MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
virtualsolutionmodule::virtualsolutiontype Type Reference

This bundles all virtual data for a particular solution. More...

Collaboration diagram for virtualsolutionmodule::virtualsolutiontype:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

integer(i4b) solution_id = -1
type(vdcptrtype), dimension(:), pointer models => null()
 the models as virtual data containers (wrapped) More...
type(vdcptrtype), dimension(:), pointer exchanges => null()
 the exchanges as virtual data containers (wrapped) More...
class(*), pointer numerical_solution => null()
 points back to the actual numerical solution More...
type(interfacemaptype), pointer interface_map => null()
 contains the aggregate interface map for the solution NB: the aggregation is over multiple interface models and there is no unique numbering there. The target indexes should therefore be considered invalid. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file VirtualSolution.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ exchanges

type(vdcptrtype), dimension(:), pointer virtualsolutionmodule::virtualsolutiontype::exchanges => null()

Definition at line 14 of file VirtualSolution.f90.

14  type(VdcPtrType), dimension(:), pointer :: exchanges => null() !< the exchanges as virtual data containers (wrapped)

◆ interface_map

type(interfacemaptype), pointer virtualsolutionmodule::virtualsolutiontype::interface_map => null()

Definition at line 16 of file VirtualSolution.f90.

16  type(InterfaceMapType), pointer :: interface_map => null() !< contains the aggregate interface map for the solution

◆ models

type(vdcptrtype), dimension(:), pointer virtualsolutionmodule::virtualsolutiontype::models => null()

Definition at line 13 of file VirtualSolution.f90.

13  type(VdcPtrType), dimension(:), pointer :: models => null() !< the models as virtual data containers (wrapped)

◆ numerical_solution

class(*), pointer virtualsolutionmodule::virtualsolutiontype::numerical_solution => null()

Definition at line 15 of file VirtualSolution.f90.

15  class(*), pointer :: numerical_solution => null() !< points back to the actual numerical solution

◆ solution_id

integer(i4b) virtualsolutionmodule::virtualsolutiontype::solution_id = -1

Definition at line 12 of file VirtualSolution.f90.

12  integer(I4B) :: solution_id = -1

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