MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
trackcontrolmodule::trackcontroltype Type Reference

Manages particle track (i.e. pathline) files. More...

Collaboration diagram for trackcontrolmodule::trackcontroltype:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

procedure expand
procedure, public init_track_file
procedure, public set_track_events

Public Attributes

type(trackfiletype), dimension(:), allocatable, public trackfiles
 output files More...
integer(i4b), public ntrackfiles
 number of output files More...
logical(lgp), public trackrelease
 track release events More...
logical(lgp), public trackexit
 track cell-to-cell transitions More...
logical(lgp), public tracktimestep
 track timestep ends More...
logical(lgp), public trackterminate
 track termination events More...
logical(lgp), public trackweaksink
 track weak sink exit events More...
logical(lgp), public trackusertime
 track user-selected times More...

Detailed Description

Optionally filters events ("ireason" codes, selectable in the PRT-OC pkg):

0: RELEASE: particle is released 1: TRANSIT: particle moves from cell to cell 2: TIMESTEP: timestep ends 3: TERMINATE: tracking stops for a particle 4: WEAKSINK: particle exits a weak sink 5: USERTIME: user-specified tracking time

An arbitrary number of files can be managed. Internal arrays are resized as needed.

Definition at line 27 of file TrackControl.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ expand()

procedure trackcontrolmodule::trackcontroltype::expand

Definition at line 38 of file TrackControl.f90.

◆ init_track_file()

procedure, public trackcontrolmodule::trackcontroltype::init_track_file

Definition at line 39 of file TrackControl.f90.

◆ set_track_events()

procedure, public trackcontrolmodule::trackcontroltype::set_track_events

Definition at line 41 of file TrackControl.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ntrackfiles

integer(i4b), public trackcontrolmodule::trackcontroltype::ntrackfiles

Definition at line 30 of file TrackControl.f90.

30  integer(I4B), public :: ntrackfiles !< number of output files

◆ trackexit

logical(lgp), public trackcontrolmodule::trackcontroltype::trackexit

Definition at line 32 of file TrackControl.f90.

32  logical(LGP), public :: trackexit !< track cell-to-cell transitions

◆ trackfiles

type(trackfiletype), dimension(:), allocatable, public trackcontrolmodule::trackcontroltype::trackfiles

Definition at line 29 of file TrackControl.f90.

29  type(TrackFileType), public, allocatable :: trackfiles(:) !< output files

◆ trackrelease

logical(lgp), public trackcontrolmodule::trackcontroltype::trackrelease

Definition at line 31 of file TrackControl.f90.

31  logical(LGP), public :: trackrelease !< track release events

◆ trackterminate

logical(lgp), public trackcontrolmodule::trackcontroltype::trackterminate

Definition at line 34 of file TrackControl.f90.

34  logical(LGP), public :: trackterminate !< track termination events

◆ tracktimestep

logical(lgp), public trackcontrolmodule::trackcontroltype::tracktimestep

Definition at line 33 of file TrackControl.f90.

33  logical(LGP), public :: tracktimestep !< track timestep ends

◆ trackusertime

logical(lgp), public trackcontrolmodule::trackcontroltype::trackusertime

Definition at line 36 of file TrackControl.f90.

36  logical(LGP), public :: trackusertime !< track user-selected times

◆ trackweaksink

logical(lgp), public trackcontrolmodule::trackcontroltype::trackweaksink

Definition at line 35 of file TrackControl.f90.

35  logical(LGP), public :: trackweaksink !< track weak sink exit events

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: