MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
olfgwfexchangemodule::olfgwfexchangetype Type Reference
Inheritance diagram for olfgwfexchangemodule::olfgwfexchangetype:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for olfgwfexchangemodule::olfgwfexchangetype:
Collaboration graph

Private Member Functions

procedure exg_df => olf_gwf_df
procedure source_options
procedure source_dimensions
procedure source_data
procedure exg_ac => swf_gwf_ac
procedure exg_mc => swf_gwf_mc
procedure exg_fc => swf_gwf_fc
procedure exg_cq => swf_gwf_cq
procedure exg_bd => swf_gwf_bd
procedure exg_ot => swf_gwf_ot
procedure exg_da => swf_gwf_da
procedure initialize
procedure allocate_scalars
procedure allocate_arrays
procedure swf_gwf_calc_simvals
procedure swf_gwf_save_simvals
procedure qcalc
procedure get_cond
procedure get_wetted_perimeter
procedure swf_gwf_add_to_flowja
procedure, private swf_gwf_chd_bd
procedure swf_gwf_bdsav
procedure connects_model => swf_gwf_connects_model
procedure, pass(this) noder
procedure, pass(this) cellstr
procedure exg_ar
procedure exg_ad
procedure exg_cf
procedure exg_cc
procedure get_iasym
procedure exg_rp
procedure exg_dt
procedure exg_fp

Private Attributes

class(numericalmodeltype), pointer model1 => null()
 model 1 More...
class(numericalmodeltype), pointer model2 => null()
 model 2 More...
class(swfmodeltype), pointer swfmodel => null()
 pointer to SWF Model More...
class(gwfmodeltype), pointer gwfmodel => null()
 pointer to GWF Model More...
character(len=lenftype), pointer swf_ftype => null()
 type of swf model (CHF or OLF) More...
character(len=linelength), pointer filename => null()
 name of the input file More...
integer(i4b), pointer ipr_input => null()
 flag to print input More...
integer(i4b), pointer ipr_flow => null()
 print flag for cell by cell flows More...
integer(i4b), pointer ifixedcond => null()
 conductance is fixed as product of bedleak and cfact More...
integer(i4b), pointer nexg => null()
 number of exchanges More...
integer(i4b), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous nodeswf => null()
 node numbers in swf model More...
integer(i4b), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous nodegwf => null()
 node numbers in gwf model More...
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous bedleak => null()
 bed leakance, size: nexg More...
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous cfact => null()
 factor used in conductance calculation, size: nexg More...
integer(i4b), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous idxglo => null()
 mapping to global (solution) amat More...
integer(i4b), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous idxsymglo => null()
 mapping to global (solution) symmetric amat More...
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous simvals => null()
 simulated flow rate for each exchange More...
integer(i4b), pointer inobs => null()
 unit number for GWF-GWF observations More...
type(obstype), pointer obs => null()
 observation object More...
type(tabletype), pointer outputtab1 => null()
type(tabletype), pointer outputtab2 => null()
character(len=7) typename
 name of the type (e.g., 'GWF-GWF') More...
character(len=lenexchangename) name
 the name of this exchange More...
character(len=lenmempath) memorypath
 the location in the memory manager where the variables are stored More...
character(len=lenmempath) input_mempath
integer(i4b) id

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file exg-olfgwf.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ allocate_arrays()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::allocate_arrays

Definition at line 75 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ allocate_scalars()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::allocate_scalars

Definition at line 74 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ cellstr()

procedure, pass(this) swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::cellstr

Definition at line 88 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ connects_model()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::connects_model

Definition at line 85 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ exg_ac()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::exg_ac

Definition at line 66 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ exg_ad()

procedure numericalexchangemodule::numericalexchangetype::exg_ad

Definition at line 26 of file NumericalExchange.f90.

◆ exg_ar()

procedure numericalexchangemodule::numericalexchangetype::exg_ar

Definition at line 24 of file NumericalExchange.f90.

◆ exg_bd()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::exg_bd

Definition at line 70 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ exg_cc()

procedure numericalexchangemodule::numericalexchangetype::exg_cc

Definition at line 29 of file NumericalExchange.f90.

◆ exg_cf()

procedure numericalexchangemodule::numericalexchangetype::exg_cf

Definition at line 27 of file NumericalExchange.f90.

◆ exg_cq()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::exg_cq

Definition at line 69 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ exg_da()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::exg_da

Definition at line 72 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ exg_df()

procedure olfgwfexchangemodule::olfgwfexchangetype::exg_df

Definition at line 26 of file exg-olfgwf.f90.

◆ exg_dt()

procedure baseexchangemodule::baseexchangetype::exg_dt

Definition at line 25 of file BaseExchange.f90.

◆ exg_fc()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::exg_fc

Definition at line 68 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ exg_fp()

procedure baseexchangemodule::baseexchangetype::exg_fp

Definition at line 27 of file BaseExchange.f90.

◆ exg_mc()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::exg_mc

Definition at line 67 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ exg_ot()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::exg_ot

Definition at line 71 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ exg_rp()

procedure baseexchangemodule::baseexchangetype::exg_rp

Definition at line 24 of file BaseExchange.f90.

◆ get_cond()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::get_cond

Definition at line 79 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ get_iasym()

procedure numericalexchangemodule::numericalexchangetype::get_iasym

Definition at line 34 of file NumericalExchange.f90.

◆ get_wetted_perimeter()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::get_wetted_perimeter

Definition at line 80 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ initialize()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::initialize

Definition at line 73 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ noder()

procedure, pass(this) swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::noder

Definition at line 87 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ qcalc()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::qcalc

Definition at line 78 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ source_data()

procedure olfgwfexchangemodule::olfgwfexchangetype::source_data

Definition at line 29 of file exg-olfgwf.f90.

◆ source_dimensions()

procedure olfgwfexchangemodule::olfgwfexchangetype::source_dimensions

Definition at line 28 of file exg-olfgwf.f90.

◆ source_options()

procedure olfgwfexchangemodule::olfgwfexchangetype::source_options

Definition at line 27 of file exg-olfgwf.f90.

◆ swf_gwf_add_to_flowja()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::swf_gwf_add_to_flowja

Definition at line 81 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ swf_gwf_bdsav()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::swf_gwf_bdsav

Definition at line 84 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ swf_gwf_calc_simvals()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::swf_gwf_calc_simvals

Definition at line 76 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ swf_gwf_chd_bd()

procedure, private swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::swf_gwf_chd_bd

Definition at line 82 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

◆ swf_gwf_save_simvals()

procedure swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::swf_gwf_save_simvals

Definition at line 77 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ bedleak

real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::bedleak => null()

Definition at line 50 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

50  real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: bedleak => null() !< bed leakance, size: nexg

◆ cfact

real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::cfact => null()

Definition at line 51 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

51  real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: cfact => null() !< factor used in conductance calculation, size: nexg

◆ filename

character(len=linelength), pointer swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::filename => null()

Definition at line 41 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

41  character(len=LINELENGTH), pointer :: filename => null() !< name of the input file

◆ gwfmodel

class(gwfmodeltype), pointer swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::gwfmodel => null()

Definition at line 38 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

38  class(GwfModelType), pointer :: gwfmodel => null() !< pointer to GWF Model

◆ id

integer(i4b) baseexchangemodule::baseexchangetype::id

Definition at line 18 of file BaseExchange.f90.

18  integer(I4B) :: id

◆ idxglo

integer(i4b), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::idxglo => null()

Definition at line 52 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

52  integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: idxglo => null() !< mapping to global (solution) amat

◆ idxsymglo

integer(i4b), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::idxsymglo => null()

Definition at line 53 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

53  integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: idxsymglo => null() !< mapping to global (solution) symmetric amat

◆ ifixedcond

integer(i4b), pointer swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::ifixedcond => null()

Definition at line 45 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

45  integer(I4B), pointer :: ifixedcond => null() !< conductance is fixed as product of bedleak and cfact

◆ inobs

integer(i4b), pointer swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::inobs => null()

Definition at line 56 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

56  integer(I4B), pointer :: inobs => null() !< unit number for GWF-GWF observations

◆ input_mempath

character(len=lenmempath) baseexchangemodule::baseexchangetype::input_mempath

Definition at line 17 of file BaseExchange.f90.

17  character(len=LENMEMPATH) :: input_mempath

◆ ipr_flow

integer(i4b), pointer swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::ipr_flow => null()

Definition at line 43 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

43  integer(I4B), pointer :: ipr_flow => null() !< print flag for cell by cell flows

◆ ipr_input

integer(i4b), pointer swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::ipr_input => null()

Definition at line 42 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

42  integer(I4B), pointer :: ipr_input => null() !< flag to print input

◆ memorypath

character(len=lenmempath) baseexchangemodule::baseexchangetype::memorypath

Definition at line 16 of file BaseExchange.f90.

16  character(len=LENMEMPATH) :: memoryPath !< the location in the memory manager where the variables are stored

◆ model1

class(numericalmodeltype), pointer swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::model1 => null()

Definition at line 35 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

35  class(NumericalModelType), pointer :: model1 => null() !< model 1

◆ model2

class(numericalmodeltype), pointer swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::model2 => null()

Definition at line 36 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

36  class(NumericalModelType), pointer :: model2 => null() !< model 2

◆ name

character(len=lenexchangename) baseexchangemodule::baseexchangetype::name

Definition at line 15 of file BaseExchange.f90.

15  character(len=LENEXCHANGENAME) :: name !< the name of this exchange

◆ nexg

integer(i4b), pointer swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::nexg => null()

Definition at line 47 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

47  integer(I4B), pointer :: nexg => null() !< number of exchanges

◆ nodegwf

integer(i4b), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::nodegwf => null()

Definition at line 49 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

49  integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: nodegwf => null() !< node numbers in gwf model

◆ nodeswf

integer(i4b), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::nodeswf => null()

Definition at line 48 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

48  integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: nodeswf => null() !< node numbers in swf model

◆ obs

type(obstype), pointer swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::obs => null()

Definition at line 57 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

57  type(ObsType), pointer :: obs => null() !< observation object

◆ outputtab1

type(tabletype), pointer swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::outputtab1 => null()

Definition at line 60 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

60  type(TableType), pointer :: outputtab1 => null()

◆ outputtab2

type(tabletype), pointer swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::outputtab2 => null()

Definition at line 61 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

61  type(TableType), pointer :: outputtab2 => null()

◆ simvals

real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::simvals => null()

Definition at line 54 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

54  real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: simvals => null() !< simulated flow rate for each exchange

◆ swf_ftype

character(len=lenftype), pointer swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::swf_ftype => null()

Definition at line 40 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

40  character(len=LENFTYPE), pointer :: swf_ftype => null() !< type of swf model (CHF or OLF)

◆ swfmodel

class(swfmodeltype), pointer swfgwfexchangemodule::swfgwfexchangetype::swfmodel => null()

Definition at line 37 of file exg-swfgwf.f90.

37  class(SwfModelType), pointer :: swfmodel => null() !< pointer to SWF Model

◆ typename

character(len=7) numericalexchangemodule::numericalexchangetype::typename

Definition at line 17 of file NumericalExchange.f90.

17  character(len=7) :: typename !< name of the type (e.g., 'GWF-GWF')

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: