MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
tsp-fmi.f90 File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Types

type  tspfmimodule::dataadvancedpackagetype
type  tspfmimodule::budobjptrarray
type  tspfmimodule::tspfmitype


module  tspfmimodule


subroutine, public tspfmimodule::fmi_cr (fmiobj, name_model, inunit, iout, eqnsclfac, depvartype)
 Create a new FMI object. More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::fmi_rp (this, inmvr)
 Read and prepare. More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::fmi_ad (this, cnew)
 Advance routine for FMI object. More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::fmi_fc (this, nodes, cold, nja, matrix_sln, idxglo, rhs)
 Calculate coefficients and fill matrix and rhs terms associated with FMI object. More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::fmi_cq (this, cnew, flowja)
 Calculate flow correction. More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::fmi_bd (this, isuppress_output, model_budget)
 Calculate budget terms associated with FMI object. More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::fmi_ot_flow (this, icbcfl, icbcun)
 Save budget terms associated with FMI object. More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::gwtfmi_da (this)
 Deallocate variables. More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::gwtfmi_allocate_scalars (this)
 @ brief Allocate scalars More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::gwtfmi_allocate_arrays (this, nodes)
 @ brief Allocate arrays for FMI object More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::set_active_status (this, cnew)
 Set gwt transport cell status. More...
real(dp) function tspfmimodule::gwfsatold (this, n, delt)
 Calculate the previous saturation level. More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::gwtfmi_read_options (this)
 Read options from input file. More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::gwtfmi_read_packagedata (this)
 Read PACKAGEDATA block. More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::set_aptbudobj_pointer (this, name, budobjptr)
 Set the pointer to a budget object. More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::initialize_gwfterms_from_bfr (this)
 Initialize the groundwater flow terms based on the budget file reader. More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::initialize_gwfterms_from_gwfbndlist (this)
 Initialize groundwater flow terms from the groundwater budget. More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::gwtfmi_allocate_gwfpackages (this, ngwfterms)
 Initialize an array for storing PackageBudget objects. More...
subroutine tspfmimodule::gwtfmi_deallocate_gwfpackages (this)
 Deallocate memory. More...


character(len=lenpackagename) tspfmimodule::text = ' GWTFMI'
integer(i4b), parameter tspfmimodule::nbditems = 2
character(len=lenbudtxt), dimension(nbditems) tspfmimodule::budtxt