27 integer(I4B),
pointer :: m1_idx => null()
28 integer(I4B),
pointer :: m2_idx => null()
29 character(len=LINELENGTH) :: filename
52 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: filename
53 integer(I4B),
intent(in) :: id
54 integer(I4B),
intent(in) :: m1_id
55 integer(I4B),
intent(in) :: m2_id
59 character(len=20) :: cint
63 baseexchange => exchange
68 write (cint,
'(i0)') id
69 exchange%name =
70 exchange%memoryPath = exchange%name
71 exchange%filename = filename
74 call exchange%allocate_scalars()
81 call exchange%set_model_pointers()
111 if (.not.
112 write (
'Problem with GWF-GWT exchange ', trim(this%name), &
113 '. Specified GWF Model does not appear to be of the correct type.'
118 if (.not.
119 write (
'Problem with GWF-GWT exchange ', trim(this%name), &
120 '. Specified GWT Model does not appear to be of the correct type.'
125 gwtmodel%fmi%flows_from_file = .false.
129 gwtmodel%fmi%gwfbndlist => gwfmodel%bndlist
160 if (gwfmodel%idsoln >= gwtmodel%idsoln)
161 write (
'Problem with GWF-GWT exchange ', trim(this%name), &
162 '. The GWF model must be solved by a different IMS than the GWT model. &
163 &Furthermore, the IMS specified for GWF must be listed in mfsim.nam &
164 &before the IMS for GWT.'
169 gwtmodel%fmi%gwfflowja => gwfmodel%flowja
171 'GWFFLOWJA', gwtmodel%fmi%memoryPath, &
172 'FLOWJA', gwfmodel%memoryPath)
177 if (gwtmodel%indsp > 0)
178 gwfmodel%npf%icalcspdis = 1
197 character(len=*),
parameter :: fmtdiserr = &
198 "('GWF and GWT Models do not have the same discretization for exchange&
200 & GWF Model has ', i0, ' user nodes and ', i0, ' reduced nodes.&
201 & GWT Model has ', i0, ' user nodes and ', i0, ' reduced nodes.&
202 & Ensure discretization packages, including IDOMAIN, are identical.')"
203 character(len=*),
parameter :: fmtidomerr = &
204 "('GWF and GWT Models do not have the same discretization for exchange&
206 & GWF Model and GWT Model have different IDOMAIN arrays.&
207 & Ensure discretization packages, including IDOMAIN, are identical.')"
224 if (gwtmodel%dis%nodes /= gwfmodel%dis%nodes .or. &
225 gwtmodel%dis%nodesuser /= gwfmodel%dis%nodesuser)
226 write (
errmsg, fmtdiserr) trim(this%name), &
227 gwfmodel%dis%nodesuser, &
228 gwfmodel%dis%nodes, &
229 gwtmodel%dis%nodesuser, &
235 select type (gwfdis => gwfmodel%dis)
237 select type (gwtdis => gwtmodel%dis)
239 if (.not. all(gwfdis%idomain == gwtdis%idomain))
240 write (
errmsg, fmtidomerr) trim(this%name)
245 select type (gwtdis => gwtmodel%dis)
247 if (.not. all(gwfdis%idomain == gwtdis%idomain))
248 write (
errmsg, fmtidomerr) trim(this%name)
253 select type (gwtdis => gwtmodel%dis)
255 if (.not. all(gwfdis%idomain == gwtdis%idomain))
256 write (
errmsg, fmtidomerr) trim(this%name)
263 gwtmodel%fmi%gwfhead => gwfmodel%x
265 'GWFHEAD', gwtmodel%fmi%memoryPath, &
266 'X', gwfmodel%memoryPath)
267 gwtmodel%fmi%gwfsat => gwfmodel%npf%sat
269 'GWFSAT', gwtmodel%fmi%memoryPath, &
270 'SAT', gwfmodel%npf%memoryPath)
271 gwtmodel%fmi%gwfspdis => gwfmodel%npf%spdis
273 'GWFSPDIS', gwtmodel%fmi%memoryPath, &
274 'SPDIS', gwfmodel%npf%memoryPath)
278 if (gwtmodel%inmst > 0)
279 if (gwfmodel%insto > 0)
280 gwtmodel%fmi%gwfstrgss => gwfmodel%sto%strgss
281 gwtmodel%fmi%igwfstrgss = 1
282 if (gwfmodel%sto%iusesy == 1)
283 gwtmodel%fmi%gwfstrgsy => gwfmodel%sto%strgsy
284 gwtmodel%fmi%igwfstrgsy = 1
290 if (gwfmodel%inbuy > 0)
291 call gwfmodel%buy%set_concentration_pointer(gwtmodel%name, gwtmodel%x, &
296 if (gwfmodel%invsc > 0)
297 call gwfmodel%vsc%set_concentration_pointer(gwtmodel%name, gwtmodel%x, &
302 call this%gwfbnd2gwtfmi()
305 if (gwfmodel%inmvr /= 0)
306 gwtmodel%fmi%mvrbudobj => gwfmodel%mvr%budobj
310 call this%gwfconn2gwtconn(gwfmodel, gwtmodel)
326 class(*),
pointer :: objPtr => null()
331 integer(I4B) :: ic1, ic2, iex
332 integer(I4B) :: gwfConnIdx, gwfExIdx
333 logical(LGP) :: areEqual
339 if (.not.
associated(conn%owner, gwtmodel)) cycle gwtloop
344 gwtexg => gwtconn%gwtExchange
352 if (
associated(conn%owner, gwfmodel))
356 gwfexg => gwfconn%gwfExchange
366 if (gwfexg%v_model1%name /= gwtexg%gwfmodelname1) cycle
367 if (gwfexg%v_model2%name /= gwtexg%gwfmodelname2) cycle
369 areequal = (gwfexg%nexg == gwtexg%nexg)
371 areequal = all(gwfexg%nodem1 == gwtexg%nodem1)
372 areequal = areequal .and. all(gwfexg%nodem2 == gwtexg%nodem2)
376 write (
'Linking exchange ', &
377 trim(gwtexg%name),
' to ', trim(gwfexg%name), &
378 ' (using interface model) for GWT model ', &
381 call this%link_connections(gwtconn, gwfconn)
390 if (gwfconnidx == -1)
394 if (.not.
associated(gwfexg)) cycle gwfloopexg
396 if (
associated(gwfexg%model1, gwfmodel) .or. &
397 associated(gwfexg%model2, gwfmodel))
399 if (gwfexg%v_model1%name /= gwtexg%gwfmodelname1) cycle
400 if (gwfexg%v_model2%name /= gwtexg%gwfmodelname2) cycle
402 areequal = (gwfexg%nexg == gwtexg%nexg)
405 areequal = all(gwfexg%nodem1 == gwtexg%nodem1)
406 areequal = areequal .and. all(gwfexg%nodem2 == gwtexg%nodem2)
410 write (
'Linking exchange ', &
411 trim(gwtexg%name),
' to ', trim(gwfexg%name),
' for GWT model ', &
414 if (gwtconn%owns_exchange)
415 gwtexg%gwfsimvals => gwfexg%simvals
417 'GWFSIMVALS', gwtexg%memoryPath, &
418 'SIMVALS', gwfexg%memoryPath)
422 if (gwfexg%inmvr > 0)
423 if (gwtconn%owns_exchange)
425 call gwtexg%mvt%set_pointer_mvrbudobj(gwfexg%mvr%budobj)
429 if (
associated(gwfexg%model2, gwfmodel)) gwtconn%exgflowSign = -1
430 gwtconn%gwtInterfaceModel%fmi%flows_from_file = .false.
439 if (gwfconnidx == -1 .and. gwfexidx == -1)
441 write (errmsg, *)
'Cannot find GWF-GWF exchange when connecting'// &
442 ' GWT model ', trim(gwtmodel%name),
' with exchange ', &
443 trim(gwtexg%name),
' to GWF model ', trim(gwfmodel%name), &
444 '. Note: GWF-GWF and GWT-GWT need identical exchange data '// &
445 '(both in value and order) for the match to succeed.'
468 if (gwtconn%owns_exchange)
469 gwtconn%gwtExchange%gwfsimvals => gwfconn%gwfExchange%simvals
471 'GWFSIMVALS', gwtconn%gwtExchange%memoryPath, &
472 'SIMVALS', gwfconn%gwfExchange%memoryPath)
476 if (gwfconn%gwfExchange%inmvr > 0)
477 if (gwtconn%owns_exchange)
479 call gwtconn%gwtExchange%mvt%set_pointer_mvrbudobj( &
480 gwfconn%gwfExchange%mvr%budobj)
484 if (
associated(gwfconn%gwfExchange%model2, gwfconn%owner))
485 gwtconn%exgflowSign = -1
489 gwtconn%gwtInterfaceModel%fmi%flows_from_file = .false.
531 integer(I4B) :: ngwfpack, ip, iterm, imover
535 class(
pointer :: packobj => null()
553 ngwfpack = gwfmodel%bndlist%Count()
557 call gwtmodel%fmi%gwfpackages(iterm)%set_pointers( &
559 packobj%memoryPath, packobj%input_mempath)
564 imover = packobj%imover
565 if (packobj%isadvpak /= 0) imover = 0
566 if (imover /= 0)
567 call gwtmodel%fmi%gwfpackages(iterm)%set_pointers( &
569 packobj%memoryPath, packobj%input_mempath)
subroutine, public addbaseexchangetolist(list, exchange)
Add the exchange object (BaseExchangeType) to a list.
class(basemodeltype) function, pointer, public getbasemodelfromlist(list, idx)
This module contains the base boundary package.
class(bndtype) function, pointer, public getbndfromlist(list, idx)
Get boundary from package list.
This module contains simulation constants.
integer(i4b), parameter linelength
maximum length of a standard line
integer(i4b), parameter lenpackagename
maximum length of the package name
class(gwfgwfconnectiontype) function, pointer, public castasgwfgwfconnection(obj)
Cast to GwfGwfConnectionType.
This module contains the GwfGwfExchangeModule Module.
class(gwfexchangetype) function, pointer, public getgwfexchangefromlist(list, idx)
@ brief Get exchange from list
subroutine exg_da(this)
Deallocate memory.
subroutine gwfconn2gwtconn(this, gwfModel, gwtModel)
Link GWT connections to GWF connections or exchanges.
subroutine, public gwfgwt_cr(filename, id, m1_id, m2_id)
Create a new GWF to GWT exchange object.
subroutine link_connections(this, gwtConn, gwfConn)
Links a GWT connection to its GWF counterpart.
subroutine gwfbnd2gwtfmi(this)
Call routines in FMI that will set pointers to the necessary flow data.
subroutine allocate_scalars(this)
Allocate package scalars.
subroutine set_model_pointers(this)
Allocate and read.
class(gwtgwtconnectiontype) function, pointer, public castasgwtgwtconnection(obj)
Cast to GwtGwtConnectionType.
This module contains the GwtGwtExchangeModule Module.
This module defines variable data types.
type(listtype), public basemodellist
type(listtype), public baseexchangelist
type(listtype), public baseconnectionlist
This module contains simulation methods.
subroutine, public store_error(msg, terminate)
Store an error message.
integer(i4b) function, public count_errors()
Return number of errors.
subroutine, public store_error_filename(filename, terminate)
Store the erroring file name.
This module contains simulation variables.
character(len=maxcharlen) errmsg
error message string
integer(i4b), dimension(:), allocatable model_loc_idx
equals the local index into the basemodel list (-1 when not available)
integer(i4b) iout
file unit number for simulation output
class(spatialmodelconnectiontype) function, pointer, public get_smc_from_list(list, idx)
Get the connection from a list.
Highest level model type. All models extend this parent type.
Structured grid discretization.
Unstructured grid discretization.
Vertex grid discretization.
Connecting a GWF model to other models in space, implements NumericalExchangeType so the solution can...
Derived type for GwfExchangeType.
Connects a GWT model to other GWT models in space. Derives from NumericalExchangeType so the solution...
Derived type for GwtExchangeType.
Class to manage spatial connection of a model to one or more models of the same type....