MODFLOW 6  version 6.6.0.dev0
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Go to the documentation of this file.
3  use kindmodule, only: dp, i4b, lgp
4  use errorutilmodule, only: pstop
5  use constantsmodule, only: done, dzero
6  use methodmodule, only: methodtype
8  use cellmodule, only: max_poly_cells
10  use cellpolymodule
11  use particlemodule
12  use prtfmimodule, only: prtfmitype
13  use disvmodule, only: disvtype
16  implicit none
18  private
19  public :: methoddisvtype
20  public :: create_method_disv
22  type, extends(methodtype) :: methoddisvtype
23  private
24  type(celldefntype), pointer :: neighbor => null() !< ptr to a neighbor defn
25  contains
26  procedure, public :: apply => apply_disv !< apply the DISV tracking method
27  procedure, public :: deallocate !< deallocate arrays and scalars
28  procedure, public :: load => load_disv !< load the cell method
29  procedure, public :: load_cell_defn !< load cell definition from the grid
30  procedure, public :: pass => pass_disv !< pass the particle to the next cell
31  procedure :: map_neighbor !< map a location on the cell face to the shared face of a neighbor
32  procedure :: update_flowja !< update intercell mass flows
33  procedure :: load_particle !< load particle properties
34  procedure :: load_properties !< load cell properties
35  procedure :: load_polygon !< load cell polygon
36  procedure :: load_neighbors !< load cell face neighbors
37  procedure :: load_indicators !< load cell 180-degree vertex indicator
38  procedure :: load_flows !< load the cell's flows
39  procedure :: load_boundary_flows_to_defn_rect !< load boundary flows to a rectangular cell definition
40  procedure :: load_boundary_flows_to_defn_rect_quad !< load boundary flows to a rectangular-quad cell definition
41  procedure :: load_boundary_flows_to_defn_poly !< load boundary flows to a polygonal cell definition
42  procedure :: load_face_flows_to_defn_poly !< load face flows to a polygonal cell definition
43  end type methoddisvtype
45 contains
47  !> @brief Create a new vertex grid (DISV) tracking method
48  subroutine create_method_disv(method)
49  ! -- dummy
50  type(methoddisvtype), pointer :: method
51  ! -- local
52  type(cellpolytype), pointer :: cell
54  allocate (method)
55  allocate (method%type)
56  call create_cell_poly(cell)
57  method%cell => cell
58  method%type = "disv"
59  method%delegates = .true.
60  call create_defn(method%neighbor)
61  end subroutine create_method_disv
63  !> @brief Destroy the tracking method
64  subroutine deallocate (this)
65  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
66  deallocate (this%type)
67  end subroutine deallocate
69  !> @brief Load the cell and the tracking method
70  subroutine load_disv(this, particle, next_level, submethod)
71  use cellmodule
72  use cellrectmodule
74  use cellutilmodule
75  ! -- dummy
76  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
77  type(particletype), pointer, intent(inout) :: particle
78  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: next_level
79  class(methodtype), pointer, intent(inout) :: submethod
80  ! -- local
81  integer(I4B) :: ic
82  class(celltype), pointer :: base
83  type(cellrecttype), pointer :: rect
84  type(cellrectquadtype), pointer :: quad
86  select type (cell => this%cell)
87  type is (cellpolytype)
88  ! load cell definition
89  ic = particle%idomain(next_level)
90  call this%load_cell_defn(ic, cell%defn)
91  if (this%fmi%ibdgwfsat0(ic) == 0) then
92  ! -- Cell is active but dry, so select and initialize pass-to-bottom
93  ! -- cell method and set cell method pointer
94  call method_cell_ptb%init( &
95  fmi=this%fmi, &
96  cell=this%cell, &
97  trackctl=this%trackctl, &
98  tracktimes=this%tracktimes)
99  submethod => method_cell_ptb
100  else
101  ! -- Select and initialize cell method and set cell method pointer
102  if (particle%ifrctrn > 0) then
103  call method_cell_tern%init( &
104  fmi=this%fmi, &
105  cell=this%cell, &
106  trackctl=this%trackctl, &
107  tracktimes=this%tracktimes)
108  submethod => method_cell_tern
109  else if (cell%defn%can_be_rect) then
110  call cell_poly_to_rect(cell, rect)
111  base => rect
112  call method_cell_plck%init( &
113  fmi=this%fmi, &
114  cell=base, &
115  trackctl=this%trackctl, &
116  tracktimes=this%tracktimes)
117  submethod => method_cell_plck
118  else if (cell%defn%can_be_quad) then
119  call cell_poly_to_quad(cell, quad)
120  base => quad
121  call method_cell_quad%init( &
122  fmi=this%fmi, &
123  cell=base, &
124  trackctl=this%trackctl, &
125  tracktimes=this%tracktimes)
126  submethod => method_cell_quad
127  else
128  call method_cell_tern%init( &
129  fmi=this%fmi, &
130  cell=this%cell, &
131  trackctl=this%trackctl, &
132  tracktimes=this%tracktimes)
133  submethod => method_cell_tern
134  end if
135  end if
136  end select
137  end subroutine load_disv
139  subroutine load_particle(this, cell, particle)
140  ! modules
141  use disvmodule, only: disvtype
142  ! dummy
143  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
144  type(cellpolytype), pointer, intent(inout) :: cell
145  type(particletype), pointer, intent(inout) :: particle
146  ! local
147  integer(I4B) :: inface
148  integer(I4B) :: ipos
149  integer(I4B) :: ic
150  integer(I4B) :: icu
151  integer(I4B) :: inbr
152  integer(I4B) :: idiag
153  integer(I4B) :: icpl
154  integer(I4B) :: ilay
155  real(DP) :: z
157  select type (dis => this%fmi%dis)
158  type is (disvtype)
159  ! compute and set reduced/user node numbers and layer
160  inface = particle%iboundary(2)
161  idiag = dis%con%ia(cell%defn%icell)
162  inbr = cell%defn%facenbr(inface)
163  ipos = idiag + inbr
164  ic = dis%con%ja(ipos)
165  icu = dis%get_nodeuser(ic)
166  call get_jk(icu, dis%ncpl, dis%nlay, icpl, ilay)
167  particle%idomain(2) = ic
168  particle%icu = icu
169  particle%ilay = ilay
171  ! map/set particle entry face and z coordinate
172  z = particle%z
173  call this%map_neighbor(cell%defn, inface, z)
174  particle%iboundary(2) = inface
175  particle%idomain(3:) = 0
176  particle%iboundary(3:) = 0
177  particle%z = z
178  end select
180  end subroutine
182  subroutine update_flowja(this, cell, particle)
183  ! dummy
184  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
185  type(cellpolytype), pointer, intent(inout) :: cell
186  type(particletype), pointer, intent(inout) :: particle
187  ! local
188  integer(I4B) :: inbr
189  integer(I4B) :: idiag
190  integer(I4B) :: ipos
192  idiag = this%fmi%dis%con%ia(cell%defn%icell)
193  inbr = cell%defn%facenbr(particle%iboundary(2))
194  ipos = idiag + inbr
196  ! leaving old cell
197  this%flowja(ipos) = this%flowja(ipos) - done
199  ! entering new cell
200  this%flowja(this%fmi%dis%con%isym(ipos)) &
201  = this%flowja(this%fmi%dis%con%isym(ipos)) + done
203  end subroutine update_flowja
205  !> @brief Pass a particle to the next cell, if there is one
206  subroutine pass_disv(this, particle)
207  ! dummy
208  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
209  type(particletype), pointer, intent(inout) :: particle
210  ! local
211  type(cellpolytype), pointer :: cell
213  select type (c => this%cell)
214  type is (cellpolytype)
215  cell => c
216  ! If the entry face has no neighbors it's a
217  ! boundary face, so terminate the particle.
218  ! todo AMP: reconsider when multiple models supported
219  if (cell%defn%facenbr(particle%iboundary(2)) .eq. 0) then
220  particle%istatus = 2
221  particle%advancing = .false.
222  call this%save(particle, reason=3)
223  else
224  ! Otherwise, load cell properties into the
225  ! particle and update intercell mass flows
226  call this%load_particle(cell, particle)
227  call this%update_flowja(cell, particle)
228  end if
229  end select
230  end subroutine pass_disv
232  !> @brief Map location on cell face to shared cell face of neighbor
233  subroutine map_neighbor(this, defn, inface, z)
234  ! dummy
235  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
236  type(celldefntype), pointer, intent(inout) :: defn
237  integer(I4B), intent(inout) :: inface
238  double precision, intent(inout) :: z
239  ! local
240  integer(I4B) :: icin
241  integer(I4B) :: npolyvertsin
242  integer(I4B) :: ic
243  integer(I4B) :: npolyverts
244  integer(I4B) :: inbr
245  integer(I4B) :: inbrnbr
246  integer(I4B) :: j
247  integer(I4B) :: m
248  real(DP) :: zrel
249  real(DP) :: topfrom
250  real(DP) :: botfrom
251  real(DP) :: top
252  real(DP) :: bot
253  real(DP) :: sat
255  ! -- Map to shared cell face of neighbor
256  inbr = defn%facenbr(inface)
257  if (inbr .eq. 0) then
258  ! -- Exterior face; no neighbor to map to
259  ! todo AMP: reconsider when multiple models allowed
260  inface = -1
261  else
262  ! -- Load definition for neighbor cell (neighbor with shared face)
263  icin = defn%icell
264  j = this%fmi%dis%con%ia(icin)
265  ic = this%fmi%dis%con%ja(j + inbr)
266  call this%load_cell_defn(ic, this%neighbor)
268  npolyvertsin = defn%npolyverts
269  npolyverts = this%neighbor%npolyverts
270  if (inface .eq. npolyvertsin + 2) then
271  ! -- Exits through bot, enters through top
272  inface = npolyverts + 3
273  else if (inface .eq. npolyvertsin + 3) then
274  ! -- Exits through top, enters through bot
275  inface = npolyverts + 2
276  else
277  ! -- Exits and enters through shared polygon face
278  j = this%fmi%dis%con%ia(ic)
279  do m = 1, npolyverts + 3
280  inbrnbr = this%neighbor%facenbr(m)
281  if (this%fmi%dis%con%ja(j + inbrnbr) .eq. icin) then
282  inface = m
283  exit
284  end if
285  end do
286  ! -- Map z between cells
287  topfrom = defn%top
288  botfrom = defn%bot
289  zrel = (z - botfrom) / (topfrom - botfrom)
290  top = this%fmi%dis%top(ic)
291  bot = this%fmi%dis%bot(ic)
292  sat = this%fmi%gwfsat(ic)
293  z = bot + zrel * sat * (top - bot)
294  end if
295  end if
296  end subroutine map_neighbor
298  !> @brief Apply the DISV-grid method
299  subroutine apply_disv(this, particle, tmax)
300  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
301  type(particletype), pointer, intent(inout) :: particle
302  real(DP), intent(in) :: tmax
303  call this%track(particle, 1, tmax)
304  end subroutine apply_disv
306  !> @brief Load cell definition from the grid
307  subroutine load_cell_defn(this, ic, defn)
308  ! -- dummy
309  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
310  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ic
311  type(celldefntype), pointer, intent(inout) :: defn
313  ! -- Load basic cell properties
314  call this%load_properties(ic, defn)
316  ! -- Load polygon vertices
317  call this%load_polygon(defn)
319  ! -- Load face neighbors
320  call this%load_neighbors(defn)
322  ! -- Load 180-degree indicator
323  call this%load_indicators(defn)
325  ! -- Load flows (assumes face neighbors already loaded)
326  call this%load_flows(defn)
327  end subroutine load_cell_defn
329  !> @brief Loads cell properties to cell definition from the grid.
330  subroutine load_properties(this, ic, defn)
331  ! dummy
332  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
333  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: ic
334  type(celldefntype), pointer, intent(inout) :: defn
335  ! local
336  real(DP) :: top
337  real(DP) :: bot
338  real(DP) :: sat
340  defn%icell = ic
341  defn%iatop = get_iatop(this%fmi%dis%get_ncpl(), &
342  this%fmi%dis%get_nodeuser(ic))
343  top = this%fmi%dis%top(ic)
344  bot = this%fmi%dis%bot(ic)
345  sat = this%fmi%gwfsat(ic)
346  top = bot + sat * (top - bot)
347  defn%top = top
348  defn%bot = bot
349  defn%sat = sat
350  defn%porosity = this%porosity(ic)
351  defn%retfactor = this%retfactor(ic)
352  defn%izone = this%izone(ic)
354  end subroutine load_properties
356  subroutine load_polygon(this, defn)
357  ! dummy
358  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
359  type(celldefntype), pointer, intent(inout) :: defn
361  call this%fmi%dis%get_polyverts( &
362  defn%icell, &
363  defn%polyvert, &
364  closed=.true.)
365  defn%npolyverts = size(defn%polyvert, dim=2) - 1
367  end subroutine load_polygon
369  !> @brief Loads face neighbors to cell definition from the grid
370  !! Assumes cell index and number of vertices are already loaded.
371  subroutine load_neighbors(this, defn)
372  ! -- dummy
373  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
374  type(celldefntype), pointer, intent(inout) :: defn
375  ! -- local
376  integer(I4B) :: ic1
377  integer(I4B) :: ic2
378  integer(I4B) :: icu1
379  integer(I4B) :: icu2
380  integer(I4B) :: j1
381  integer(I4B) :: j2
382  integer(I4B) :: k1
383  integer(I4B) :: k2
384  integer(I4B) :: iloc
385  integer(I4B) :: ipos
386  integer(I4B) :: istart1
387  integer(I4B) :: istart2
388  integer(I4B) :: istop1
389  integer(I4B) :: istop2
390  integer(I4B) :: isharedface
391  integer(I4B) :: ncpl
392  integer(I4B) :: nfaces
393  integer(I4B) :: nslots
395  ! -- expand facenbr array if needed
396  nfaces = defn%npolyverts + 3
397  nslots = size(defn%facenbr)
398  if (nslots < nfaces) call expandarray(defn%facenbr, nfaces - nslots)
400  select type (dis => this%fmi%dis)
401  type is (disvtype)
402  ! -- Load face neighbors.
403  defn%facenbr = 0
404  ic1 = defn%icell
405  icu1 = dis%get_nodeuser(ic1)
406  ncpl = dis%get_ncpl()
407  call get_jk(icu1, ncpl, dis%nlay, j1, k1)
408  istart1 = dis%iavert(j1)
409  istop1 = dis%iavert(j1 + 1) - 1
410  do iloc = 1, dis%con%ia(ic1 + 1) - dis%con%ia(ic1) - 1
411  ipos = dis%con%ia(ic1) + iloc
412  ! mask could become relevant if PRT uses interface model
413  if (dis%con%mask(ipos) == 0) cycle
414  ic2 = dis%con%ja(ipos)
415  icu2 = dis%get_nodeuser(ic2)
416  call get_jk(icu2, ncpl, dis%nlay, j2, k2)
417  istart2 = dis%iavert(j2)
418  istop2 = dis%iavert(j2 + 1) - 1
419  call shared_face(dis%javert(istart1:istop1), &
420  dis%javert(istart2:istop2), &
421  isharedface)
422  if (isharedface /= 0) then
423  ! -- Edge (polygon) face neighbor
424  defn%facenbr(isharedface) = int(iloc, 1)
425  else
426  if (k2 > k1) then
427  ! -- Bottom face neighbor
428  defn%facenbr(defn%npolyverts + 2) = int(iloc, 1)
429  else if (k2 < k1) then
430  ! -- Top face neighbor
431  defn%facenbr(defn%npolyverts + 3) = int(iloc, 1)
432  else
433  call pstop(1, "k2 should be <> k1, since no shared edge face")
434  end if
435  end if
436  end do
437  end select
438  ! -- List of edge (polygon) faces wraps around
439  defn%facenbr(defn%npolyverts + 1) = defn%facenbr(1)
441  end subroutine load_neighbors
443  !> @brief Load flows into the cell definition.
444  !! These include face, boundary and net distributed flows.
445  !! Assumes cell index and number of vertices are already loaded.
446  subroutine load_flows(this, defn)
447  ! dummy
448  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
449  type(celldefntype), intent(inout) :: defn
450  ! local
451  integer(I4B) :: nfaces
452  integer(I4B) :: nslots
454  ! expand faceflow array if needed
455  nfaces = defn%npolyverts + 3
456  nslots = size(defn%faceflow)
457  if (nslots < nfaces) call expandarray(defn%faceflow, nfaces - nslots)
459  ! Load face flows, including boundary flows. As with cell verts,
460  ! the face flow array wraps around. Top and bottom flows make up
461  ! the last two elements, respectively, for size npolyverts + 3.
462  ! If there is no flow through any face, set a no-exit-face flag.
463  defn%faceflow = dzero
464  defn%inoexitface = 1
465  call this%load_boundary_flows_to_defn_poly(defn)
466  call this%load_face_flows_to_defn_poly(defn)
468  ! Add up net distributed flow
469  defn%distflow = this%fmi%SourceFlows(defn%icell) + &
470  this%fmi%SinkFlows(defn%icell) + &
471  this%fmi%StorageFlows(defn%icell)
473  ! Set weak sink flag
474  if (this%fmi%SinkFlows(defn%icell) .ne. dzero) then
475  defn%iweaksink = 1
476  else
477  defn%iweaksink = 0
478  end if
480  end subroutine load_flows
482  subroutine load_face_flows_to_defn_poly(this, defn)
483  ! dummy
484  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
485  type(celldefntype), intent(inout) :: defn
486  ! local
487  integer(I4B) :: m, n, nfaces
488  real(DP) :: q
490  nfaces = defn%npolyverts + 3
491  do m = 1, nfaces
492  n = defn%facenbr(m)
493  if (n > 0) then
494  q = this%fmi%gwfflowja(this%fmi%dis%con%ia(defn%icell) + n)
495  defn%faceflow(m) = defn%faceflow(m) + q
496  end if
497  if (defn%faceflow(m) < dzero) defn%inoexitface = 0
498  end do
499  end subroutine load_face_flows_to_defn_poly
501  !> @brief Load boundary flows from the grid into a rectangular cell.
502  !! Assumes cell index and number of vertices are already loaded.
503  subroutine load_boundary_flows_to_defn_rect(this, defn)
504  ! -- dummy
505  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
506  type(celldefntype), intent(inout) :: defn
507  ! -- local
508  integer(I4B) :: ioffset
510  ! assignment of BoundaryFlows to faceflow below assumes clockwise
511  ! ordering of faces, with face 1 being the "western" face
512  ioffset = (defn%icell - 1) * 10
513  defn%faceflow(1) = defn%faceflow(1) + &
514  this%fmi%BoundaryFlows(ioffset + 4)
515  defn%faceflow(2) = defn%faceflow(2) + &
516  this%fmi%BoundaryFlows(ioffset + 2)
517  defn%faceflow(3) = defn%faceflow(3) + &
518  this%fmi%BoundaryFlows(ioffset + 3)
519  defn%faceflow(4) = defn%faceflow(4) + &
520  this%fmi%BoundaryFlows(ioffset + 1)
521  defn%faceflow(5) = defn%faceflow(1)
522  defn%faceflow(6) = defn%faceflow(6) + &
523  this%fmi%BoundaryFlows(ioffset + 9)
524  defn%faceflow(7) = defn%faceflow(7) + &
525  this%fmi%BoundaryFlows(ioffset + 10)
527  end subroutine load_boundary_flows_to_defn_rect
529  !> @brief Load boundary flows from the grid into rectangular quadcell.
530  !! Assumes cell index and number of vertices are already loaded.
532  ! -- dummy
533  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
534  type(celldefntype), intent(inout) :: defn
535  ! -- local
536  integer(I4B) :: m
537  integer(I4B) :: n
538  integer(I4B) :: nn
539  integer(I4B) :: ioffset
540  integer(I4B) :: nbf
541  integer(I4B) :: m1
542  integer(I4B) :: m2
543  integer(I4B) :: mdiff
544  real(DP) :: qbf
545  integer(I4B) :: irectvert(5)
547  ioffset = (defn%icell - 1) * 10
549  ! -- Polygon faces in positions 1 through npolyverts
550  do n = 1, 4
551  if (n .eq. 2) then
552  nbf = 4
553  else if (n .eq. 4) then
554  nbf = 1
555  else
556  nbf = n
557  end if
558  qbf = this%fmi%BoundaryFlows(ioffset + nbf)
559  nn = 0
560  do m = 1, defn%npolyverts
561  if (.not. defn%ispv180(m)) then
562  nn = nn + 1
563  irectvert(nn) = m
564  end if
565  end do
566  irectvert(5) = irectvert(1)
567  m1 = irectvert(n)
568  m2 = irectvert(n + 1)
569  if (m2 .lt. m1) m2 = m2 + defn%npolyverts
570  mdiff = m2 - m1
571  if (mdiff .eq. 1) then
572  ! -- Assign BoundaryFlow to corresponding polygon face
573  defn%faceflow(m1) = defn%faceflow(m1) + qbf
574  else
575  ! -- Split BoundaryFlow between two faces on quad-refined edge
576  qbf = 5d-1 * qbf
577  defn%faceflow(m1) = defn%faceflow(m1) + qbf
578  defn%faceflow(m1 + 1) = defn%faceflow(m1 + 1) + qbf
579  end if
580  end do
581  ! -- Wrap around to 1 in position npolyverts+1
582  m = defn%npolyverts + 1
583  defn%faceflow(m) = defn%faceflow(1)
584  ! -- Bottom in position npolyverts+2
585  m = m + 1
586  defn%faceflow(m) = defn%faceflow(m) + &
587  this%fmi%BoundaryFlows(ioffset + 9)
588  ! -- Top in position npolyverts+3
589  m = m + 1
590  defn%faceflow(m) = defn%faceflow(m) + &
591  this%fmi%BoundaryFlows(ioffset + 10)
595  !> @brief Load boundary flows from the grid into a polygonal cell.
596  !! Assumes cell index and number of vertices are already loaded.
597  subroutine load_boundary_flows_to_defn_poly(this, defn)
598  ! -- dummy
599  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
600  type(celldefntype), intent(inout) :: defn
601  ! -- local
602  integer(I4B) :: ic
603  integer(I4B) :: npolyverts
604  integer(I4B) :: ioffset
605  integer(I4B) :: iv
607  ic = defn%icell
608  npolyverts = defn%npolyverts
610  ioffset = (ic - 1) * max_poly_cells
611  do iv = 1, npolyverts
612  defn%faceflow(iv) = &
613  defn%faceflow(iv) + &
614  this%fmi%BoundaryFlows(ioffset + iv)
615  end do
616  defn%faceflow(npolyverts + 1) = defn%faceflow(1)
617  defn%faceflow(npolyverts + 2) = &
618  defn%faceflow(npolyverts + 2) + &
619  this%fmi%BoundaryFlows(ioffset + max_poly_cells - 1)
620  defn%faceflow(npolyverts + 3) = &
621  defn%faceflow(npolyverts + 3) + &
622  this%fmi%BoundaryFlows(ioffset + max_poly_cells)
624  end subroutine load_boundary_flows_to_defn_poly
626  !> @brief Load 180-degree vertex indicator array and set flags
627  !! indicating how cell can be represented.
628  !! Assumes cell index and number of vertices are already loaded.
629  subroutine load_indicators(this, defn)
630  ! -- dummy
631  class(methoddisvtype), intent(inout) :: this
632  type(celldefntype), pointer, intent(inout) :: defn
633  ! -- local
634  integer(I4B) :: npolyverts
635  integer(I4B) :: m
636  integer(I4B) :: m0
637  integer(I4B) :: m1
638  integer(I4B) :: m2
639  integer(I4B) :: ic
640  integer(I4B) :: num90
641  integer(I4B) :: num180
642  real(DP) :: x0
643  real(DP) :: y0
644  real(DP) :: x1
645  real(DP) :: y1
646  real(DP) :: x2
647  real(DP) :: y2
648  real(DP) :: epsang
649  real(DP) :: s0x
650  real(DP) :: s0y
651  real(DP) :: &
652  s0mag, s2x, s2y, s2mag, sinang, cosang, dotprod
653  logical(LGP) last180
655  ic = defn%icell
656  npolyverts = defn%npolyverts
658  ! -- expand ispv180 array if needed
659  if (size(defn%ispv180) < npolyverts + 3) &
660  call expandarray(defn%ispv180, npolyverts + 1)
662  ! -- Load 180-degree indicator.
663  ! -- Also, set flags that indicate how cell can be represented.
664  defn%ispv180(1:npolyverts + 1) = .false.
665  defn%can_be_rect = .false.
666  defn%can_be_quad = .false.
667  epsang = 1d-5
668  num90 = 0
669  num180 = 0
670  last180 = .false.
671  ! assumes non-self-intersecting polygon
672  do m = 1, npolyverts
673  m1 = m
674  if (m1 .eq. 1) then
675  m0 = npolyverts
676  m2 = 2
677  else if (m1 .eq. npolyverts) then
678  m0 = npolyverts - 1
679  m2 = 1
680  else
681  m0 = m1 - 1
682  m2 = m1 + 1
683  end if
684  x0 = defn%polyvert(1, m0)
685  y0 = defn%polyvert(2, m0)
686  x1 = defn%polyvert(1, m1)
687  y1 = defn%polyvert(2, m1)
688  x2 = defn%polyvert(1, m2)
689  y2 = defn%polyvert(2, m2)
690  s0x = x0 - x1
691  s0y = y0 - y1
692  s0mag = dsqrt(s0x * s0x + s0y * s0y)
693  s2x = x2 - x1
694  s2y = y2 - y1
695  s2mag = dsqrt(s2x * s2x + s2y * s2y)
696  sinang = (s0x * s2y - s0y * s2x) / (s0mag * s2mag)
697  cosang = dsqrt(dabs(done - (sinang * sinang)))
698  if (dabs(sinang) .lt. epsang) then
699  dotprod = s0x * s2x + s0y * s2y
700  if (dotprod .lt. dzero) then
701  num180 = num180 + 1
702  last180 = .true.
703  defn%ispv180(m) = .true.
704  end if
705  else
706  if (dabs(cosang) .lt. epsang) num90 = num90 + 1
707  last180 = .false.
708  end if
709  end do
711  ! -- List of 180-degree indicators wraps around for convenience
712  defn%ispv180(npolyverts + 1) = defn%ispv180(1)
714  if (num90 .eq. 4) then
715  if (num180 .eq. 0) then
716  defn%can_be_rect = .true.
717  else
718  defn%can_be_quad = .true.
719  end if
720  end if
722  end subroutine load_indicators
724 end module methoddisvmodule
subroutine, public create_defn(cellDefn)
Create a new cell definition object.
Definition: CellDefn.f90:41
integer(i4b) function, public get_iatop(ncpl, icu)
Get the index corresponding to top elevation of a cell in the grid. This is -1 if the cell is in the ...
Definition: CellDefn.f90:53
integer(i4b), parameter, public max_poly_cells
Definition: Cell.f90:9
subroutine, public create_cell_poly(cell)
Create a new polygonal cell.
Definition: CellPoly.f90:20
subroutine, public cell_poly_to_rect(poly, rect)
Convert CellPoly representation to CellRect. Assumes the conversion is possible.
Definition: CellUtil.f90:14
subroutine, public cell_poly_to_quad(poly, quad)
Convert CellPoly representation to CellRectQuad. Assumes the conversion is possible.
Definition: CellUtil.f90:115
This module contains simulation constants.
Definition: Constants.f90:9
real(dp), parameter dzero
real constant zero
Definition: Constants.f90:65
real(dp), parameter done
real constant 1
Definition: Constants.f90:76
subroutine pstop(status, message)
Stop the program, optionally specifying an error status code.
Definition: ErrorUtil.f90:24
subroutine, public shared_face(iverts1, iverts2, iface)
Find the lateral face shared by two cells.
Definition: GeomUtil.f90:403
subroutine, public get_jk(nodenumber, ncpl, nlay, icpl, ilay)
Get layer index and within-layer node index from node number and grid dimensions. If nodenumber is in...
Definition: GeomUtil.f90:128
This module defines variable data types.
Definition: kind.f90:8
Cell-level tracking methods.
type(methodcellpollocktype), pointer, public method_cell_plck
type(methodcellpasstobottype), pointer, public method_cell_ptb
type(methodcellpollockquadtype), pointer, public method_cell_quad
type(methodcellternarytype), pointer, public method_cell_tern
subroutine, public create_method_disv(method)
Create a new vertex grid (DISV) tracking method.
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:49
subroutine load_boundary_flows_to_defn_rect(this, defn)
Load boundary flows from the grid into a rectangular cell. Assumes cell index and number of vertices ...
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:504
subroutine load_neighbors(this, defn)
Loads face neighbors to cell definition from the grid Assumes cell index and number of vertices are a...
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:372
subroutine map_neighbor(this, defn, inface, z)
Map location on cell face to shared cell face of neighbor.
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:234
subroutine load_indicators(this, defn)
Load 180-degree vertex indicator array and set flags indicating how cell can be represented....
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:630
subroutine load_boundary_flows_to_defn_rect_quad(this, defn)
Load boundary flows from the grid into rectangular quadcell. Assumes cell index and number of vertice...
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:532
subroutine update_flowja(this, cell, particle)
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:183
subroutine load_disv(this, particle, next_level, submethod)
Load the cell and the tracking method.
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:71
subroutine load_face_flows_to_defn_poly(this, defn)
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:483
subroutine load_polygon(this, defn)
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:357
subroutine load_particle(this, cell, particle)
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:140
subroutine load_properties(this, ic, defn)
Loads cell properties to cell definition from the grid.
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:331
subroutine load_flows(this, defn)
Load flows into the cell definition. These include face, boundary and net distributed flows....
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:447
subroutine load_boundary_flows_to_defn_poly(this, defn)
Load boundary flows from the grid into a polygonal cell. Assumes cell index and number of vertices ar...
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:598
subroutine load_cell_defn(this, ic, defn)
Load cell definition from the grid.
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:308
subroutine apply_disv(this, particle, tmax)
Apply the DISV-grid method.
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:300
subroutine pass_disv(this, particle)
Pass a particle to the next cell, if there is one.
Definition: MethodDisv.f90:207
Particle tracking strategies.
Definition: Method.f90:2
Base grid cell definition.
Definition: CellDefn.f90:10
Base type for grid cells of a concrete type. Contains a cell-definition which is information shared b...
Definition: Cell.f90:13
Vertex grid discretization.
Definition: Disv.f90:24
Base type for particle tracking methods.
Definition: Method.f90:29
Particle tracked by the PRT model.
Definition: Particle.f90:32