdisvmodule::disvtypeVertex grid discretization
 Cdisconnexchangemodule::disconnexchangefoundtype@ brief DisConnExchangeFoundType
 Cdis2dmodule::disfoundtypeSimplifies tracking parameters sourced from the input context
 Cdismodule::disfoundtypeSimplifies tracking parameters sourced from the input context
 Cdisv1dmodule::disfoundtypeSimplifies tracking parameters sourced from the input context
 Cdynamicpackageparamsmodule::dynamicpackageparamstypeDynamic parameter filter type
 Cinputloadtypemodule::dynamicpkgloadtypeDynamic loader type
 Casciiinputloadtypemodule::asciidynamicpkgloadbasetypeBase abstract type for ascii source dynamic load
 Cmf6filegridinputmodule::boundgridinputtypeAscii grid based dynamic loader type
 Cmf6filelistinputmodule::listinputbasetypeAbstract base class for ascii list loaders
 Cmf6filelistinputmodule::boundlistinputtypeBoundary package list loader
 Cinputloadtypemodule::dynamicpkgloadbasetypeBase abstract type for dynamic input loader
 Cidmmf6filemodule::mf6filedynamicpkgloadtypeMF6File dynamic loader type
 Ctvbasemodule::get_pointer_to_valueGet an array value pointer given a variable name and node index
 Ccellwithnbrsmodule::globalcelltypeData structure to hold a global cell identifier, using a pointer to the model and its local cell
 Cgridconnectionmodule::gridconnectiontypeThis class is used to construct the connections object for the interface model's spatial discretization/grid
 Cgwecndoptionsmodule::gwecndoptionstypeData structure (and helpers) for passing cnd option data
 Cgweinputdatamodule::gweinputdatatypeData for sharing among multiple packages. Originally read in from
 Cgwfbuyinputdatamodule::gwfbuyinputdatatypeData structure to transfer input configuration to the
 Cgwfmvrperioddatamodule::gwfmvrperioddatatypeDerived type for GwfMvrPeriodDataType
 Cgwfnpfoptionsmodule::gwfnpfoptionstypeData structure and helper methods for passing NPF options into npf_df, as an alternative to reading those from file
 Cgwfvscinputdatamodule::gwfvscinputdatatypeData structure to transfer input configuration to the
 Cgwtdspoptionsmodule::gwtdspoptionstypeData structure (and helpers) for passing dsp option data
 Cgwtspcmodule::gwtspctypeDerived type for managing SPC input
 Cinputdefinitionmodule::inputblockdefinitiontypeInput block definition type
 Cinputdefinitionmodule::inputparamdefinitiontypeInput parameter definition type
 Clinearsolverbasemodule::linearsolverbasetypeAbstract type for linear solver
 Clistmodule::listtypeA generic heterogeneous doubly-linked list
 Cinputloadtypemodule::load_ifLoad interfaces for source static and dynamic types
 Cmodelpackageinputsmodule::loadablepackagetypeDerived type for loadable package type
 Cloadmf6filemodule::loadmf6filetypeStatic parser based input loader
 Cmessagemodule::messagestypeContainer for related messages
 Cmethodmodule::methodtypeBase type for particle tracking methods
 Cmethodsubcellpollockmodule::methodsubcellpollocktypeRectangular subcell tracking method
 Cmethodsubcellternarymodule::methodsubcellternarytypeTernary triangular subcell tracking method
 Cinputloadtypemodule::modeldynamicpkgstypeType for storing a dynamic package load list
 Cmodelpackageinputsmodule::modelpackageinputstypeDerived type for model package inputs type
 Cmodflowinputmodule::modflowinputtypeDerived type for storing input definition for a file
 Cmpimessagecachemodule::mpimessagecachetypeFacility to cache the constructed MPI datatypes. This will avoid having to construct them over and over again for the communication inside the timestep loop. This class deals with separate caches for different units (solutions or global) and for different types of
 Cmvrmodule::mvrtypeDerived type for MvrType
 Cbndmodule::bndtype@ brief BndType
 Cbndextmodule::bndexttype@ brief BndExtType
 Cgwtistmodule::gwtisttype@ brief Immobile storage and transfer
 Cprtprpmodule::prtprptypeParticle release point (PRP) package
 Cgweestmodule::gweesttype@ brief Energy storage and transfer
 Cgwfexgmovermodule::gwfexgmovertypeExtends model mover for exchanges to also handle the
 Cgwtmstmodule::gwtmsttype@ brief Mobile storage and transfer
 Ctspssmmodule::tspssmtypeDerived type for the SSM Package
 Coutputcontroldatamodule::outputcontroldatatype@ brief OutputControlDataType
 Coutputcontrolmodule::outputcontroltype@ brief OutputControlType
 Cgwfocmodule::gwfoctype@ brief Output control for GWF
 Cprtocmodule::prtoctype@ brief Output control for particle tracking models
 Cswfocmodule::swfoctype@ brief Output control
 Ctspocmodule::tspoctype@ brief Output control
 Cpackagebudgetmodule::packagebudgettypeDerived type for storing flows
 Cparticlemodule::particlestoretypeStructure of arrays to store particles
 Cparticlemodule::particletypeA particle tracked by the PRT model
 Cpetscconvergencemodule::petsccnvgctxtypeX vector from the previous iteration
 Cprintsavemanagermodule::printsavemanagertype@ brief PrintSaveManagerType
 Cobservemodule::ProcessIdSub@ brief Process user-provided IDstring
 Ctvbasemodule::read_optionAnnounce package and set pointers to variables
 Cboundinputcontextmodule::readstatevartypePointer type for read state variable
 Ctvbasemodule::reset_change_flagsClear all per-node change flags
 Ctvbasemodule::set_changed_atMark property changes as having occurred at (kper, kstp)
 Cinputloadtypemodule::staticpkgloadtypeStatic loader type
 Cinputloadtypemodule::staticpkgloadbasetypeBase abstract type for static input loader
 Cidmmf6filemodule::mf6filestaticpkgloadtypeMF6File static loader type
 Cstructarraymodule::structarraytypeType for structured array
 Cstructvectormodule::structvectortypeDerived type for generic vector
 Csubcellmodule::subcelltypeA subcell of a cell
 Ctimeselectmodule::timeselecttypeRepresents a series of instants at which some event should occur
 Ctrackmodule::trackfilecontroltypeManages particle track (i.e. pathline) files
 Ctrackmodule::trackfiletypeOutput file containing all or some particle pathlines
 Cstructvectormodule::tsstringloctypeDerived type which describes time series string field
 Ctvbasemodule::validate_changeCheck that a given property value is valid
 Cvirtualdatacontainermodule::vdcptrtypeWrapper for virtual data containers
 Cvirtualdatacontainermodule::virtualdatacontainertypeContainer (list) of virtual data items
 Cvirtualexchangemodule::virtualexchangetypeThe Virtual Exchange is based on two Virtual Models and is therefore not always strictly local or remote. We have to consider three different cases:
 Cvirtualgwfexchangemodule::virtualgwfexchangetypeFor synchronization of GWF specific exchange data:
 Cvirtualbasemodule::virtualdatatypeThis is a generic data structure to virtualize pieces of memory in 2 distinct ways:
 Cvirtualsolutionmodule::virtualsolutiontypeThis bundles all virtual data for a particular solution