MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
swf-cxs.f90 File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Types

type  swfcxsmodule::swfcxstype


module  swfcxsmodule


subroutine, public swfcxsmodule::cxs_cr (pobj, name_model, input_mempath, inunit, iout, dis)
 create package More...
subroutine swfcxsmodule::allocate_scalars (this)
 @ brief Allocate scalars More...
subroutine swfcxsmodule::source_options (this)
 Copy options from IDM into package. More...
subroutine swfcxsmodule::log_options (this, found)
 Write user options to list file. More...
subroutine swfcxsmodule::source_dimensions (this)
 Copy options from IDM into package. More...
subroutine swfcxsmodule::log_dimensions (this, found)
 Write user options to list file. More...
subroutine swfcxsmodule::allocate_arrays (this)
 allocate memory for arrays More...
subroutine swfcxsmodule::source_packagedata (this)
 Copy options from IDM into package. More...
subroutine swfcxsmodule::calc_iacross (nxspoints, iacross)
 Calculate index pointer array iacross from nxspoints. More...
subroutine swfcxsmodule::check_packagedata (this)
 Check packagedata. More...
subroutine swfcxsmodule::log_packagedata (this, found)
 Write user packagedata to list file. More...
subroutine swfcxsmodule::source_crosssectiondata (this)
 Copy options from IDM into package. More...
subroutine swfcxsmodule::log_crosssectiondata (this, found)
 Write user packagedata to list file. More...
subroutine swfcxsmodule::write_cxs_table (this, idcxs, width, slope, rough, unitconv)
subroutine swfcxsmodule::cxs_da (this)
 deallocate memory More...
subroutine swfcxsmodule::get_cross_section_info (this, idcxs, i0, i1, npts, icalcmeth)
real(dp) function swfcxsmodule::get_area (this, idcxs, width, depth)
real(dp) function swfcxsmodule::cxs_wetted_perimeter (this, idcxs, width, depth)
real(dp) function swfcxsmodule::get_roughness (this, idcxs, width, depth, rough, slope)
real(dp) function swfcxsmodule::cxs_conveyance (this, idcxs, width, depth, rough)
 Calculate and return conveyance. More...
real(dp) function swfcxsmodule::get_hydraulic_radius (this, idcxs, width, depth, area)
real(dp) function swfcxsmodule::get_wetted_top_width (this, idcxs, width, depth)
real(dp) function swfcxsmodule::get_maximum_top_width (this, idcxs, width)