MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev0
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 ! Groundwater Energy Transport (GWE) Model
3 module gwemodule
5  use kindmodule, only: dp, i4b
12  use gwecndmodule, only: gwecndtype
13  use gweestmodule, only: gweesttype
14  use budgetmodule, only: budgettype
19  implicit none
21  private
22  public :: gwe_cr
23  public :: gwemodeltype
24  public :: castasgwemodel
26  public :: gwe_nbasepkg, gwe_nmultipkg
27  public :: gwe_basepkg, gwe_multipkg
28  character(len=LENVARNAME), parameter :: dvt = 'TEMPERATURE ' !< dependent variable type, varies based on model type
29  character(len=LENVARNAME), parameter :: dvu = 'ENERGY ' !< dependent variable unit of measure, either "mass" or "energy"
30  character(len=LENVARNAME), parameter :: dvua = 'E ' !< abbreviation of the dependent variable unit of measure, either "M" or "E"
32  type, extends(transportmodeltype) :: gwemodeltype
34  type(gweinputdatatype), pointer :: gwecommon => null() !< container for data shared with multiple packages
35  type(gweesttype), pointer :: est => null() !< mass storage and transfer package
36  type(gwecndtype), pointer :: cnd => null() !< dispersion package
37  integer(I4B), pointer :: inest => null() ! unit number EST
38  integer(I4B), pointer :: incnd => null() ! unit number CND
40  contains
42  procedure :: model_df => gwe_df
43  procedure :: model_ac => gwe_ac
44  procedure :: model_mc => gwe_mc
45  procedure :: model_ar => gwe_ar
46  procedure :: model_rp => gwe_rp
47  procedure :: model_ad => gwe_ad
48  procedure :: model_cf => gwe_cf
49  procedure :: model_fc => gwe_fc
50  procedure :: model_cc => gwe_cc
51  procedure :: model_cq => gwe_cq
52  procedure :: model_bd => gwe_bd
53  procedure :: tsp_ot_flow => gwe_ot_flow
54  procedure :: model_da => gwe_da
55  procedure :: model_bdentry => gwe_bdentry
56  procedure :: allocate_scalars
57  procedure :: get_iasym => gwe_get_iasym
58  procedure :: create_packages => create_gwe_packages
59  procedure, private :: create_bndpkgs
60  procedure, private :: package_create
62  end type gwemodeltype
64  !> @brief GWE base package array descriptors
65  !!
66  !! GWE6 model base package types. Only listed packages are candidates
67  !! for input and these will be loaded in the order specified.
68  !<
69  integer(I4B), parameter :: gwe_nbasepkg = 50
70  character(len=LENPACKAGETYPE), dimension(GWE_NBASEPKG) :: gwe_basepkg
71  data gwe_basepkg/'DIS6 ', 'DISV6', 'DISU6', ' ', ' ', & ! 5
72  &'IC6 ', 'FMI6 ', 'EST6 ', 'ADV6 ', ' ', & ! 10
73  &'CND6 ', 'SSM6 ', 'MVE6 ', 'OC6 ', ' ', & ! 15
74  &'OBS6 ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', & ! 20
75  &30*' '/ ! 50
77  !> @brief GWE multi package array descriptors
78  !!
79  !! GWE6 model multi-instance package types. Only listed packages are
80  !! candidates for input and these will be loaded in the order specified.
81  !<
82  integer(I4B), parameter :: gwe_nmultipkg = 50
83  character(len=LENPACKAGETYPE), dimension(GWE_NMULTIPKG) :: gwe_multipkg
84  data gwe_multipkg/'CTP6 ', 'ESL6 ', 'LKE6 ', 'SFE6 ', ' ', & ! 5
85  &'MWE6 ', 'UZE6 ', 'API6 ', ' ', ' ', & ! 10
86  &40*' '/ ! 50
88  ! -- Size of supported model package arrays
89  integer(I4B), parameter :: niunit_gwe = gwe_nbasepkg + gwe_nmultipkg
91 contains
93  !> @brief Create a new groundwater energy transport model object
94  !<
95  subroutine gwe_cr(filename, id, modelname)
96  ! -- modules
97  use listsmodule, only: basemodellist
103  use budgetmodule, only: budget_cr
105  ! -- dummy
106  character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename !< input file
107  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: id !< consecutive model number listed in mfsim.nam
108  character(len=*), intent(in) :: modelname !< name of the model
109  ! -- local
110  integer(I4B) :: indis
111  type(gwemodeltype), pointer :: this
112  class(basemodeltype), pointer :: model
113  !
114  ! -- Allocate a new GWE Model (this) and add it to basemodellist
115  allocate (this)
116  !
117  ! -- Set memory path before allocation in memory manager can be done
118  this%memoryPath = create_mem_path(modelname)
119  !
120  ! -- Allocate scalars and add model to basemodellist
121  call this%allocate_scalars(modelname)
122  !
123  ! -- Set labels for transport model - needed by create_packages() below
124  call this%set_tsp_labels(this%macronym, dvt, dvu, dvua)
125  !
126  model => this
127  call addbasemodeltolist(basemodellist, model)
128  !
129  ! -- Instantiate shared data container
130  call gweshared_dat_cr(this%gwecommon)
131  !
132  ! -- Call parent class routine
133  call this%tsp_cr(filename, id, modelname, 'GWE', indis)
134  !
135  ! -- Create model packages
136  call this%create_packages(indis)
137  end subroutine gwe_cr
139  !> @brief Define packages of the GWE model
140  !!
141  !! This subroutine defines a gwe model type. Steps include:
142  !! - call df routines for each package
143  !! - set variables and pointers
144  !<
145  subroutine gwe_df(this)
146  ! -- modules
147  use simmodule, only: store_error
148  ! -- dummy
149  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
150  ! -- local
151  integer(I4B) :: ip
152  class(bndtype), pointer :: packobj
153  !
154  ! -- Define packages and utility objects
155  call this%dis%dis_df()
156  call this%fmi%fmi_df(this%dis, 0)
157  if (this%inmvt > 0) call this%mvt%mvt_df(this%dis)
158  if (this%inadv > 0) call this%adv%adv_df()
159  if (this%incnd > 0) call this%cnd%cnd_df(this%dis)
160  if (this%inssm > 0) call this%ssm%ssm_df()
161  call this%oc%oc_df()
162  call this%budget%budget_df(niunit_gwe, this%depvarunit, &
163  this%depvarunitabbrev)
164  !
165  ! -- Check for SSM package
166  if (this%inssm == 0) then
167  if (this%fmi%nflowpack > 0) then
168  call store_error('Flow model has boundary packages, but there &
169  &is no SSM package. The SSM package must be activated.', &
170  terminate=.true.)
171  end if
172  end if
173  !
174  ! -- Assign or point model members to dis members
175  this%neq = this%dis%nodes
176  this%nja = this%dis%nja
177  this%ia => this%dis%con%ia
178  this%ja => this%dis%con%ja
179  !
180  ! -- Allocate model arrays, now that neq and nja are assigned
181  call this%allocate_arrays()
182  !
183  ! -- Define packages and assign iout for time series managers
184  do ip = 1, this%bndlist%Count()
185  packobj => getbndfromlist(this%bndlist, ip)
186  call packobj%bnd_df(this%neq, this%dis)
187  packobj%TsManager%iout = this%iout
188  packobj%TasManager%iout = this%iout
189  end do
190  !
191  ! -- Store information needed for observations
192  call this%obs%obs_df(this%iout, this%name, 'GWE', this%dis)
193  end subroutine gwe_df
195  !> @brief Add the internal connections of this model to the sparse matrix
196  !<
197  subroutine gwe_ac(this, sparse)
198  ! -- modules
199  use sparsemodule, only: sparsematrix
200  ! -- dummy
201  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
202  type(sparsematrix), intent(inout) :: sparse
203  ! -- local
204  class(bndtype), pointer :: packobj
205  integer(I4B) :: ip
206  !
207  ! -- Add the internal connections of this model to sparse
208  call this%dis%dis_ac(this%moffset, sparse)
209  if (this%incnd > 0) &
210  call this%cnd%cnd_ac(this%moffset, sparse)
211  !
212  ! -- Add any package connections
213  do ip = 1, this%bndlist%Count()
214  packobj => getbndfromlist(this%bndlist, ip)
215  call packobj%bnd_ac(this%moffset, sparse)
216  end do
217  end subroutine gwe_ac
219  !> @brief Map the positions of the GWE model connections in the numerical
220  !! solution coefficient matrix.
221  !<
222  subroutine gwe_mc(this, matrix_sln)
223  ! -- dummy
224  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
225  class(matrixbasetype), pointer :: matrix_sln !< global system matrix
226  ! -- local
227  class(bndtype), pointer :: packobj
228  integer(I4B) :: ip
229  !
230  ! -- Find the position of each connection in the global ia, ja structure
231  ! and store them in idxglo.
232  call this%dis%dis_mc(this%moffset, this%idxglo, matrix_sln)
233  !
234  if (this%incnd > 0) call this%cnd%cnd_mc(this%moffset, matrix_sln)
235  !
236  ! -- Map any package connections
237  do ip = 1, this%bndlist%Count()
238  packobj => getbndfromlist(this%bndlist, ip)
239  call packobj%bnd_mc(this%moffset, matrix_sln)
240  end do
241  end subroutine gwe_mc
243  !> @brief GWE Model Allocate and Read
244  !!
245  !! This subroutine:
246  !! - allocates and reads packages that are part of this model,
247  !! - allocates memory for arrays used by this model object
248  !<
249  subroutine gwe_ar(this)
250  ! -- modules
251  use constantsmodule, only: dhnoflo
252  ! -- dummy
253  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
254  ! -- locals
255  integer(I4B) :: ip
256  class(bndtype), pointer :: packobj
257  !
258  ! -- Allocate and read modules attached to model
259  call this%fmi%fmi_ar(this%ibound)
260  if (this%inmvt > 0) call this%mvt%mvt_ar()
261  if (this%inic > 0) call this%ic%ic_ar(this%x)
262  if (this%inest > 0) call this%est%est_ar(this%dis, this%ibound)
263  if (this%inadv > 0) call this%adv%adv_ar(this%dis, this%ibound)
264  if (this%incnd > 0) call this%cnd%cnd_ar(this%ibound, this%est%porosity)
265  if (this%inssm > 0) call this%ssm%ssm_ar(this%dis, this%ibound, this%x)
266  if (this%inobs > 0) call this%obs%tsp_obs_ar(this%ic, this%x, this%flowja)
267  !
268  ! -- Set governing equation scale factor
269  this%eqnsclfac = this%gwecommon%gwerhow * this%gwecommon%gwecpw
270  !
271  ! -- Call dis_ar to write binary grid file
272  !call this%dis%dis_ar(this%npf%icelltype)
273  !
274  ! -- Set up output control
275  call this%oc%oc_ar(this%x, this%dis, dhnoflo, this%depvartype)
276  call this%budget%set_ibudcsv(this%oc%ibudcsv)
277  !
278  ! -- Package input files now open, so allocate and read
279  do ip = 1, this%bndlist%Count()
280  packobj => getbndfromlist(this%bndlist, ip)
281  call packobj%set_pointers(this%dis%nodes, this%ibound, this%x, &
282  this%xold, this%flowja)
283  ! -- Read and allocate package
284  call packobj%bnd_ar()
285  end do
286  end subroutine gwe_ar
288  !> @brief GWE Model Read and Prepare
289  !!
290  !! This subroutine calls the attached packages' read and prepare routines
291  !<
292  subroutine gwe_rp(this)
293  ! -- modules
294  use tdismodule, only: readnewdata
295  ! -- dummy
296  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
297  ! -- local
298  class(bndtype), pointer :: packobj
299  integer(I4B) :: ip
300  !
301  ! -- In fmi, check for mvt and mvrbudobj consistency
302  call this%fmi%fmi_rp(this%inmvt)
303  if (this%inmvt > 0) call this%mvt%mvt_rp()
304  !
305  ! -- Check with TDIS on whether or not it is time to RP
306  if (.not. readnewdata) return
307  !
308  ! -- Read and prepare
309  if (this%inoc > 0) call this%oc%oc_rp()
310  if (this%inssm > 0) call this%ssm%ssm_rp()
311  do ip = 1, this%bndlist%Count()
312  packobj => getbndfromlist(this%bndlist, ip)
313  call packobj%bnd_rp()
314  call packobj%bnd_rp_obs()
315  end do
316  end subroutine gwe_rp
318  !> @brief GWE Model Time Step Advance
319  !!
320  !! This subroutine calls the attached packages' advance subroutines
321  !<
322  subroutine gwe_ad(this)
323  ! -- modules
325  ! -- dummy
326  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
327  class(bndtype), pointer :: packobj
328  ! -- local
329  integer(I4B) :: irestore
330  integer(I4B) :: ip, n
331  !
332  ! -- Reset state variable
333  irestore = 0
334  if (ifailedstepretry > 0) irestore = 1
335  if (irestore == 0) then
336  !
337  ! -- Copy x into xold
338  do n = 1, this%dis%nodes
339  if (this%ibound(n) == 0) then
340  this%xold(n) = dzero
341  else
342  this%xold(n) = this%x(n)
343  end if
344  end do
345  else
346  !
347  ! -- Copy xold into x if this time step is a redo
348  do n = 1, this%dis%nodes
349  this%x(n) = this%xold(n)
350  end do
351  end if
352  !
353  ! -- Advance fmi
354  call this%fmi%fmi_ad(this%x)
355  !
356  ! -- Advance
357  if (this%incnd > 0) call this%cnd%cnd_ad()
358  if (this%inssm > 0) call this%ssm%ssm_ad()
359  do ip = 1, this%bndlist%Count()
360  packobj => getbndfromlist(this%bndlist, ip)
361  call packobj%bnd_ad()
362  if (isimcheck > 0) then
363  call packobj%bnd_ck()
364  end if
365  end do
366  !
367  ! -- Push simulated values to preceding time/subtime step
368  call this%obs%obs_ad()
369  end subroutine gwe_ad
371  !> @brief GWE Model calculate coefficients
372  !!
373  !! This subroutine calls the attached packages' calculate coefficients
374  !! subroutines
375  !<
376  subroutine gwe_cf(this, kiter)
377  ! -- dummy
378  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
379  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: kiter
380  ! -- local
381  class(bndtype), pointer :: packobj
382  integer(I4B) :: ip
383  !
384  ! -- Call package cf routines
385  do ip = 1, this%bndlist%Count()
386  packobj => getbndfromlist(this%bndlist, ip)
387  call packobj%bnd_cf()
388  end do
389  end subroutine gwe_cf
391  !> @brief GWE Model fill coefficients
392  !!
393  !! This subroutine calls the attached packages' fill coefficients
394  !! subroutines
395  !<
396  subroutine gwe_fc(this, kiter, matrix_sln, inwtflag)
397  ! -- dummy
398  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
399  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: kiter
400  class(matrixbasetype), pointer :: matrix_sln
401  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: inwtflag
402  ! -- local
403  class(bndtype), pointer :: packobj
404  integer(I4B) :: ip
405  !
406  ! -- Call fc routines
407  call this%fmi%fmi_fc(this%dis%nodes, this%xold, this%nja, matrix_sln, &
408  this%idxglo, this%rhs)
409  if (this%inmvt > 0) then
410  call this%mvt%mvt_fc(this%x, this%x)
411  end if
412  if (this%inest > 0) then
413  call this%est%est_fc(this%dis%nodes, this%xold, this%nja, matrix_sln, &
414  this%idxglo, this%x, this%rhs, kiter)
415  end if
416  if (this%inadv > 0) then
417  call this%adv%adv_fc(this%dis%nodes, matrix_sln, this%idxglo, this%x, &
418  this%rhs)
419  end if
420  if (this%incnd > 0) then
421  call this%cnd%cnd_fc(kiter, this%dis%nodes, this%nja, matrix_sln, &
422  this%idxglo, this%rhs, this%x)
423  end if
424  if (this%inssm > 0) then
425  call this%ssm%ssm_fc(matrix_sln, this%idxglo, this%rhs)
426  end if
427  !
428  ! -- Packages
429  do ip = 1, this%bndlist%Count()
430  packobj => getbndfromlist(this%bndlist, ip)
431  call packobj%bnd_fc(this%rhs, this%ia, this%idxglo, matrix_sln)
432  end do
433  end subroutine gwe_fc
435  !> @brief GWE Model Final Convergence Check
436  !!
437  !! If MVR/MVT is active, this subroutine calls the MVR convergence check
438  !! subroutines.
439  !<
440  subroutine gwe_cc(this, innertot, kiter, iend, icnvgmod, cpak, ipak, dpak)
441  ! -- dummy
442  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
443  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: innertot
444  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: kiter
445  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iend
446  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: icnvgmod
447  character(len=LENPAKLOC), intent(inout) :: cpak
448  integer(I4B), intent(inout) :: ipak
449  real(DP), intent(inout) :: dpak
450  !
451  ! -- If mover is on, then at least 2 outers required
452  if (this%inmvt > 0) call this%mvt%mvt_cc(kiter, iend, icnvgmod, cpak, dpak)
453  end subroutine gwe_cc
455  !> @brief GWE Model calculate flow
456  !!
457  !! This subroutine calls the attached packages' intercell flows (flow ja)
458  !<
459  subroutine gwe_cq(this, icnvg, isuppress_output)
460  ! -- modules
461  use sparsemodule, only: csr_diagsum
462  ! -- dummy
463  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
464  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: icnvg
465  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: isuppress_output
466  ! -- local
467  integer(I4B) :: i
468  integer(I4B) :: ip
469  class(bndtype), pointer :: packobj
470  !
471  ! -- Construct the flowja array. Flowja is calculated each time, even if
472  ! output is suppressed. (flowja is positive into a cell.) The diagonal
473  ! position of the flowja array will contain the flow residual after
474  ! these routines are called, so each package is responsible for adding
475  ! its flow to this diagonal position.
476  do i = 1, this%nja
477  this%flowja(i) = dzero
478  end do
479  if (this%inadv > 0) call this%adv%adv_cq(this%x, this%flowja)
480  if (this%incnd > 0) call this%cnd%cnd_cq(this%x, this%flowja)
481  if (this%inest > 0) call this%est%est_cq(this%dis%nodes, this%x, this%xold, &
482  this%flowja)
483  if (this%inssm > 0) call this%ssm%ssm_cq(this%flowja)
484  if (this%infmi > 0) call this%fmi%fmi_cq(this%x, this%flowja)
485  !
486  ! -- Go through packages and call cq routines. cf() routines are called
487  ! first to regenerate non-linear terms to be consistent with the final
488  ! conc solution.
489  do ip = 1, this%bndlist%Count()
490  packobj => getbndfromlist(this%bndlist, ip)
491  call packobj%bnd_cf()
492  call packobj%bnd_cq(this%x, this%flowja)
493  end do
494  !
495  ! -- Finalize calculation of flowja by adding face flows to the diagonal.
496  ! This results in the flow residual being stored in the diagonal
497  ! position for each cell.
498  call csr_diagsum(this%dis%con%ia, this%flowja)
499  end subroutine gwe_cq
501  !> @brief GWE Model Budget
502  !!
503  !! This subroutine:
504  !! - calculates intercell flows (flowja)
505  !! - calculates package contributions to the model budget
506  !<
507  subroutine gwe_bd(this, icnvg, isuppress_output)
508  use constantsmodule, only: dzero
509  ! -- dummy
510  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
511  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: icnvg
512  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: isuppress_output
513  ! -- local
514  integer(I4B) :: ip
515  class(bndtype), pointer :: packobj
516  !
517  ! -- Save the solution convergence flag
518  this%icnvg = icnvg
519  !
520  ! -- Budget routines (start by resetting). Sole purpose of this section
521  ! is to add in and outs to model budget. All ins and out for a model
522  ! should be added here to this%budget. In a subsequent exchange call,
523  ! exchange flows might also be added.
524  call this%budget%reset()
525  if (this%inest > 0) call this%est%est_bd(isuppress_output, this%budget)
526  if (this%inssm > 0) call this%ssm%ssm_bd(isuppress_output, this%budget)
527  if (this%infmi > 0) call this%fmi%fmi_bd(isuppress_output, this%budget)
528  if (this%inmvt > 0) call this%mvt%mvt_bd(this%x, this%x)
529  do ip = 1, this%bndlist%Count()
530  packobj => getbndfromlist(this%bndlist, ip)
531  call packobj%bnd_bd(this%budget)
532  end do
533  end subroutine gwe_bd
535  !> @brief GWE model output routine
536  !!
537  !! Save and print flows
538  !<
539  subroutine gwe_ot_flow(this, icbcfl, ibudfl, icbcun)
540  ! dummy
541  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
542  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: icbcfl
543  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ibudfl
544  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: icbcun
545  ! local
547  if (this%inest > 0) call this%est%est_ot_flow(icbcfl, icbcun)
548  call this%TransportModelType%tsp_ot_flow(icbcfl, ibudfl, icbcun)
550  end subroutine gwe_ot_flow
552  !> @brief Deallocate
553  !!
554  !! Deallocate memory at conclusion of model run
555  !<
556  subroutine gwe_da(this)
557  ! -- modules
561  ! -- dummy
562  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
563  ! -- local
564  integer(I4B) :: ip
565  class(bndtype), pointer :: packobj
566  !
567  ! -- Deallocate idm memory
568  call memorystore_remove(this%name, 'NAM', idm_context)
569  call memorystore_remove(component=this%name, context=idm_context)
570  !
571  ! -- Internal flow packages deallocate
572  call this%dis%dis_da()
573  call this%ic%ic_da()
574  call this%fmi%fmi_da()
575  call this%adv%adv_da()
576  call this%cnd%cnd_da()
577  call this%ssm%ssm_da()
578  call this%est%est_da()
579  call this%mvt%mvt_da()
580  call this%budget%budget_da()
581  call this%oc%oc_da()
582  call this%obs%obs_da()
583  call this%gwecommon%gweshared_dat_da()
584  !
585  ! -- Internal package objects
586  deallocate (this%dis)
587  deallocate (this%ic)
588  deallocate (this%fmi)
589  deallocate (this%adv)
590  deallocate (this%cnd)
591  deallocate (this%ssm)
592  deallocate (this%est)
593  deallocate (this%mvt)
594  deallocate (this%budget)
595  deallocate (this%oc)
596  deallocate (this%obs)
597  nullify (this%gwecommon)
598  !
599  ! -- Boundary packages
600  do ip = 1, this%bndlist%Count()
601  packobj => getbndfromlist(this%bndlist, ip)
602  call packobj%bnd_da()
603  deallocate (packobj)
604  end do
605  !
606  ! -- Scalars
607  call mem_deallocate(this%inest)
608  call mem_deallocate(this%incnd)
609  !
610  ! -- Parent class members
611  call this%TransportModelType%tsp_da()
612  !
613  ! -- NumericalModelType
614  call this%NumericalModelType%model_da()
615  end subroutine gwe_da
617  !> @brief GroundWater Energy Transport Model Budget Entry
618  !!
619  !! This subroutine adds a budget entry to the flow budget. It was added as
620  !! a method for the gwe model object so that the exchange object could add its
621  !! contributions.
622  !<
623  subroutine gwe_bdentry(this, budterm, budtxt, rowlabel)
624  ! -- modules
625  use constantsmodule, only: lenbudtxt
626  use tdismodule, only: delt
627  ! -- dummy
628  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
629  real(DP), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: budterm
630  character(len=LENBUDTXT), dimension(:), intent(in) :: budtxt
631  character(len=*), intent(in) :: rowlabel
632  !
633  call this%budget%addentry(budterm, delt, budtxt, rowlabel=rowlabel)
634  end subroutine gwe_bdentry
636  !> @brief return 1 if any package causes the matrix to be asymmetric.
637  !! Otherwise return 0.
638  !<
639  function gwe_get_iasym(this) result(iasym)
640  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
641  ! -- local
642  integer(I4B) :: iasym
643  integer(I4B) :: ip
644  class(bndtype), pointer :: packobj
645  !
646  ! -- Start by setting iasym to zero
647  iasym = 0
648  !
649  ! -- ADV
650  if (this%inadv > 0) then
651  if (this%adv%iasym /= 0) iasym = 1
652  end if
653  !
654  ! -- CND
655  if (this%incnd > 0) then
656  if (this%cnd%ixt3d /= 0) iasym = 1
657  end if
658  !
659  ! -- Check for any packages that introduce matrix asymmetry
660  do ip = 1, this%bndlist%Count()
661  packobj => getbndfromlist(this%bndlist, ip)
662  if (packobj%iasym /= 0) iasym = 1
663  end do
664  end function gwe_get_iasym
666  !> Allocate memory for non-allocatable members
667  !!
668  !! A subroutine for allocating the scalars specific to the GWE model type.
669  !! Additional scalars used by the parent class are allocated by the parent
670  !! class.
671  !<
672  subroutine allocate_scalars(this, modelname)
673  ! -- modules
675  ! -- dummy
676  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
677  character(len=*), intent(in) :: modelname
678  !
679  ! -- Allocate parent class scalars
680  call this%allocate_tsp_scalars(modelname)
681  !
682  ! -- Allocate members that are part of model class
683  call mem_allocate(this%inest, 'INEST', this%memoryPath)
684  call mem_allocate(this%incnd, 'INCND', this%memoryPath)
685  !
686  this%inest = 0
687  this%incnd = 0
688  end subroutine allocate_scalars
690  !> @brief Create boundary condition packages for this model
691  !!
692  !! This subroutine calls the package create routines for packages activated
693  !! by the user.
694  !<
695  subroutine package_create(this, filtyp, ipakid, ipaknum, pakname, mempath, &
696  inunit, iout)
697  ! -- modules
698  use constantsmodule, only: linelength
699  use simmodule, only: store_error
700  use gwectpmodule, only: ctp_create
701  use gweeslmodule, only: esl_create
702  use gwelkemodule, only: lke_create
703  use gwesfemodule, only: sfe_create
704  use gwemwemodule, only: mwe_create
705  use gweuzemodule, only: uze_create
706  use apimodule, only: api_create
707  ! -- dummy
708  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
709  character(len=*), intent(in) :: filtyp
710  character(len=LINELENGTH) :: errmsg
711  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ipakid
712  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ipaknum
713  character(len=*), intent(in) :: pakname
714  character(len=*), intent(in) :: mempath
715  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: inunit
716  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
717  ! -- local
718  class(bndtype), pointer :: packobj
719  class(bndtype), pointer :: packobj2
720  integer(I4B) :: ip
721  !
722  ! -- This part creates the package object
723  select case (filtyp)
724  case ('CTP6')
725  call ctp_create(packobj, ipakid, ipaknum, inunit, iout, this%name, &
726  pakname, this%depvartype, mempath)
727  case ('ESL6')
728  call esl_create(packobj, ipakid, ipaknum, inunit, iout, this%name, &
729  pakname, this%gwecommon)
730  case ('LKE6')
731  call lke_create(packobj, ipakid, ipaknum, inunit, iout, this%name, &
732  pakname, this%fmi, this%eqnsclfac, this%gwecommon, &
733  this%depvartype, this%depvarunit, this%depvarunitabbrev)
734  case ('SFE6')
735  call sfe_create(packobj, ipakid, ipaknum, inunit, iout, this%name, &
736  pakname, this%fmi, this%eqnsclfac, this%gwecommon, &
737  this%depvartype, this%depvarunit, this%depvarunitabbrev)
738  case ('MWE6')
739  call mwe_create(packobj, ipakid, ipaknum, inunit, iout, this%name, &
740  pakname, this%fmi, this%eqnsclfac, this%gwecommon, &
741  this%depvartype, this%depvarunit, this%depvarunitabbrev)
742  case ('UZE6')
743  call uze_create(packobj, ipakid, ipaknum, inunit, iout, this%name, &
744  pakname, this%fmi, this%eqnsclfac, this%gwecommon, &
745  this%depvartype, this%depvarunit, this%depvarunitabbrev)
746  !case('API6')
747  ! call api_create(packobj, ipakid, ipaknum, inunit, iout, this%name, &
748  ! pakname)
749  case default
750  write (errmsg, *) 'Invalid package type: ', filtyp
751  call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.true.)
752  end select
753  !
754  ! -- Packages is the bndlist that is associated with the parent model
755  ! -- The following statement puts a pointer to this package in the ipakid
756  ! -- position of packages.
757  do ip = 1, this%bndlist%Count()
758  packobj2 => getbndfromlist(this%bndlist, ip)
759  if (packobj2%packName == pakname) then
760  write (errmsg, '(a,a)') 'Cannot create package. Package name '// &
761  'already exists: ', trim(pakname)
762  call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.true.)
763  end if
764  end do
765  call addbndtolist(this%bndlist, packobj)
766  end subroutine package_create
768  !> @brief Cast to GweModelType
769  !<
770  function castasgwemodel(model) result(gwemodel)
771  ! -- dummy
772  class(*), pointer :: model !< The object to be cast
773  ! -- return
774  class(gwemodeltype), pointer :: gwemodel !< The GWE model
775  !
776  gwemodel => null()
777  if (.not. associated(model)) return
778  select type (model)
779  type is (gwemodeltype)
780  gwemodel => model
781  end select
782  end function castasgwemodel
784  !> @brief Source package info and begin to process
785  !<
786  subroutine create_bndpkgs(this, bndpkgs, pkgtypes, pkgnames, &
787  mempaths, inunits)
788  ! -- modules
791  ! -- dummy
792  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
793  integer(I4B), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: bndpkgs
794  type(characterstringtype), dimension(:), contiguous, &
795  pointer, intent(inout) :: pkgtypes
796  type(characterstringtype), dimension(:), contiguous, &
797  pointer, intent(inout) :: pkgnames
798  type(characterstringtype), dimension(:), contiguous, &
799  pointer, intent(inout) :: mempaths
800  integer(I4B), dimension(:), contiguous, &
801  pointer, intent(inout) :: inunits
802  ! -- local
803  integer(I4B) :: ipakid, ipaknum
804  character(len=LENFTYPE) :: pkgtype, bndptype
805  character(len=LENPACKAGENAME) :: pkgname
806  character(len=LENMEMPATH) :: mempath
807  integer(I4B), pointer :: inunit
808  integer(I4B) :: n
809  !
810  if (allocated(bndpkgs)) then
811  !
812  ! -- Create stress packages
813  ipakid = 1
814  bndptype = ''
815  do n = 1, size(bndpkgs)
816  !
817  pkgtype = pkgtypes(bndpkgs(n))
818  pkgname = pkgnames(bndpkgs(n))
819  mempath = mempaths(bndpkgs(n))
820  inunit => inunits(bndpkgs(n))
821  !
822  if (bndptype /= pkgtype) then
823  ipaknum = 1
824  bndptype = pkgtype
825  end if
826  !
827  call this%package_create(pkgtype, ipakid, ipaknum, pkgname, mempath, &
828  inunit, this%iout)
829  ipakid = ipakid + 1
830  ipaknum = ipaknum + 1
831  end do
832  !
833  ! -- Cleanup
834  deallocate (bndpkgs)
835  end if
836  end subroutine create_bndpkgs
838  !> @brief Source package info and begin to process
839  !<
840  subroutine create_gwe_packages(this, indis)
841  ! -- modules
848  use gweestmodule, only: est_cr
849  use gwecndmodule, only: cnd_cr
850  ! -- dummy
851  class(gwemodeltype) :: this
852  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: indis
853  ! -- local
854  type(characterstringtype), dimension(:), contiguous, &
855  pointer :: pkgtypes => null()
856  type(characterstringtype), dimension(:), contiguous, &
857  pointer :: pkgnames => null()
858  type(characterstringtype), dimension(:), contiguous, &
859  pointer :: mempaths => null()
860  integer(I4B), dimension(:), contiguous, &
861  pointer :: inunits => null()
862  character(len=LENMEMPATH) :: model_mempath
863  character(len=LENFTYPE) :: pkgtype
864  character(len=LENPACKAGENAME) :: pkgname
865  character(len=LENMEMPATH) :: mempath
866  integer(I4B), pointer :: inunit
867  integer(I4B), dimension(:), allocatable :: bndpkgs
868  integer(I4B) :: n
869  character(len=LENMEMPATH) :: mempathcnd = ''
870  !
871  ! -- Set input memory paths, input/model and input/model/namfile
872  model_mempath = create_mem_path(component=this%name, context=idm_context)
873  !
874  ! -- Set pointers to model path package info
875  call mem_setptr(pkgtypes, 'PKGTYPES', model_mempath)
876  call mem_setptr(pkgnames, 'PKGNAMES', model_mempath)
877  call mem_setptr(mempaths, 'MEMPATHS', model_mempath)
878  call mem_setptr(inunits, 'INUNITS', model_mempath)
879  !
880  do n = 1, size(pkgtypes)
881  !
882  ! -- Attributes for this input package
883  pkgtype = pkgtypes(n)
884  pkgname = pkgnames(n)
885  mempath = mempaths(n)
886  inunit => inunits(n)
887  !
888  ! -- Create dis package as it is a prerequisite for other packages
889  select case (pkgtype)
890  case ('EST6')
891  this%inest = inunit
892  case ('CND6')
893  this%incnd = 1
894  mempathcnd = mempath
895  case ('CTP6', 'ESL6', 'LKE6', 'SFE6', &
896  'MWE6', 'UZE6', 'API6')
897  call expandarray(bndpkgs)
898  bndpkgs(size(bndpkgs)) = n
899  case default
900  ! TODO
901  end select
902  end do
903  !
904  ! -- Create packages that are tied directly to model
905  call est_cr(this%est, this%name, this%inest, this%iout, this%fmi, &
906  this%eqnsclfac, this%gwecommon)
907  call cnd_cr(this%cnd, this%name, mempathcnd, this%incnd, this%iout, &
908  this%fmi, this%eqnsclfac, this%gwecommon)
909  !
910  ! -- Check to make sure that required ftype's have been specified
911  call this%ftype_check(indis, this%inest)
912  !
913  call this%create_bndpkgs(bndpkgs, pkgtypes, pkgnames, mempaths, inunits)
914  end subroutine create_gwe_packages
916 end module gwemodule
This module contains the API package methods.
Definition: gwf-api.f90:12
subroutine, public api_create(packobj, id, ibcnum, inunit, iout, namemodel, pakname)
@ brief Create a new package object
Definition: gwf-api.f90:49
subroutine, public addbasemodeltolist(list, model)
Definition: BaseModel.f90:161
This module contains the base boundary package.
subroutine, public addbndtolist(list, bnd)
Add boundary to package list.
class(bndtype) function, pointer, public getbndfromlist(list, idx)
Get boundary from package list.
This module contains the BudgetModule.
Definition: Budget.f90:20
subroutine, public budget_cr(this, name_model)
@ brief Create a new budget object
Definition: Budget.f90:84
This module contains simulation constants.
Definition: Constants.f90:9
integer(i4b), parameter linelength
maximum length of a standard line
Definition: Constants.f90:45
integer(i4b), parameter lenpackagename
maximum length of the package name
Definition: Constants.f90:23
integer(i4b), parameter lenpackagetype
maximum length of a package type (DIS6, SFR6, CSUB6, etc.)
Definition: Constants.f90:38
real(dp), parameter dhnoflo
real no flow constant
Definition: Constants.f90:93
integer(i4b), parameter lenpakloc
maximum length of a package location
Definition: Constants.f90:50
integer(i4b), parameter lenvarname
maximum length of a variable name
Definition: Constants.f90:17
integer(i4b), parameter lenftype
maximum length of a package type (DIS, WEL, OC, etc.)
Definition: Constants.f90:39
real(dp), parameter dzero
real constant zero
Definition: Constants.f90:65
integer(i4b), parameter lenbudtxt
maximum length of a budget component names
Definition: Constants.f90:37
integer(i4b), parameter lenmempath
maximum length of the memory path
Definition: Constants.f90:27
subroutine, public cnd_cr(cndobj, name_model, input_mempath, inunit, iout, fmi, eqnsclfac, gwecommon)
Create a new CND object.
Definition: gwe-cnd.f90:86
subroutine, public ctp_create(packobj, id, ibcnum, inunit, iout, namemodel, pakname, depvartype, mempath)
Create a new constant temperature package.
Definition: gwe-ctp.f90:57
subroutine, public esl_create(packobj, id, ibcnum, inunit, iout, namemodel, pakname, gwecommon)
Create an energy source loading package.
Definition: gwe-esl.f90:48
– @ brief Energy Storage and Transfer (EST) Module
Definition: gwe-est.f90:13
subroutine, public est_cr(estobj, name_model, inunit, iout, fmi, eqnsclfac, gwecommon)
@ brief Create a new EST package object
Definition: gwe-est.f90:87
subroutine, public gweshared_dat_cr(gwe_dat)
Allocate the shared data.
subroutine, public lke_create(packobj, id, ibcnum, inunit, iout, namemodel, pakname, fmi, eqnsclfac, gwecommon, dvt, dvu, dvua)
Create a new lke package.
Definition: gwe-lke.f90:103
Definition: gwe.f90:3
subroutine create_bndpkgs(this, bndpkgs, pkgtypes, pkgnames, mempaths, inunits)
Source package info and begin to process.
Definition: gwe.f90:788
character(len=lenpackagetype), dimension(gwe_nmultipkg), public gwe_multipkg
Definition: gwe.f90:83
subroutine gwe_cf(this, kiter)
GWE Model calculate coefficients.
Definition: gwe.f90:377
subroutine gwe_ot_flow(this, icbcfl, ibudfl, icbcun)
GWE model output routine.
Definition: gwe.f90:540
subroutine gwe_bd(this, icnvg, isuppress_output)
GWE Model Budget.
Definition: gwe.f90:508
subroutine gwe_bdentry(this, budterm, budtxt, rowlabel)
GroundWater Energy Transport Model Budget Entry.
Definition: gwe.f90:624
integer(i4b), parameter, public gwe_nbasepkg
GWE base package array descriptors.
Definition: gwe.f90:69
subroutine gwe_ad(this)
GWE Model Time Step Advance.
Definition: gwe.f90:323
subroutine gwe_cq(this, icnvg, isuppress_output)
GWE Model calculate flow.
Definition: gwe.f90:460
subroutine gwe_mc(this, matrix_sln)
Map the positions of the GWE model connections in the numerical solution coefficient matrix.
Definition: gwe.f90:223
subroutine gwe_da(this)
Definition: gwe.f90:557
character(len=lenvarname), parameter dvt
dependent variable type, varies based on model type
Definition: gwe.f90:28
subroutine gwe_df(this)
Define packages of the GWE model.
Definition: gwe.f90:146
subroutine gwe_cc(this, innertot, kiter, iend, icnvgmod, cpak, ipak, dpak)
GWE Model Final Convergence Check.
Definition: gwe.f90:441
subroutine allocate_scalars(this, modelname)
Allocate memory for non-allocatable members.
Definition: gwe.f90:673
subroutine package_create(this, filtyp, ipakid, ipaknum, pakname, mempath, inunit, iout)
Create boundary condition packages for this model.
Definition: gwe.f90:697
subroutine gwe_ac(this, sparse)
Add the internal connections of this model to the sparse matrix.
Definition: gwe.f90:198
subroutine gwe_rp(this)
GWE Model Read and Prepare.
Definition: gwe.f90:293
integer(i4b), parameter niunit_gwe
Definition: gwe.f90:89
subroutine, public gwe_cr(filename, id, modelname)
Create a new groundwater energy transport model object.
Definition: gwe.f90:96
subroutine gwe_fc(this, kiter, matrix_sln, inwtflag)
GWE Model fill coefficients.
Definition: gwe.f90:397
integer(i4b) function gwe_get_iasym(this)
return 1 if any package causes the matrix to be asymmetric. Otherwise return 0.
Definition: gwe.f90:640
character(len=lenvarname), parameter dvu
dependent variable unit of measure, either "mass" or "energy"
Definition: gwe.f90:29
subroutine gwe_ar(this)
GWE Model Allocate and Read.
Definition: gwe.f90:250
character(len=lenpackagetype), dimension(gwe_nbasepkg), public gwe_basepkg
Definition: gwe.f90:70
integer(i4b), parameter, public gwe_nmultipkg
GWE multi package array descriptors.
Definition: gwe.f90:82
subroutine create_gwe_packages(this, indis)
Source package info and begin to process.
Definition: gwe.f90:841
class(gwemodeltype) function, pointer, public castasgwemodel(model)
Cast to GweModelType.
Definition: gwe.f90:771
character(len=lenvarname), parameter dvua
abbreviation of the dependent variable unit of measure, either "M" or "E"
Definition: gwe.f90:30
subroutine, public mwe_create(packobj, id, ibcnum, inunit, iout, namemodel, pakname, fmi, eqnsclfac, gwecommon, dvt, dvu, dvua)
Create new MWE package.
Definition: gwe-mwe.f90:96
subroutine, public sfe_create(packobj, id, ibcnum, inunit, iout, namemodel, pakname, fmi, eqnsclfac, gwecommon, dvt, dvu, dvua)
Create a new sfe package.
Definition: gwe-sfe.f90:102
subroutine, public uze_create(packobj, id, ibcnum, inunit, iout, namemodel, pakname, fmi, eqnsclfac, gwecommon, dvt, dvu, dvua)
Create a new UZE package.
Definition: gwe-uze.f90:96
subroutine, public parseline(line, nwords, words, inunit, filename)
Parse a line into words.
subroutine, public upcase(word)
Convert to upper case.
This module defines variable data types.
Definition: kind.f90:8
type(listtype), public basemodellist
Definition: mf6lists.f90:16
character(len=lenmempath) function create_mem_path(component, subcomponent, context)
returns the path to the memory object
subroutine, public memorystore_remove(component, subcomponent, context)
This module contains simulation methods.
Definition: Sim.f90:10
subroutine, public store_error(msg, terminate)
Store an error message.
Definition: Sim.f90:92
This module contains simulation variables.
Definition: SimVariables.f90:9
character(len=linelength) idm_context
integer(i4b) isimcheck
simulation input check flag (1) to check input, (0) to ignore checks
integer(i4b) ifailedstepretry
current retry for this time step
subroutine csr_diagsum(ia, flowja)
Definition: Sparse.f90:263
logical(lgp), pointer, public readnewdata
flag indicating time to read new data
Definition: tdis.f90:26
real(dp), pointer, public delt
length of the current time step
Definition: tdis.f90:29
This module contains the base transport model type.
Definition: tsp.f90:7
subroutine tsp_ot_flow(this, icbcfl, ibudfl, icbcun)
Generalized transport model output routine.
Definition: tsp.f90:356
Highest level model type. All models extend this parent type.
Definition: BaseModel.f90:13
@ brief BndType
Derived type for the Budget object.
Definition: Budget.f90:39
This class is used to store a single deferred-length character string. It was designed to work in an ...
Definition: CharString.f90:23
@ brief Energy storage and transfer
Definition: gwe-est.f90:38
Data for sharing among multiple packages. Originally read in from.