MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
tsp.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  transportmodelmodule::transportmodeltype


module  transportmodelmodule
 This module contains the base transport model type.


subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_cr (this, filename, id, modelname, macronym, indis)
 Create a new generalized transport model object. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_df (this)
 Generalized transport model define model. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_ac (this, sparse)
 Generalized transport model add connections. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_mc (this, matrix_sln)
 Generalized transport model map coefficients. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_ar (this)
 Generalized transport model allocate and read. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_rp (this)
 Generalized transport model read and prepare. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_ad (this)
 Generalized transport model time step advance. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_fc (this, kiter, matrix_sln, inwtflag)
 Generalized transport model fill coefficients. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_cc (this, innertot, kiter, iend, icnvgmod, cpak, ipak, dpak)
 Generalized transport model final convergence check. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_cq (this, icnvg, isuppress_output)
 Generalized transport model calculate flows. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_bd (this, icnvg, isuppress_output)
 Generalized transport model budget. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_ot (this)
 Generalized transport model output routine. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_ot_obs (this)
 Generalized transport model output routine. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_ot_flow (this, icbcfl, ibudfl, icbcun)
 Generalized transport model output routine. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_ot_flowja (this, nja, flowja, icbcfl, icbcun)
 Generalized transport model output routine. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_ot_dv (this, idvsave, idvprint, ipflag)
 Generalized transport model output routine. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_ot_bdsummary (this, ibudfl, ipflag)
 Generalized transport model output budget summary. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::allocate_tsp_scalars (this, modelname)
 Allocate scalar variables for transport model. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::set_tsp_labels (this, tsptype, depvartype, depvarunit, depvarunitabbrev)
 Define the labels corresponding to the flavor of transport model. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::tsp_da (this)
 Deallocate memory. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::ftype_check (this, indis, inmst)
 Generalized transport model routine. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::log_namfile_options (this, found)
 Write model name file options to list file. More...
subroutine transportmodelmodule::create_tsp_packages (this, indis)
 Source package info and begin to process. More...