MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
ObsOutputList.f90 File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Types

type  obsoutputlistmodule::obsoutputlisttype


module  obsoutputlistmodule
 This module defines the derived type ObsOutputListType.


subroutine obsoutputlistmodule::resetallobsemptylines (this)
 @ brief Reset empty line logical for all observations More...
integer(i4b) function obsoutputlistmodule::count (this)
 @ brief Count the number of ObsOutputType objects More...
logical function obsoutputlistmodule::containsfile (this, fname)
 @ brief Determine if a file name is in the list of ObsOutputType objects More...
subroutine obsoutputlistmodule::add (this, fname, nunit)
 @ brief Add a ObsOutputType object to the list More...
subroutine obsoutputlistmodule::writeallobslinereturns (this)
 @ brief Write line returns for all ObsOutputListType More...
type(obsoutputtype) function, pointer obsoutputlistmodule::get (this, indx)
 @ brief Get an item from a ObsOutputListType More...
subroutine obsoutputlistmodule::clear (this)
 @ brief Clear a ObsOutputListType More...
subroutine obsoutputlistmodule::deallocobsoutputlist (this)
 @ brief Deallocate a ObsOutputListType More...