MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev0
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
mf6filestoinputmodule::stoinputtype Type Reference

STO package loader. More...

Inheritance diagram for mf6filestoinputmodule::stoinputtype:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for mf6filestoinputmodule::stoinputtype:
Collaboration graph

Private Member Functions

procedure ainit => sto_init
procedure rp => sto_rp
procedure destroy => sto_destroy
procedure init => dynamic_init
procedure df => dynamic_df
procedure ad => dynamic_ad

Private Attributes

character(len=linelength), pointer storage => null()
 description of modflow6 input More...
type(ncpackagevarstype), pointer nc_vars => null()
character(len=lencomponentname) component_name
 name of component More...
character(len=linelength) component_input_name
 component input name, e.g. model name file More...
character(len=linelength) input_name
 input name, e.g. package *.chd file More...
character(len=linelength), dimension(:), allocatable param_names
 dynamic param tagnames More...
logical(lgp) readasarrays
 is this array based input More...
integer(i4b) iperblock
 index of period block on block definition list More...
integer(i4b) iout
 inunit number for logging More...
integer(i4b) nparam
 number of in scope params More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 22 of file Mf6FileStoInput.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ ad()

procedure inputloadtypemodule::dynamicpkgloadtype::ad

Definition at line 92 of file InputLoadType.f90.

◆ ainit()

procedure mf6filestoinputmodule::stoinputtype::ainit

Definition at line 25 of file Mf6FileStoInput.f90.

◆ destroy()

procedure mf6filestoinputmodule::stoinputtype::destroy

Definition at line 27 of file Mf6FileStoInput.f90.

◆ df()

procedure inputloadtypemodule::dynamicpkgloadtype::df

Definition at line 91 of file InputLoadType.f90.

◆ init()

procedure inputloadtypemodule::dynamicpkgloadtype::init

Definition at line 90 of file InputLoadType.f90.

◆ rp()

procedure mf6filestoinputmodule::stoinputtype::rp

Definition at line 26 of file Mf6FileStoInput.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ component_input_name

character(len=linelength) inputloadtypemodule::dynamicpkgloadtype::component_input_name

Definition at line 82 of file InputLoadType.f90.

82  character(len=LINELENGTH) :: component_input_name !< component input name, e.g. model name file

◆ component_name

character(len=lencomponentname) inputloadtypemodule::dynamicpkgloadtype::component_name

Definition at line 81 of file InputLoadType.f90.

81  character(len=LENCOMPONENTNAME) :: component_name !< name of component

◆ input_name

character(len=linelength) inputloadtypemodule::dynamicpkgloadtype::input_name

Definition at line 83 of file InputLoadType.f90.

83  character(len=LINELENGTH) :: input_name !< input name, e.g. package *.chd file

◆ iout

integer(i4b) inputloadtypemodule::dynamicpkgloadtype::iout

Definition at line 87 of file InputLoadType.f90.

87  integer(I4B) :: iout !< inunit number for logging

◆ iperblock

integer(i4b) inputloadtypemodule::dynamicpkgloadtype::iperblock

Definition at line 86 of file InputLoadType.f90.

86  integer(I4B) :: iperblock !< index of period block on block definition list

◆ mf6_input

type(modflowinputtype) inputloadtypemodule::dynamicpkgloadtype::mf6_input

Definition at line 79 of file InputLoadType.f90.

79  type(ModflowInputType) :: mf6_input !< description of modflow6 input

◆ nc_vars

type(ncpackagevarstype), pointer inputloadtypemodule::dynamicpkgloadtype::nc_vars => null()

Definition at line 80 of file InputLoadType.f90.

80  type(NCPackageVarsType), pointer :: nc_vars => null()

◆ nparam

integer(i4b) inputloadtypemodule::dynamicpkgloadtype::nparam

Definition at line 88 of file InputLoadType.f90.

88  integer(I4B) :: nparam !< number of in scope params

◆ param_names

character(len=linelength), dimension(:), allocatable inputloadtypemodule::dynamicpkgloadtype::param_names

Definition at line 84 of file InputLoadType.f90.

84  character(len=LINELENGTH), dimension(:), allocatable :: param_names !< dynamic param tagnames

◆ readasarrays

logical(lgp) inputloadtypemodule::dynamicpkgloadtype::readasarrays

Definition at line 85 of file InputLoadType.f90.

85  logical(LGP) :: readasarrays !< is this array based input

◆ storage

character(len=linelength), pointer mf6filestoinputmodule::stoinputtype::storage => null()

Definition at line 23 of file Mf6FileStoInput.f90.

23  character(len=LINELENGTH), pointer :: storage => null()

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