MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev0
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Go to the documentation of this file.
2  use kindmodule, only: dp, lgp, i4b
5  use mpi
7  implicit none
8  private
10  public :: parallelsolutiontype
13  contains
14  ! override
15  procedure :: sln_has_converged => par_has_converged
16  procedure :: sln_package_convergence => par_package_convergence
17  procedure :: sln_sync_newtonur_flag => par_sync_newtonur_flag
18  procedure :: sln_nur_has_converged => par_nur_has_converged
19  procedure :: sln_calc_ptc => par_calc_ptc
20  procedure :: sln_underrelax => par_underrelax
21  procedure :: sln_backtracking_xupdate => par_backtracking_xupdate
23  end type parallelsolutiontype
25 contains
27  !> @brief Check global convergence. The local maximum dependent
28  !! variable change is reduced over MPI with all other processes
29  !< that are running this parallel numerical solution.
30  function par_has_converged(this, max_dvc) result(has_converged)
31  class(parallelsolutiontype) :: this !< parallel solution
32  real(dp) :: max_dvc !< the LOCAL maximum dependent variable change
33  logical(LGP) :: has_converged !< True, when GLOBALLY converged
34  ! local
35  real(dp) :: global_max_dvc
36  real(dp) :: abs_max_dvc
37  integer :: ierr
38  type(mpiworldtype), pointer :: mpi_world
40  mpi_world => get_mpi_world()
42  has_converged = .false.
43  abs_max_dvc = abs(max_dvc)
44  call mpi_allreduce(abs_max_dvc, global_max_dvc, 1, mpi_double_precision, &
45  mpi_max, mpi_world%comm, ierr)
46  call check_mpi(ierr)
47  if (global_max_dvc <= this%dvclose) then
48  has_converged = .true.
49  end if
51  end function par_has_converged
53  function par_package_convergence(this, dpak, cpakout, iend) &
54  result(icnvg_global)
55  class(parallelsolutiontype) :: this !< parallel solution instance
56  real(dp), intent(in) :: dpak !< Newton Under-relaxation flag
57  character(len=LENPAKLOC), intent(in) :: cpakout
58  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iend
59  ! local
60  integer(I4B) :: icnvg_global
61  integer(I4B) :: icnvg_local
62  integer :: ierr
63  type(mpiworldtype), pointer :: mpi_world
65  mpi_world => get_mpi_world()
67  icnvg_local = &
68  this%NumericalSolutionType%sln_package_convergence(dpak, cpakout, iend)
70  call mpi_allreduce(icnvg_local, icnvg_global, 1, mpi_integer, &
71  mpi_min, mpi_world%comm, ierr)
72  call check_mpi(ierr)
74  end function par_package_convergence
76  function par_sync_newtonur_flag(this, inewtonur) result(ivalue)
77  class(parallelsolutiontype) :: this !< parallel solution instance
78  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: inewtonur !< local Newton Under-relaxation flag
79  ! local
80  integer(I4B) :: ivalue !< Maximum of all local values (1 = under-relaxation applied)
81  integer :: ierr
82  type(mpiworldtype), pointer :: mpi_world
84  mpi_world => get_mpi_world()
85  call mpi_allreduce(inewtonur, ivalue, 1, mpi_integer, &
86  mpi_max, mpi_world%comm, ierr)
87  call check_mpi(ierr)
89  end function par_sync_newtonur_flag
91  function par_nur_has_converged(this, dxold_max, hncg) &
92  result(has_converged)
93  class(parallelsolutiontype) :: this !< parallel solution instance
94  real(dp), intent(in) :: dxold_max !< the maximum dependent variable change for cells not adjusted by NUR
95  real(dp), intent(in) :: hncg !< largest dep. var. change at end of Picard iter.
96  logical(LGP) :: has_converged !< True, when converged
97  ! local
98  integer(I4B) :: icnvg_local
99  integer(I4B) :: icnvg_global
100  integer :: ierr
101  type(mpiworldtype), pointer :: mpi_world
103  mpi_world => get_mpi_world()
105  has_converged = .false.
106  icnvg_local = 0
107  if (this%NumericalSolutionType%sln_nur_has_converged( &
108  dxold_max, hncg)) then
109  icnvg_local = 1
110  end if
112  call mpi_allreduce(icnvg_local, icnvg_global, 1, mpi_integer, &
113  mpi_min, mpi_world%comm, ierr)
114  call check_mpi(ierr)
115  if (icnvg_global == 1) has_converged = .true.
117  end function par_nur_has_converged
119  !> @brief Calculate pseudo-transient continuation factor
120  !< for the parallel case
121  subroutine par_calc_ptc(this, iptc, ptcf)
122  class(parallelsolutiontype) :: this !< parallel solution
123  integer(I4B) :: iptc !< PTC (1) or not (0)
124  real(DP) :: ptcf !< the (global) PTC factor calculated
125  ! local
126  integer(I4B) :: iptc_loc
127  real(DP) :: ptcf_loc, ptcf_glo_max
128  integer :: ierr
129  type(mpiworldtype), pointer :: mpi_world
131  mpi_world => get_mpi_world()
132  call this%NumericalSolutionType%sln_calc_ptc(iptc_loc, ptcf_loc)
133  if (iptc_loc == 0) ptcf_loc = dzero
135  ! now reduce
136  call mpi_allreduce(ptcf_loc, ptcf_glo_max, 1, mpi_double_precision, &
137  mpi_max, mpi_world%comm, ierr)
138  call check_mpi(ierr)
140  iptc = 0
141  ptcf = dzero
142  if (ptcf_glo_max > dzero) then
143  iptc = 1
144  ptcf = ptcf_glo_max
145  end if
147  end subroutine par_calc_ptc
149  !> @brief apply under-relaxation in sync over all processes
150  !<
151  subroutine par_underrelax(this, kiter, bigch, neq, active, x, xtemp)
152  class(parallelsolutiontype) :: this !< parallel instance
153  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: kiter !< Picard iteration number
154  real(DP), intent(in) :: bigch !< maximum dependent-variable change
155  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: neq !< number of equations
156  integer(I4B), dimension(neq), intent(in) :: active !< active cell flag (1)
157  real(DP), dimension(neq), intent(inout) :: x !< current dependent-variable
158  real(DP), dimension(neq), intent(in) :: xtemp !< previous dependent-variable
159  ! local
160  real(DP) :: dvc_global_max, dvc_global_min
161  integer :: ierr
162  type(mpiworldtype), pointer :: mpi_world
164  mpi_world => get_mpi_world()
166  ! first reduce largest change over all processes
167  call mpi_allreduce(bigch, dvc_global_max, 1, mpi_double_precision, &
168  mpi_max, mpi_world%comm, ierr)
169  call check_mpi(ierr)
170  call mpi_allreduce(bigch, dvc_global_min, 1, mpi_double_precision, &
171  mpi_min, mpi_world%comm, ierr)
172  call check_mpi(ierr)
174  if (abs(dvc_global_min) > abs(dvc_global_max)) then
175  dvc_global_max = dvc_global_min
176  end if
178  ! call local underrelax routine
179  call this%NumericalSolutionType%sln_underrelax(kiter, dvc_global_max, &
180  neq, active, x, xtemp)
182  end subroutine par_underrelax
184  !> @brief synchronize backtracking flag over processes
185  !<
186  subroutine par_backtracking_xupdate(this, bt_flag)
187  ! -- dummy variables
188  class(parallelsolutiontype), intent(inout) :: this !< ParallelSolutionType instance
189  integer(I4B), intent(inout) :: bt_flag !< global backtracking flag (1) backtracking performed (0) backtracking not performed
190  ! -- local variables
191  integer(I4B) :: btflag_local
192  type(mpiworldtype), pointer :: mpi_world
193  integer :: ierr
195  mpi_world => get_mpi_world()
197  ! get local bt flag
198  btflag_local = this%NumericalSolutionType%get_backtracking_flag()
200  ! reduce into global decision (if any, then all)
201  call mpi_allreduce(btflag_local, bt_flag, 1, mpi_integer, &
202  mpi_max, mpi_world%comm, ierr)
203  call check_mpi(ierr)
205  ! perform backtracking if ...
206  if (bt_flag > 0) then
207  call this%NumericalSolutionType%apply_backtracking()
208  end if
210  end subroutine par_backtracking_xupdate
212 end module parallelsolutionmodule
This module contains simulation constants.
Definition: Constants.f90:9
integer(i4b), parameter lenpakloc
maximum length of a package location
Definition: Constants.f90:50
real(dp), parameter dzero
real constant zero
Definition: Constants.f90:65
real(dp), parameter done
real constant 1
Definition: Constants.f90:76
This module defines variable data types.
Definition: kind.f90:8
type(mpiworldtype) function, pointer, public get_mpi_world()
Definition: MpiWorld.f90:32
subroutine, public check_mpi(mpi_error_code)
Check the MPI error code, report, and.
Definition: MpiWorld.f90:116
logical(lgp) function par_has_converged(this, max_dvc)
Check global convergence. The local maximum dependent variable change is reduced over MPI with all ot...
integer(i4b) function par_package_convergence(this, dpak, cpakout, iend)
logical(lgp) function par_nur_has_converged(this, dxold_max, hncg)
integer(i4b) function par_sync_newtonur_flag(this, inewtonur)
subroutine par_underrelax(this, kiter, bigch, neq, active, x, xtemp)
apply under-relaxation in sync over all processes
subroutine par_backtracking_xupdate(this, bt_flag)
synchronize backtracking flag over processes
subroutine par_calc_ptc(this, iptc, ptcf)
Calculate pseudo-transient continuation factor.