MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !> @brief This module contains the NCExportCreateModule
2 !!
3 !! This module creates derived model netcdf export
4 !! objects. It is dependent on netcdf libraries.
5 !!
6 !<
9  use kindmodule, only: dp, i4b, lgp
10  use simvariablesmodule, only: errmsg
11  use constantsmodule, only: dis, disu, disv
14  use basedismodule, only: disbasetype
15  use dismodule, only: distype
16  use disvmodule, only: disvtype
17  use disumodule, only: disutype
22  implicit none
23  private
24  public :: nc_export_create
26 contains
28  !> @brief create model netcdf export type
29  !!
30  subroutine create_nc_export(export_model, num_model)
36  type(exportmodeltype), pointer, intent(inout) :: export_model
37  class(numericalmodeltype), pointer, intent(in) :: num_model
38  class(mesh2ddisexporttype), pointer :: ugrid_dis
39  class(mesh2ddisvexporttype), pointer :: ugrid_disv
40  class(disncstructuredtype), pointer :: structured_dis
41  class(disbasetype), pointer :: disbase
43  select case (export_model%disenum)
44  case (dis)
45  ! allocate nc structured grid export object
46  if (export_model%nctype == netcdf_mesh2d) then
47  ! allocate nc structured grid export object
48  allocate (ugrid_dis)
50  ! set dis base type
51  disbase => num_model%dis
52  select type (disbase)
53  type is (distype)
54  ugrid_dis%dis => disbase
55  end select
57  ! set dynamic loaders
58  call create_export_pkglist(ugrid_dis%pkglist, export_model%loaders, &
59  export_model%iout)
61  ! initialize export object
62  call ugrid_dis%init(export_model%modelname, export_model%modeltype, &
63  export_model%modelfname, export_model%nc_fname, &
64  export_model%disenum, netcdf_mesh2d, &
65  export_model%iout)
67  ! define export object
68  call ugrid_dis%df()
70  ! set base pointer
71  export_model%nc_export => ugrid_dis
72  else if (export_model%nctype == netcdf_structured) then
73  ! allocate nc structured grid export object
74  allocate (structured_dis)
76  ! set dis base type
77  disbase => num_model%dis
78  select type (disbase)
79  type is (distype)
80  structured_dis%dis => disbase
81  end select
83  ! set dynamic loaders
84  call create_export_pkglist(structured_dis%pkglist, export_model%loaders, &
85  export_model%iout)
87  ! initialize export object
88  call structured_dis%init(export_model%modelname, export_model%modeltype, &
89  export_model%modelfname, export_model%nc_fname, &
90  export_model%disenum, netcdf_structured, &
91  export_model%iout)
93  ! define export object
94  call structured_dis%df()
96  ! set base pointer
97  export_model%nc_export => structured_dis
98  end if
99  case (disv)
100  if (export_model%nctype == netcdf_mesh2d) then
101  ! allocate nc structured grid export object
102  allocate (ugrid_disv)
104  ! set dis base type
105  disbase => num_model%dis
106  select type (disbase)
107  type is (disvtype)
108  ugrid_disv%disv => disbase
109  end select
111  ! set dynamic loaders
112  call create_export_pkglist(ugrid_disv%pkglist, export_model%loaders, &
113  export_model%iout)
115  ! initialize export object
116  call ugrid_disv%init(export_model%modelname, export_model%modeltype, &
117  export_model%modelfname, export_model%nc_fname, &
118  export_model%disenum, netcdf_mesh2d, &
119  export_model%iout)
121  ! define export object
122  call ugrid_disv%df()
124  ! set base pointer
125  export_model%nc_export => ugrid_disv
126  else
127  errmsg = 'DISV model discretization only &
128  &supported as UGRID NetCDF export. &
129  &Model='//trim(export_model%modelname)//'.'
130  call store_error(errmsg)
131  call store_error_filename(export_model%modelfname)
132  end if
133  case default
134  errmsg = 'Unsupported discretization for NetCDF model export. &
135  &Model='//trim(export_model%modelname)//'.'
136  call store_error(errmsg)
137  call store_error_filename(export_model%modelfname)
138  end select
139  end subroutine create_nc_export
141  subroutine create_export_pkglist(pkglist, loaders, iout)
142  use listmodule, only: listtype
149  type(listtype), intent(inout) :: pkglist
150  type(modeldynamicpkgstype), pointer, intent(in) :: loaders
151  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
152  class(dynamicpkgloadbasetype), pointer :: dynamic_pkg
153  class(asciidynamicpkgloadbasetype), pointer :: rp_loader
154  type(exportpackagetype), pointer :: export_pkg
155  integer(I4B), pointer :: export_arrays
156  class(*), pointer :: obj
157  logical(LGP) :: found
158  integer(I4B) :: n
160  ! create list of in scope loaders
161  allocate (export_arrays)
163  do n = 1, loaders%pkglist%Count()
164  ! initialize export arrays option
165  export_arrays = 0
167  dynamic_pkg => loaders%get(n)
169  ! update export arrays option
170  call mem_set_value(export_arrays, 'EXPORT_NC', &
171  dynamic_pkg%mf6_input%mempath, found)
173  if (export_arrays > 0 .and. dynamic_pkg%readasarrays) then
174  select type (dynamic_pkg)
175  type is (mf6filedynamicpkgloadtype)
176  rp_loader => dynamic_pkg%rp_loader
177  select type (rp_loader)
178  type is (boundgridinputtype)
179  ! create the export object
180  allocate (export_pkg)
181  call export_pkg%init(rp_loader%mf6_input, &
182  rp_loader%bound_context%mshape, &
183  rp_loader%param_names, rp_loader%nparam)
184  obj => export_pkg
185  call pkglist%add(obj)
186  end select
187  end select
188  end if
189  end do
191  ! cleanup
192  deallocate (export_arrays)
193  end subroutine create_export_pkglist
195  !> @brief initialize netcdf model export type
196  !!
197  subroutine nc_export_create()
199  use listsmodule, only: basemodellist
201  integer(I4B) :: n
202  type(exportmodeltype), pointer :: export_model
203  class(numericalmodeltype), pointer :: num_model
204  integer(I4B) :: im
205  do n = 1, export_models%Count()
206  ! set pointer to export model
207  export_model => get_export_model(n)
208  if (export_model%nctype /= netcdf_undef) then
209  ! netcdf export is active identify model
210  do im = 1, basemodellist%Count()
211  ! set model pointer
212  num_model => getnumericalmodelfromlist(basemodellist, im)
213  if (num_model%name == export_model%modelname .and. &
214  num_model%macronym == export_model%modeltype) then
215  ! allocate and initialize nc export model
216  call create_nc_export(export_model, num_model)
217  exit
218  end if
219  end do
220  end if
221  end do
222  end subroutine nc_export_create
224 end module ncexportcreatemodule
This module contains the AsciiInputLoadTypeModule.
This module contains simulation constants.
Definition: Constants.f90:9
@ disu
DISV6 discretization.
Definition: Constants.f90:157
@ dis
DIS6 discretization.
Definition: Constants.f90:155
@ disv
DISU6 discretization.
Definition: Constants.f90:156
Definition: Dis.f90:1
This module contains the DisNCStructuredModule.
This module contains the IdmMf6FileModule.
Definition: IdmMf6File.f90:10
This module contains the InputLoadTypeModule.
This module defines variable data types.
Definition: kind.f90:8
type(listtype), public basemodellist
Definition: mf6lists.f90:16
This module contains the MeshDisModelModule.
Definition: DisNCMesh.f90:8
This module contains the MeshDisvModelModule.
Definition: DisvNCMesh.f90:8
This module contains the Mf6FileGridInputModule.
This module contains the ModelExportModule.
Definition: ModelExport.f90:8
type(listtype), public export_models
Definition: ModelExport.f90:30
class(exportmodeltype) function, pointer, public get_export_model(idx)
get model export object by index
This module contains the NCExportCreateModule.
subroutine create_nc_export(export_model, num_model)
create model netcdf export type
subroutine, public nc_export_create()
initialize netcdf model export type
subroutine create_export_pkglist(pkglist, loaders, iout)
This module contains the NCModelExportModule.
Definition: NCModel.f90:8
@, public netcdf_structured
netcdf structrured export
Definition: NCModel.f90:33
@, public netcdf_mesh2d
netcdf ugrid layered mesh export
Definition: NCModel.f90:34
@, public netcdf_undef
undefined netcdf export type
Definition: NCModel.f90:32
class(numericalmodeltype) function, pointer, public getnumericalmodelfromlist(list, idx)
This module contains simulation methods.
Definition: Sim.f90:10
subroutine, public store_error(msg, terminate)
Store an error message.
Definition: Sim.f90:92
subroutine, public store_error_filename(filename, terminate)
Store the erroring file name.
Definition: Sim.f90:203
This module contains simulation variables.
Definition: SimVariables.f90:9
character(len=maxcharlen) errmsg
error message string
base abstract type for ascii source dynamic load
Structured grid discretization.
Definition: Dis.f90:23
Unstructured grid discretization.
Definition: Disu.f90:28
Vertex grid discretization.
Definition: Disv.f90:24
MF6File dynamic loader type.
Definition: IdmMf6File.f90:39
Base abstract type for dynamic input loader.
type for storing a dynamic package load list
A generic heterogeneous doubly-linked list.
Definition: List.f90:14
Ascii grid based dynamic loader type.