MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
tdis.f90 File Reference

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module  tdismodule


subroutine, public tdismodule::tdis_cr (fname, inmempath)
 Create temporal discretization. More...
subroutine, public tdismodule::tdis_set_counters ()
 Set kstp and kper. More...
subroutine, public tdismodule::tdis_set_timestep ()
 Set time step length. More...
subroutine, public tdismodule::tdis_delt_reset (deltnew)
 Reset delt and update timing variables and indicators. More...
subroutine tdismodule::tdis_set_delt ()
 Set time step length. More...
subroutine, public tdismodule::tdis_ot (iout)
 Print simulation time. More...
subroutine, public tdismodule::tdis_da ()
 Deallocate memory. More...
subroutine tdismodule::tdis_source_options ()
 Source the timing discretization options. More...
subroutine tdismodule::tdis_allocate_scalars ()
 Allocate tdis scalars. More...
subroutine tdismodule::tdis_allocate_arrays ()
 Allocate tdis arrays. More...
subroutine tdismodule::tdis_source_dimensions ()
 Source dimension NPER. More...
subroutine tdismodule::tdis_source_timing ()
 Source timing information. More...
subroutine tdismodule::check_tdis_timing (nper, perlen, nstp, tsmult)
 Check the tdis timing information. More...


integer(i4b), pointer, public tdismodule::nper => null()
 number of stress period More...
integer(i4b), pointer, public tdismodule::itmuni => null()
 flag indicating time units More...
integer(i4b), pointer, public tdismodule::kper => null()
 current stress period number More...
integer(i4b), pointer, public tdismodule::kstp => null()
 current time step number More...
integer(i4b), pointer, public tdismodule::inats => null()
 flag indicating ats active for simulation More...
logical(lgp), pointer, public tdismodule::readnewdata => null()
 flag indicating time to read new data More...
logical(lgp), pointer, public tdismodule::endofperiod => null()
 flag indicating end of stress period More...
logical(lgp), pointer, public tdismodule::endofsimulation => null()
 flag indicating end of simulation More...
real(dp), pointer, public tdismodule::delt => null()
 length of the current time step More...
real(dp), pointer, public tdismodule::pertim => null()
 time relative to start of stress period More...
real(dp), pointer, public tdismodule::topertim => null()
 simulation time at start of stress period More...
real(dp), pointer, public tdismodule::totim => null()
 time relative to start of simulation More...
real(dp), pointer, public tdismodule::totimc => null()
 simulation time at start of time step More...
real(dp), pointer, public tdismodule::deltsav => null()
 saved value for delt, used for subtiming More...
real(dp), pointer, public tdismodule::totimsav => null()
 saved value for totim, used for subtiming More...
real(dp), pointer, public tdismodule::pertimsav => null()
 saved value for pertim, used for subtiming More...
real(dp), pointer, public tdismodule::totalsimtime => null()
 time at end of simulation More...
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous tdismodule::perlen => null()
 length of each stress period More...
integer(i4b), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous tdismodule::nstp => null()
 number of time steps in each stress period More...
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer, public, contiguous tdismodule::tsmult => null()
 time step multiplier for each stress period More...
character(len=lendatetime), pointer, public tdismodule::datetime0 => null()
 starting date and time for the simulation More...
character(len=lenmempath), pointer tdismodule::input_mempath => null()
 input context mempath for tdis More...
character(len=linelength), pointer tdismodule::input_fname => null()
 input filename for tdis More...