MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Go to the documentation of this file.
3  use kindmodule, only: dp, i4b, lgp
6  use simmodule, only: store_warning
8  implicit none
9  private
11  public :: ptrhashtabletype
13  integer(I4B), parameter, private :: hash_size = 4993
14  integer(I4B), parameter, private :: multiplier = 31
15  integer(I4B), parameter, public :: bucket_size = 1000
17  !> @brief HashTable that stores void pointer items.
18  !!
19  !<
21  private
22  type(keyvaluelisttype) :: buckets(bucket_size) !< the HashTable buckets
23  integer(I4B) :: cnt = 0 !< the number of items in the HashTable
24  contains
25  procedure :: iterator
26  procedure :: add
27  procedure :: get
28  procedure :: contains
29  procedure :: count
30  procedure :: clear
31  end type ptrhashtabletype
33 contains
35  !> @brief An iterator used to iterate through the HashTable
36  !!
37  !<
38  function iterator(this) result(itr)
39  class(ptrhashtabletype), target :: this
40  class(iteratortype), allocatable :: itr
42  itr = ptrhashtableiteratortype(this%buckets)
43  end function
45  !> @brief Add a void pointer to the HashTable
46  !!
47  !<
48  subroutine add(this, key, val)
49  class(ptrhashtabletype), target :: this
50  character(len=*), intent(in) :: key !< key of the item to be added
51  class(*), pointer, intent(in) :: val !< value to be added
52  ! -- local
53  type(keyvaluelisttype), pointer :: bucket !< bucket the key points to
54  integer(I4B) :: hash !< hashed value of the key
56  if (this%contains(key)) then
57  call store_warning( &
58  "Already existing variable being added to the HashTable -"//key)
59  end if
61  hash = compute_hash(key)
63  bucket => this%buckets(hash)
64  call bucket%add(key, val)
65  this%cnt = this%cnt + 1
66  end subroutine add
68  !> @brief Get a void pointer from the HashTable using a key
69  !!
70  !<
71  function get(this, key) result(val)
72  class(ptrhashtabletype), target :: this
73  character(len=*), intent(in) :: key !< key of the item to retrieve
74  class(*), pointer :: val !< item associated with the key
75  ! -- local
76  type(keyvaluelisttype), pointer :: bucket !< bucket the key points to
77  integer(I4B) :: hash !< hashed value of the key
79  hash = compute_hash(key)
81  bucket => this%buckets(hash)
82  val => bucket%get(key)
84  end function
86  !> @brief Boolean indicating if an item exists in the hashtable
87  !!
88  !<
89  function contains(this, key) result(res)
90  class(ptrhashtabletype), target :: this
91  character(len=*), intent(in) :: key !< key of the item to retrieve
92  logical :: res !< item found
94  ! -- local
95  res = associated(this%get(key))
97  end function
99  !> @brief The nummer of items in the HashTable
100  !!
101  !<
102  function count(this) result(val)
103  class(ptrhashtabletype) :: this
104  integer(I4B) :: val
106  val = this%cnt
107  end function
109  !> @brief Clears the HashTable
110  !!
111  !! Loops over all the buckets and clears them.
112  !<
113  subroutine clear(this)
114  class(ptrhashtabletype), target :: this
115  ! -- local
116  type(keyvaluelisttype), pointer :: bucket
117  integer(I4B) :: bucket_index
119  do bucket_index = 1, bucket_size
120  bucket => this%buckets(bucket_index)
121  call bucket%clear()
122  end do
124  this%cnt = 0
125  end subroutine
127  !> @brief Compute the hash of a key
128  !!
129  !! The hash produced will be in the interval 1 - BUCKET_SIZE
130  !<
131  function compute_hash(key) result(hash)
132  character(len=*), intent(in) :: key !< the key
133  integer(I4B) :: hash !< the hash
134  ! -- local
135  integer(I4B) :: i !< character index of the key
137  hash = 0
138  do i = 1, len_trim(key)
139  hash = modulo(multiplier * hash + ichar(key(i:i)), hash_size)
140  end do
141  hash = 1 + modulo(hash, bucket_size)
143  end function compute_hash
145 end module ptrhashtablemodule
This module defines variable data types.
Definition: kind.f90:8
class(*) function, pointer get(this, key)
Get a void pointer from the HashTable using a key.
subroutine clear(this)
Clears the HashTable.
integer(i4b), parameter, private multiplier
integer(i4b), parameter, private hash_size
subroutine add(this, key, val)
Add a void pointer to the HashTable.
integer(i4b) function compute_hash(key)
Compute the hash of a key.
logical function contains(this, key)
Boolean indicating if an item exists in the hashtable.
class(iteratortype) function, allocatable iterator(this)
An iterator used to iterate through the HashTable.
integer(i4b), parameter, public bucket_size
integer(i4b) function count(this)
The nummer of items in the HashTable.
This module contains simulation methods.
Definition: Sim.f90:10
subroutine, public store_warning(msg, substring)
Store warning message.
Definition: Sim.f90:236
A list that stores items as a key-value pair.
An iterator used to iterate through a PtrHashTable.
HashTable that stores void pointer items.