MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev0
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #if defined(__WITH_PETSC__)
3 #include <petsc/finclude/petscksp.h>
4  ! cannot use all symbols because of clash with 'use mpi'
5  use petscksp, only: petsc_comm_world, petscinitialize, petscfinalize, &
6  petsc_null_character, petsc_null_options
7 #endif
8  use mpi
11  use simstagesmodule
12  use kindmodule, only: i4b, lgp
13  use stlvecintmodule
16  implicit none
17  private
19  public :: create_mpi_run_control
21  type, public, extends(runcontroltype) :: mpiruncontroltype
22  contains
23  ! override
24  procedure :: start => mpi_ctrl_start
25  procedure :: finish => mpi_ctrl_finish
26  procedure :: after_con_cr => mpi_ctrl_after_con_cr
27  ! private
28  procedure, private :: wait_for_debugger
29  end type mpiruncontroltype
31 contains
33  function create_mpi_run_control() result(controller)
34  class(runcontroltype), pointer :: controller
35  ! local
36  class(mpiruncontroltype), pointer :: mpi_controller
38  allocate (mpi_controller)
39  controller => mpi_controller
41  end function create_mpi_run_control
43  subroutine mpi_ctrl_start(this)
46  class(mpiruncontroltype) :: this
47  ! local
48  integer :: ierr
49  character(len=*), parameter :: petsc_db_file = '.petscrc'
50  logical(LGP) :: petsc_db_exists, wait_dbg, is_parallel_mode
51  type(mpiworldtype), pointer :: mpi_world
53  ! set mpi abort function
56  wait_dbg = .false.
57  mpi_world => get_mpi_world()
59  ! if PETSc we need their initialize
60 #if defined(__WITH_PETSC__)
61  ! PetscInitialize calls MPI_Init only when it is not called yet,
62  ! which could be through the API. If it is already called, we
63  ! should assign the MPI communicator to PETSC_COMM_WORLD first
64  ! (PETSc manual)
65  if (mpi_world%has_comm()) then
66  petsc_comm_world = mpi_world%comm
67  end if
69  inquire (file=petsc_db_file, exist=petsc_db_exists)
70  if (.not. petsc_db_exists) then
71  call petscinitialize(petsc_null_character, ierr)
72  chkerrq(ierr)
73  else
74  call petscinitialize(petsc_db_file, ierr)
75  chkerrq(ierr)
76  end if
78  if (.not. mpi_world%has_comm()) then
79  call mpi_world%set_comm(petsc_comm_world)
80  end if
82  call petscoptionshasname(petsc_null_options, petsc_null_character, &
83  '-wait_dbg', wait_dbg, ierr)
84  chkerrq(ierr)
85  call petscoptionshasname(petsc_null_options, petsc_null_character, &
86  '-p', is_parallel_mode, ierr)
87  chkerrq(ierr)
88 #else
89  if (.not. mpi_world%has_comm()) then
90  call mpi_init(ierr)
91  call check_mpi(ierr)
92  call mpi_world%set_comm(mpi_comm_world)
93  end if
94 #endif
96  call mpi_world%init()
98  call mpi_comm_size(mpi_world%comm, nr_procs, ierr)
99  call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_world%comm, proc_id, ierr)
101  ! possibly wait to attach debugger here
102  if (wait_dbg) call this%wait_for_debugger()
104  ! start everything else by calling parent
105  call this%RunControlType%start()
107  end subroutine mpi_ctrl_start
109  subroutine wait_for_debugger(this)
110  class(mpiruncontroltype) :: this
111  ! local
112  integer :: ierr
113  integer(I4B) :: icnt
114  type(mpiworldtype), pointer :: mpi_world
116  mpi_world => get_mpi_world()
117  if (proc_id == 0) then
118  icnt = 0
119  write (*, *) 'Hit enter to continue...'
120  read (*, *)
121  end if
122  call mpi_barrier(mpi_world%comm, ierr)
124  end subroutine wait_for_debugger
126  subroutine mpi_ctrl_finish(this)
128  class(mpiruncontroltype) :: this
129  ! local
130  integer :: ierr
132  ! finish mpi
133 #if defined(__WITH_PETSC__)
134  ! NB: PetscFinalize calls MPI_Finalize only when MPI_Init
135  ! was called before PetscInitialize
136  call petscfinalize(ierr)
137  chkerrq(ierr)
138 #else
139  call mpi_finalize(ierr)
140  call check_mpi(ierr)
141 #endif
143  pstop_alternative => null()
145  ! finish everything else by calling parent
146  call this%RunControlType%finish()
148  end subroutine mpi_ctrl_finish
150  !> @brief Actions after creating connections
151  !<
152  subroutine mpi_ctrl_after_con_cr(this)
160  class(mpiruncontroltype) :: this
161  ! local
162  integer(I4B) :: i, j, id, irank
163  integer(I4B) :: nr_models, nr_exgs, nr_remotes, max_nr_remotes
164  type(stlvecint) :: remote_models, remote_exgs
165  integer(I4B), dimension(:, :), pointer :: remote_models_per_process
166  integer(I4B), dimension(:, :), pointer :: remote_exgs_per_process
167  class(virtualmodeltype), pointer :: vm
168  class(virtualexchangetype), pointer :: ve
169  type(mpiworldtype), pointer :: mpi_world
170  integer :: ierr
172  mpi_world => get_mpi_world()
174  ! activate halo through base
175  call this%RunControlType%after_con_cr()
177  ! compose list of remote models/exchanges to receive
178  call remote_models%init()
179  nr_models = virtual_model_list%Count()
180  do i = 1, nr_models
182  if (vm%is_active .and. .not. vm%is_local) then
183  ! remote and active
184  call remote_models%push_back(vm%id)
185  end if
186  end do
187  call remote_exgs%init()
188  nr_exgs = virtual_exchange_list%Count()
189  do i = 1, nr_exgs
191  if (ve%is_active .and. .not. ve%is_local) then
192  ! remote and active
193  call remote_exgs%push_back(ve%id)
194  end if
195  end do
197  ! Models: find max for allocation
198  nr_remotes = remote_models%size
199  call mpi_allreduce(nr_remotes, max_nr_remotes, 1, mpi_integer, mpi_max, &
200  mpi_world%comm, ierr)
201  call check_mpi(ierr)
203  allocate (remote_models_per_process(max_nr_remotes, nr_procs))
204  remote_models_per_process = 0
206  ! Models: fill local portion and reduce
207  do i = 1, remote_models%size
208  remote_models_per_process(i, proc_id + 1) = remote_models%at(i)
209  end do
210  call mpi_allreduce(mpi_in_place, remote_models_per_process, &
211  max_nr_remotes * nr_procs, mpi_integer, mpi_max, &
212  mpi_world%comm, ierr)
213  call check_mpi(ierr)
215  ! Models: set remotes to virtual models
216  do i = 1, nr_procs
217  do j = 1, max_nr_remotes
218  id = remote_models_per_process(j, i)
219  if (id > 0) then
220  ! assign zero-based rank number to virtual model
221  vm => get_virtual_model(id)
222  if (vm%is_local) then
223  ! only for local models
224  irank = i - 1
225  call vm%rcv_ranks%push_back_unique(irank)
226  end if
227  end if
228  end do
229  end do
231  ! Exchanges: find max for allocation
232  nr_remotes = remote_exgs%size
233  call mpi_allreduce(nr_remotes, max_nr_remotes, 1, mpi_integer, mpi_max, &
234  mpi_world%comm, ierr)
235  call check_mpi(ierr)
237  allocate (remote_exgs_per_process(max_nr_remotes, nr_procs))
238  remote_exgs_per_process = 0
240  ! Exchanges: fill local portion and reduce
241  do i = 1, remote_exgs%size
242  remote_exgs_per_process(i, proc_id + 1) = remote_exgs%at(i)
243  end do
244  call mpi_allreduce(mpi_in_place, remote_exgs_per_process, &
245  max_nr_remotes * nr_procs, mpi_integer, mpi_max, &
246  mpi_world%comm, ierr)
247  call check_mpi(ierr)
249  ! Exchanges: set remotes to virtual exchanges
250  do i = 1, nr_procs
251  do j = 1, max_nr_remotes
252  id = remote_exgs_per_process(j, i)
253  if (id > 0) then
254  ! assign zero-based rank number to virtual exchange
255  ve => get_virtual_exchange(id)
256  if (ve%is_local) then
257  ! only for local exchanges
258  irank = i - 1
259  call ve%rcv_ranks%push_back_unique(irank)
260  end if
261  end if
262  end do
263  end do
265  ! clean up
266  call remote_models%destroy()
267  call remote_exgs%destroy()
269  deallocate (remote_models_per_process)
270  deallocate (remote_exgs_per_process)
272  end subroutine mpi_ctrl_after_con_cr
274 end module mpiruncontrolmodule
procedure(pstop_iface), pointer pstop_alternative
Definition: ErrorUtil.f90:5
This module defines variable data types.
Definition: kind.f90:8
subroutine mpi_ctrl_finish(this)
subroutine wait_for_debugger(this)
class(runcontroltype) function, pointer, public create_mpi_run_control()
subroutine mpi_ctrl_after_con_cr(this)
Actions after creating connections.
subroutine mpi_ctrl_start(this)
type(mpiworldtype) function, pointer, public get_mpi_world()
Definition: MpiWorld.f90:32
subroutine, public mpi_stop(status)
Definition: MpiWorld.f90:131
subroutine, public check_mpi(mpi_error_code)
Check the MPI error code, report, and.
Definition: MpiWorld.f90:116
This module contains simulation variables.
Definition: SimVariables.f90:9
integer(i4b) nr_procs
integer(i4b) proc_id
type(listtype), public virtual_model_list
type(listtype), public virtual_exchange_list
class(virtualexchangetype) function, pointer, public get_virtual_exchange_from_list(list, idx)
class(virtualexchangetype) function, pointer, public get_virtual_exchange(exg_id)
Returns a virtual exchange with the specified id.
class(virtualmodeltype) function, pointer, public get_virtual_model_from_list(model_list, idx)
The Virtual Exchange is based on two Virtual Models and is therefore not always strictly local or rem...