MODFLOW 6  version 6.5.0.dev2
MODFLOW 6 Code Documentation
Go to the documentation of this file.
2  use kindmodule, only: i4b, dp
3  use constantsmodule, only: done
9  use tspfmimodule, only: fmi_cr, tspfmitype
10  use tspadvmodule, only: adv_cr, tspadvtype
12  use gwecndmodule, only: cnd_cr, gwecndtype
14  use gweestmodule, only: est_cr
15  use tspobsmodule, only: tsp_obs_cr
19  implicit none
20  private
22  !> The GWE Interface Model is a utility to calculate the solution's exchange
23  !! coefficients from the interface between a GWE model and its GWE neighbors.
24  !! The interface model itself will not be part of the solution, it is not
25  !! being solved.
26  !<
27  type, public, extends(gwemodeltype) :: gweinterfacemodeltype
29  integer(i4B), pointer :: iadvscheme => null() !< the advection scheme: 0 = up, 1 = central, 2 = tvd
30  integer(i4B), pointer :: ixt3d => null() !< xt3d setting: 0 = off, 1 = lhs, 2 = rhs
31  real(dp), pointer :: ieqnsclfac => null() !< governing eqn scaling factor: 1: GWT, >1: GWE
33  class(gridconnectiontype), pointer :: gridconnection => null() !< The grid connection class will provide the interface grid
34  class(gwemodeltype), private, pointer :: owner => null() !< the real GWE model for which the exchange coefficients
35  !! are calculated with this interface model
37  real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: porosity => null() !< to be filled with EST porosity
39  contains
41  procedure, pass(this) :: gweifmod_cr
42  procedure :: model_df => gweifmod_df
43  procedure :: model_ar => gweifmod_ar
44  procedure :: model_da => gweifmod_da
45  procedure, public :: allocate_fmi
46  procedure :: allocate_scalars
47  end type gweinterfacemodeltype
49 contains
51  !> @brief Create the interface model, analogously to what
52  !< happens in gwe_cr
53  subroutine gweifmod_cr(this, name, iout, gridConn)
54  ! -- modules
56  ! -- dummy
57  class(gweinterfacemodeltype) :: this !< the GWE interface model
58  character(len=*), intent(in) :: name !< the interface model's name
59  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout !< the output unit
60  class(gridconnectiontype), pointer, intent(in) :: gridConn !< the grid connection data for creating a DISU
61  ! -- local
62  class(*), pointer :: modelPtr
63  integer(I4B), target :: inobs
64  integer(I4B) :: adv_unit, cnd_unit
65  !
66  this%memoryPath = create_mem_path(name)
67  call this%allocate_scalars(name)
68  !
69  ! -- Instantiate shared data container
70  call gweshared_dat_cr(this%gwecommon)
71  !
72  ! -- Defaults
73  this%iAdvScheme = 0
74  this%ixt3d = 0
75  this%ieqnsclfac = done
76  !
77  this%iout = iout
78  this%gridConnection => gridconn
79  modelptr => gridconn%model
80  this%owner => castasgwemodel(modelptr)
81  !
82  inobs = 0
83  adv_unit = 0
84  cnd_unit = 0
85  if (this%owner%inadv > 0) then
86  this%inadv = huge(1_i4b)
87  adv_unit = huge(1_i4b)
88  end if
89  if (this%owner%incnd > 0) then
90  this%incnd = huge(1_i4b)
91  cnd_unit = huge(1_i4b)
92  end if
93  !
94  ! -- Create dis and packages
95  call disu_cr(this%dis, this%name, '', -1, this%iout)
96  call fmi_cr(this%fmi, this%name, 0, this%iout, this%ieqnsclfac, &
97  this%depvartype)
98  call adv_cr(this%adv, this%name, adv_unit, this%iout, this%fmi, &
99  this%ieqnsclfac)
100  call cnd_cr(this%cnd, this%name, '', -cnd_unit, this%iout, this%fmi, &
101  this%ieqnsclfac, this%gwecommon)
102  call tsp_obs_cr(this%obs, inobs)
103  !
104  ! -- Return
105  return
106  end subroutine gweifmod_cr
108  !> @brief Allocate scalars associated with the interface model object
109  !<
110  subroutine allocate_scalars(this, modelname)
111  ! -- dummy
112  class(gweinterfacemodeltype) :: this !< the GWE interface model
113  character(len=*), intent(in) :: modelname !< the model name
114  !
115  call this%GweModelType%allocate_scalars(modelname)
116  !
117  call mem_allocate(this%iAdvScheme, 'ADVSCHEME', this%memoryPath)
118  call mem_allocate(this%ixt3d, 'IXT3D', this%memoryPath)
119  call mem_allocate(this%ieqnsclfac, 'IEQNSCLFAC', this%memoryPath)
120  !
121  ! -- Return
122  return
123  end subroutine allocate_scalars
125  !> @brief Allocate a Flow Model Interface (FMI) object for the interface model
126  !<
127  subroutine allocate_fmi(this)
128  ! -- dummy
129  class(gweinterfacemodeltype) :: this !< the GWT interface model
130  !
131  call mem_allocate(this%fmi%gwfflowja, this%nja, 'GWFFLOWJA', &
132  this%fmi%memoryPath)
133  call mem_allocate(this%fmi%gwfhead, this%neq, 'GWFHEAD', &
134  this%fmi%memoryPath)
135  call mem_allocate(this%fmi%gwfsat, this%neq, 'GWFSAT', &
136  this%fmi%memoryPath)
137  call mem_allocate(this%fmi%gwfspdis, 3, this%neq, 'GWFSPDIS', &
138  this%fmi%memoryPath)
139  !
140  ! -- Return
141  return
142  end subroutine allocate_fmi
144  !> @brief Define the GWE interface model
145  !<
146  subroutine gweifmod_df(this)
147  ! -- dummy
148  class(gweinterfacemodeltype) :: this !< the GWE interface model
149  ! -- local
150  class(*), pointer :: disPtr
151  type(tspadvoptionstype) :: adv_options
152  type(gwecndoptionstype) :: cnd_options
153  !
154  this%moffset = 0
155  adv_options%iAdvScheme = this%iAdvScheme
156  cnd_options%ixt3d = this%ixt3d
157  !
158  ! -- Define DISU
159  disptr => this%dis
160  call this%gridConnection%getDiscretization(castasdisutype(disptr))
161  call this%fmi%fmi_df(this%dis, 0)
162  !
163  if (this%inadv > 0) then
164  call this%adv%adv_df(adv_options)
165  end if
166  !
167  if (this%incnd > 0) then
168  this%cnd%idisp = this%owner%cnd%idisp
169  call this%cnd%cnd_df(this%dis, cnd_options)
170  !
171  if (this%cnd%idisp > 0) then
172  call mem_reallocate(this%cnd%alh, this%dis%nodes, 'ALH', &
173  trim(this%cnd%memoryPath))
174  call mem_reallocate(this%cnd%alv, this%dis%nodes, 'ALV', &
175  trim(this%cnd%memoryPath))
176  call mem_reallocate(this%cnd%ath1, this%dis%nodes, 'ATH1', &
177  trim(this%cnd%memoryPath))
178  call mem_reallocate(this%cnd%ath2, this%dis%nodes, 'ATH2', &
179  trim(this%cnd%memoryPath))
180  call mem_reallocate(this%cnd%atv, this%dis%nodes, 'ATV', &
181  trim(this%cnd%memoryPath))
182  call mem_reallocate(this%cnd%ktw, this%dis%nodes, 'KTW', &
183  trim(this%cnd%memoryPath))
184  call mem_reallocate(this%cnd%kts, this%dis%nodes, 'KTS', &
185  trim(this%cnd%memoryPath))
186  end if
187  allocate (this%est)
188  call mem_allocate(this%est%porosity, this%dis%nodes, &
189  'POROSITY', create_mem_path(this%name, 'EST'))
190  end if
191  !
192  ! -- Assign or point model members to dis members
193  this%neq = this%dis%nodes
194  this%nja = this%dis%nja
195  this%ia => this%dis%con%ia
196  this%ja => this%dis%con%ja
197  !
198  ! -- Define shared data (cpw, rhow, latent heat of vaporization)
199  call this%gwecommon%gweshared_dat_df(this%neq)
200  !
201  ! -- Allocate model arrays, now that neq and nja are assigned
202  call this%allocate_arrays()
203  !
204  ! -- Return
205  return
206  end subroutine gweifmod_df
208  !> @brief Override allocate and read the GWE interface model and its packages
209  !! so that we can create stuff from memory instead of input files
210  !<
211  subroutine gweifmod_ar(this)
212  ! -- dummy
213  class(gweinterfacemodeltype) :: this !< the GWE interface model
214  !
215  call this%fmi%fmi_ar(this%ibound)
216  if (this%inadv > 0) then
217  call this%adv%adv_ar(this%dis, this%ibound)
218  end if
219  if (this%incnd > 0) then
220  call this%cnd%cnd_ar(this%ibound, this%est%porosity)
221  end if
222  !
223  ! -- Return
224  return
225  end subroutine gweifmod_ar
227  !> @brief Clean up resources
228  !<
229  subroutine gweifmod_da(this)
230  ! -- dummy
231  class(gweinterfacemodeltype) :: this !< the GWE interface model
232  !
233  ! -- members specified in the interface model input for use by the
234  ! interface model
235  call mem_deallocate(this%iAdvScheme)
236  call mem_deallocate(this%ixt3d)
237  call mem_deallocate(this%ieqnsclfac)
238  !
239  ! -- gwe packages
240  call this%dis%dis_da()
241  call this%fmi%fmi_da()
242  call this%adv%adv_da()
243  call this%cnd%cnd_da()
244  !
245  deallocate (this%dis)
246  deallocate (this%fmi)
247  deallocate (this%adv)
248  deallocate (this%cnd)
249  !
250  if (associated(this%est)) then
251  call mem_deallocate(this%est%porosity)
252  deallocate (this%est)
253  end if
254  !
255  ! -- gwe scalars
256  call mem_deallocate(this%inic)
257  call mem_deallocate(this%infmi)
258  call mem_deallocate(this%inadv)
259  call mem_deallocate(this%incnd)
260  call mem_deallocate(this%inssm)
261  call mem_deallocate(this%inest)
262  call mem_deallocate(this%inmvt)
263  call mem_deallocate(this%inoc)
264  call mem_deallocate(this%inobs)
265  call mem_deallocate(this%eqnsclfac)
266  !
267  ! -- base
268  call this%NumericalModelType%model_da()
269  !
270  ! -- Return
271  return
272  end subroutine gweifmod_da
274 end module gweinterfacemodelmodule
This module contains simulation constants.
Definition: Constants.f90:9
real(dp), parameter done
real constant 1
Definition: Constants.f90:75
subroutine, public disu_cr(dis, name_model, input_mempath, inunit, iout)
Create a new unstructured discretization object.
Definition: Disu.f90:127
class(disutype) function, pointer, public castasdisutype(dis)
Cast base to DISU.
Definition: Disu.f90:1592
Refactoring issues towards parallel:
subroutine, public cnd_cr(cndobj, name_model, input_mempath, inunit, iout, fmi, eqnsclfac, gwecommon)
Create a new CND object.
Definition: gwe-cnd.f90:86
– @ brief Energy Storage and Transfer (EST) Module
Definition: gwe-est.f90:13
subroutine, public est_cr(estobj, name_model, inunit, iout, fmi, eqnsclfac, gwecommon)
@ brief Create a new EST package object
Definition: gwe-est.f90:89
subroutine, public gweshared_dat_cr(gwe_dat)
Allocate the shared data.
subroutine gweifmod_df(this)
Define the GWE interface model.
subroutine gweifmod_ar(this)
Override allocate and read the GWE interface model and its packages so that we can create stuff from ...
subroutine allocate_fmi(this)
Allocate a Flow Model Interface (FMI) object for the interface model.
subroutine gweifmod_cr(this, name, iout, gridConn)
Create the interface model, analogously to what.
subroutine gweifmod_da(this)
Clean up resources.
subroutine allocate_scalars(this, modelname)
Allocate scalars associated with the interface model object.
Definition: gwe.f90:3
class(gwemodeltype) function, pointer, public castasgwemodel(model)
Cast to GweModelType.
Definition: gwe.f90:836
This module defines variable data types.
Definition: kind.f90:8
character(len=lenmempath) function create_mem_path(component, subcomponent, context)
returns the path to the memory object
subroutine, public adv_cr(advobj, name_model, inunit, iout, fmi, eqnsclfac)
@ brief Create a new ADV object
Definition: tsp-adv.f90:47
subroutine, public fmi_cr(fmiobj, name_model, inunit, iout, eqnsclfac, depvartype)
Create a new FMI object.
Definition: tsp-fmi.f90:75
subroutine, public tsp_obs_cr(obs, inobs)
Create a new TspObsType object.
Definition: tsp-obs.f90:42
This class is used to construct the connections object for the interface model's spatial discretizati...
data structure (and helpers) for passing cnd option data
Data for sharing among multiple packages. Originally read in from.
The GWE Interface Model is a utility to calculate the solution's exchange coefficients from the inter...