MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev0
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !> @brief This module defines the derived type ObsOutputListType
2 !!
3 !! This module contains a list of ObsOutputType objects and
4 !! methods needed for coordinating between an ObsType object and its
5 !! ObsOutputType objects. Like ObsOutputType, ObsOutputListType is
6 !! needed only for processing continuous observations.
7 !!
8 !<
11  use kindmodule, only: dp, i4b
12  use inputoutputmodule, only: same_word
13  use listmodule, only: listtype
17  implicit none
19  private
20  public :: obsoutputlisttype
23  ! -- Private members
24  type(listtype), private :: obsoutputs
25  contains
26  ! -- Public procedures
27  procedure, public :: add
28  procedure, public :: resetallobsemptylines
29  procedure, public :: containsfile
30  procedure, public :: count
31  procedure, public :: get
32  procedure, public :: writeallobslinereturns
33  procedure, public :: clear
34  procedure, public :: deallocobsoutputlist
35  end type obsoutputlisttype
37 contains
39  !> @ brief Reset empty line logical for all observations
40  !!
41  !! Subroutine to reset the empty line logical for all ObsOutputType
42  !! objects in the list.
43  !!
44  !<
45  subroutine resetallobsemptylines(this)
46  ! -- dummy
47  class(obsoutputlisttype), intent(inout) :: this
48  ! -- local
49  integer(I4B) :: i, num
50  type(obsoutputtype), pointer :: obsOutput => null()
51  !
52  num = this%Count()
53  do i = 1, num
54  obsoutput => this%Get(i)
55  call obsoutput%ResetObsEmptyLine()
56  end do
57  end subroutine resetallobsemptylines
59  !> @ brief Count the number of ObsOutputType objects
60  !!
61  !! Subroutine to return the number of ObsOutputType objects in the list.
62  !!
63  !<
64  function count(this)
65  ! -- return
66  integer(I4B) :: count !< number of ObsOutputType objects
67  ! -- dummy
68  class(obsoutputlisttype), intent(inout) :: this
69  !
70  count = this%ObsOutputs%Count()
71  end function count
73  !> @ brief Determine if a file name is in the list of ObsOutputType objects
74  !!
75  !! Function to determine if a file name is in the list of
76  !! ObsOutptType objects.
77  !!
78  !<
79  logical function containsfile(this, fname)
80  ! -- dummy
81  class(obsoutputlisttype), intent(inout) :: this
82  character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname !< observation output file name
83  ! -- local
84  type(obsoutputtype), pointer :: obsoutput => null()
85  integer(I4B) :: i, n
86  !
87  containsfile = .false.
88  n = this%Count()
89  loop1: do i = 1, n
90  obsoutput => this%Get(i)
91  if (same_word(obsoutput%filename, fname)) then
92  containsfile = .true.
93  exit loop1
94  end if
95  end do loop1
96  end function containsfile
98  !> @ brief Add a ObsOutputType object to the list
99  !!
100  !! Subroutine to add a new ObsOutputType object to the ObsOutputList and
101  !! assign ObsOutputType members.
102  !!
103  !<
104  subroutine add(this, fname, nunit)
105  ! -- dummy
106  class(obsoutputlisttype), intent(inout) :: this
107  character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname !< observation output file name
108  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: nunit !< observation output unit number
109  ! -- local
110  type(obsoutputtype), pointer :: obsOutput => null()
111  !
112  call constructobsoutput(obsoutput, fname, nunit)
113  call addobsoutputtolist(this%ObsOutputs, obsoutput)
114  end subroutine add
116  !> @ brief Write line returns for all ObsOutputListType
117  !!
118  !! Subroutine to write line returns for a time step for all observation
119  !! output files in a ObsOutputListType.
120  !!
121  !<
122  subroutine writeallobslinereturns(this)
123  ! -- dummy
124  class(obsoutputlisttype), intent(inout) :: this
125  ! -- local
126  type(obsoutputtype), pointer :: obsOutput => null()
127  integer(I4B) :: i, num
128  !
129  num = this%Count()
130  do i = 1, num
131  obsoutput => this%Get(i)
132  if (obsoutput%FormattedOutput) then
133  call obsoutput%WriteObsLineReturn()
134  end if
135  end do
136  end subroutine writeallobslinereturns
138  !> @ brief Get an item from a ObsOutputListType
139  !!
140  !! Function to get a ObsOutputType from a ObsOutputListType list.
141  !!
142  !<
143  function get(this, indx) result(obsOutput)
144  ! -- dummy
145  class(obsoutputlisttype), intent(inout) :: this
146  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: indx !< index for ObsOutputType object
147  ! result
148  type(obsoutputtype), pointer :: obsoutput
149  !
150  obsoutput => getobsoutputfromlist(this%ObsOutputs, indx)
151  end function get
153  !> @ brief Clear a ObsOutputListType
154  !!
155  !! Subroutine to clear a ObsOutputListType list.
156  !!
157  !<
158  subroutine clear(this)
159  ! -- dummy
160  class(obsoutputlisttype), intent(inout) :: this
161  !
162  call this%ObsOutputs%Clear()
163  end subroutine clear
165  !> @ brief Deallocate a ObsOutputListType
166  !!
167  !! Subroutine to deallocate a ObsOutputListType list.
168  !!
169  !<
170  subroutine deallocobsoutputlist(this)
171  ! -- dummy
172  class(obsoutputlisttype), intent(inout) :: this
173  ! -- local
174  integer :: i, n
175  type(obsoutputtype), pointer :: obsoutput => null()
176  !
177  n = this%Count()
178  do i = 1, n
179  obsoutput => getobsoutputfromlist(this%ObsOutputs, i)
180  !call obsoutput%DeallocObsOutput()
181  end do
182  !
183  call this%ObsOutputs%Clear(.true.)
184  end subroutine deallocobsoutputlist
186 end module obsoutputlistmodule
logical function, public same_word(word1, word2)
Perform a case-insensitive comparison of two words.
This module defines variable data types.
Definition: kind.f90:8
This module defines the derived type ObsOutputListType.
logical function containsfile(this, fname)
@ brief Determine if a file name is in the list of ObsOutputType objects
subroutine deallocobsoutputlist(this)
@ brief Deallocate a ObsOutputListType
subroutine clear(this)
@ brief Clear a ObsOutputListType
subroutine add(this, fname, nunit)
@ brief Add a ObsOutputType object to the list
integer(i4b) function count(this)
@ brief Count the number of ObsOutputType objects
subroutine resetallobsemptylines(this)
@ brief Reset empty line logical for all observations
type(obsoutputtype) function, pointer get(this, indx)
@ brief Get an item from a ObsOutputListType
subroutine writeallobslinereturns(this)
@ brief Write line returns for all ObsOutputListType
This module defines the derived type ObsOutputType.
Definition: ObsOutput.f90:10
subroutine, public addobsoutputtolist(list, obsOutput)
@ brief Add observation output to a list
Definition: ObsOutput.f90:113
type(obsoutputtype) function, pointer, public getobsoutputfromlist(list, idx)
@ brief Get observation output from a list
Definition: ObsOutput.f90:129
subroutine, public constructobsoutput(newObsOutput, fname, nunit)
@ brief Construct and assign ObsOutputType object
Definition: ObsOutput.f90:97
A generic heterogeneous doubly-linked list.
Definition: List.f90:14