MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev0
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
gwfgweexchangemodule Module Reference

Data Types

type  gwfgweexchangetype


subroutine, public gwfgwe_cr (filename, id, m1_id, m2_id)
 Create a new GWF to GWE exchange object. More...
subroutine set_model_pointers (this)
 Allocate and read. More...
subroutine exg_df (this)
 Define the GwfGwe Exchange object. More...
subroutine exg_ar (this)
 Allocate and read. More...
subroutine gwfconn2gweconn (this, gwfModel, gweModel)
 Link GWE connections to GWF connections or exchanges. More...
subroutine link_connections (this, gweConn, gwfConn)
 Links a GWE connection to its GWF counterpart. More...
subroutine exg_da (this)
 Deallocate memory. More...
subroutine allocate_scalars (this)
 Allocate GwfGwe exchange scalars. More...
subroutine gwfbnd2gwefmi (this)
 Call routines in FMI that will set pointers to the necessary flow data (SIMVALS and SIMTOMVR) stored within each GWF flow package. More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ allocate_scalars()

subroutine gwfgweexchangemodule::allocate_scalars ( class(gwfgweexchangetype this)

Definition at line 456 of file exg-gwfgwe.f90.

457  ! -- modules
459  ! -- dummy
460  class(GwfGweExchangeType) :: this
461  !
462  call mem_allocate(this%m1_idx, 'M1ID', this%memoryPath)
463  call mem_allocate(this%m2_idx, 'M2ID', this%memoryPath)
464  this%m1_idx = 0
465  this%m2_idx = 0

◆ exg_ar()

subroutine gwfgweexchangemodule::exg_ar ( class(gwfgweexchangetype this)

Definition at line 181 of file exg-gwfgwe.f90.

182  ! -- modules
184  ! -- dummy
185  class(GwfGweExchangeType) :: this
186  ! -- local
187  class(BaseModelType), pointer :: mb => null()
188  type(GwfModelType), pointer :: gwfmodel => null()
189  type(GweModelType), pointer :: gwemodel => null()
190  ! -- formats
191  character(len=*), parameter :: fmtdiserr = &
192  "('GWF and GWE Models do not have the same discretization for exchange&
193  & ',a,'.&
194  & GWF Model has ', i0, ' user nodes and ', i0, ' reduced nodes.&
195  & GWE Model has ', i0, ' user nodes and ', i0, ' reduced nodes.&
196  & Ensure discretization packages, including IDOMAIN, are identical.')"
197  !
198  ! -- set gwfmodel
199  mb => getbasemodelfromlist(basemodellist, this%m1_idx)
200  select type (mb)
201  type is (gwfmodeltype)
202  gwfmodel => mb
203  end select
204  !
205  ! -- set gwemodel
206  mb => getbasemodelfromlist(basemodellist, this%m2_idx)
207  select type (mb)
208  type is (gwemodeltype)
209  gwemodel => mb
210  end select
211  !
212  ! -- Check to make sure sizes are identical
213  if (gwemodel%dis%nodes /= gwfmodel%dis%nodes .or. &
214  gwemodel%dis%nodesuser /= gwfmodel%dis%nodesuser) then
215  write (errmsg, fmtdiserr) trim(this%name), &
216  gwfmodel%dis%nodesuser, &
217  gwfmodel%dis%nodes, &
218  gwemodel%dis%nodesuser, &
219  gwemodel%dis%nodes
220  call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.true.)
221  end if
222  !
223  ! -- setup pointers to gwf variables allocated in gwf_ar
224  gwemodel%fmi%gwfhead => gwfmodel%x
225  call mem_checkin(gwemodel%fmi%gwfhead, &
226  'GWFHEAD', gwemodel%fmi%memoryPath, &
227  'X', gwfmodel%memoryPath)
228  gwemodel%fmi%gwfsat => gwfmodel%npf%sat
229  call mem_checkin(gwemodel%fmi%gwfsat, &
230  'GWFSAT', gwemodel%fmi%memoryPath, &
231  'SAT', gwfmodel%npf%memoryPath)
232  gwemodel%fmi%gwfspdis => gwfmodel%npf%spdis
233  call mem_checkin(gwemodel%fmi%gwfspdis, &
234  'GWFSPDIS', gwemodel%fmi%memoryPath, &
235  'SPDIS', gwfmodel%npf%memoryPath)
236  !
237  ! -- setup pointers to the flow storage rates. GWF strg arrays are
238  ! available after the gwf_ar routine is called.
239  if (gwemodel%inest > 0) then
240  if (gwfmodel%insto > 0) then
241  gwemodel%fmi%gwfstrgss => gwfmodel%sto%strgss
242  gwemodel%fmi%igwfstrgss = 1
243  if (gwfmodel%sto%iusesy == 1) then
244  gwemodel%fmi%gwfstrgsy => gwfmodel%sto%strgsy
245  gwemodel%fmi%igwfstrgsy = 1
246  end if
247  end if
248  end if
249  !
250  ! -- Set a pointer to conc in buy
251  if (gwfmodel%inbuy > 0) then
252  call gwfmodel%buy%set_concentration_pointer(gwemodel%name, gwemodel%x, &
253  gwemodel%ibound)
254  end if
255  !
256  ! -- Set a pointer to conc (which could be a temperature) in vsc
257  if (gwfmodel%invsc > 0) then
258  call gwfmodel%vsc%set_concentration_pointer(gwemodel%name, gwemodel%x, &
259  gwemodel%ibound, 1)
260  end if
261  !
262  ! -- transfer the boundary package information from gwf to gwe
263  call this%gwfbnd2gwefmi()
264  !
265  ! -- if mover package is active, then set a pointer to it's budget object
266  if (gwfmodel%inmvr /= 0) then
267  gwemodel%fmi%mvrbudobj => gwfmodel%mvr%budobj
268  end if
269  !
270  ! -- connect Connections
271  call this%gwfconn2gweconn(gwfmodel, gwemodel)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ exg_da()

subroutine gwfgweexchangemodule::exg_da ( class(gwfgweexchangetype this)

Definition at line 444 of file exg-gwfgwe.f90.

445  ! -- modules
447  ! -- dummy
448  class(GwfGweExchangeType) :: this
449  !
450  call mem_deallocate(this%m1_idx)
451  call mem_deallocate(this%m2_idx)

◆ exg_df()

subroutine gwfgweexchangemodule::exg_df ( class(gwfgweexchangetype this)

Definition at line 131 of file exg-gwfgwe.f90.

132  ! -- modules
134  ! -- dummy
135  class(GwfGweExchangeType) :: this
136  ! -- local
137  class(BaseModelType), pointer :: mb => null()
138  type(GwfModelType), pointer :: gwfmodel => null()
139  type(GweModelType), pointer :: gwemodel => null()
140  !
141  ! -- set gwfmodel
142  mb => getbasemodelfromlist(basemodellist, this%m1_idx)
143  select type (mb)
144  type is (gwfmodeltype)
145  gwfmodel => mb
146  end select
147  !
148  ! -- set gwemodel
149  mb => getbasemodelfromlist(basemodellist, this%m2_idx)
150  select type (mb)
151  type is (gwemodeltype)
152  gwemodel => mb
153  end select
154  !
155  ! -- Check to make sure that flow is solved before transport and in a
156  ! different IMS solution
157  if (gwfmodel%idsoln >= gwemodel%idsoln) then
158  write (errmsg, '(3a)') 'Problem with GWF-GWE exchange ', trim(this%name), &
159  '. The GWF model must be solved by a different IMS than the GWE model. &
160  &Furthermore, the IMS specified for GWF must be listed in mfsim.nam &
161  &before the IMS for GWE.'
162  call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.true.)
163  end if
164  !
165  ! -- Set pointer to flowja
166  gwemodel%fmi%gwfflowja => gwfmodel%flowja
167  call mem_checkin(gwemodel%fmi%gwfflowja, &
168  'GWFFLOWJA', gwemodel%fmi%memoryPath, &
169  'FLOWJA', gwfmodel%memoryPath)
171  !
172  ! -- Set the npf flag so that specific discharge is available for
173  ! transport calculations if dispersion is active
174  if (gwemodel%incnd > 0) then
175  gwfmodel%npf%icalcspdis = 1
176  end if
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ gwfbnd2gwefmi()

subroutine gwfgweexchangemodule::gwfbnd2gwefmi ( class(gwfgweexchangetype this)

Definition at line 471 of file exg-gwfgwe.f90.

472  ! -- dummy
473  class(GwfGweExchangeType) :: this
474  ! -- local
475  integer(I4B) :: ngwfpack, ip, iterm, imover
476  class(BaseModelType), pointer :: mb => null()
477  type(GwfModelType), pointer :: gwfmodel => null()
478  type(GweModelType), pointer :: gwemodel => null()
479  class(BndType), pointer :: packobj => null()
480  !
481  ! -- set gwfmodel
482  mb => getbasemodelfromlist(basemodellist, this%m1_idx)
483  select type (mb)
484  type is (gwfmodeltype)
485  gwfmodel => mb
486  end select
487  !
488  ! -- set gwemodel
489  mb => getbasemodelfromlist(basemodellist, this%m2_idx)
490  select type (mb)
491  type is (gwemodeltype)
492  gwemodel => mb
493  end select
494  !
495  ! -- Call routines in FMI that will set pointers to the necessary flow
496  ! data (SIMVALS and SIMTOMVR) stored within each GWF flow package
497  ngwfpack = gwfmodel%bndlist%Count()
498  iterm = 1
499  do ip = 1, ngwfpack
500  packobj => getbndfromlist(gwfmodel%bndlist, ip)
501  call gwemodel%fmi%gwfpackages(iterm)%set_pointers( &
502  'SIMVALS', &
503  packobj%memoryPath, packobj%input_mempath)
504  iterm = iterm + 1
505  !
506  ! -- If a mover is active for this package, then establish a separate
507  ! pointer link for the mover flows stored in SIMTOMVR
508  imover = packobj%imover
509  if (packobj%isadvpak /= 0) imover = 0
510  if (imover /= 0) then
511  call gwemodel%fmi%gwfpackages(iterm)%set_pointers( &
512  'SIMTOMVR', &
513  packobj%memoryPath, packobj%input_mempath)
514  iterm = iterm + 1
515  end if
516  end do
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ gwfconn2gweconn()

subroutine gwfgweexchangemodule::gwfconn2gweconn ( class(gwfgweexchangetype this,
type(gwfmodeltype), pointer  gwfModel,
type(gwemodeltype), pointer  gweModel 
thisthis exchange
gwfmodelthe flow model
gwemodelthe energy transport model

Definition at line 276 of file exg-gwfgwe.f90.

277  ! -- modules
278  use simmodule, only: store_error
279  use simvariablesmodule, only: iout
281  ! -- dummy
282  class(GwfGweExchangeType) :: this !< this exchange
283  type(GwfModelType), pointer :: gwfModel !< the flow model
284  type(GweModelType), pointer :: gweModel !< the energy transport model
285  ! -- local
286  class(SpatialModelConnectionType), pointer :: conn => null()
287  class(*), pointer :: objPtr => null()
288  class(GweGweConnectionType), pointer :: gweConn => null()
289  class(GwfGwfConnectionType), pointer :: gwfConn => null()
290  class(GwfExchangeType), pointer :: gwfEx => null()
291  integer(I4B) :: ic1, ic2, iex
292  integer(I4B) :: gwfConnIdx, gwfExIdx
293  logical(LGP) :: areEqual
294  !
295  ! loop over all connections
296  gweloop: do ic1 = 1, baseconnectionlist%Count()
297  !
298  conn => get_smc_from_list(baseconnectionlist, ic1)
299  if (.not. associated(conn%owner, gwemodel)) cycle gweloop
300  !
301  ! start with a GWE conn.
302  objptr => conn
303  gweconn => castasgwegweconnection(objptr)
304  gwfconnidx = -1
305  gwfexidx = -1
306  !
307  ! find matching GWF conn. in same list
308  gwfloop: do ic2 = 1, baseconnectionlist%Count()
309  conn => get_smc_from_list(baseconnectionlist, ic2)
310  !
311  if (associated(conn%owner, gwfmodel)) then
312  objptr => conn
313  gwfconn => castasgwfgwfconnection(objptr)
314  !
315  ! for now, connecting the same nodes nrs will be
316  ! sufficient evidence of equality
317  areequal = all(gwfconn%prim_exchange%nodem1 == &
318  gweconn%prim_exchange%nodem1)
319  areequal = areequal .and. all(gwfconn%prim_exchange%nodem2 == &
320  gweconn%prim_exchange%nodem2)
321  if (areequal) then
322  ! same DIS, same exchange: link and go to next GWE conn.
323  write (iout, '(/6a)') 'Linking exchange ', &
324  trim(gweconn%prim_exchange%name), &
325  ' to ', trim(gwfconn%prim_exchange%name), &
326  ' (using interface model) for GWE model ', &
327  trim(gwemodel%name)
328  gwfconnidx = ic2
329  call this%link_connections(gweconn, gwfconn)
330  exit gwfloop
331  end if
332  end if
333  end do gwfloop
334  !
335  ! fallback option: coupling to old gwfgwf exchange,
336  ! (this will go obsolete at some point)
337  if (gwfconnidx == -1) then
338  gwfloopexg: do iex = 1, baseexchangelist%Count()
339  gwfex => getgwfexchangefromlist(baseexchangelist, iex)
340  !
341  ! -- There is no guarantee that iex is a gwfExg, in which case
342  ! it will return as null. cycle if so.
343  if (.not. associated(gwfex)) cycle gwfloopexg
344  !
345  if (associated(gwfex%model1, gwfmodel) .or. &
346  associated(gwfex%model2, gwfmodel)) then
348  ! check exchanges have same node counts
349  areequal = size(gwfex%nodem1) == size(gweconn%prim_exchange%nodem1)
350  ! then, connecting the same nodes nrs will be
351  ! sufficient evidence of equality
352  if (areequal) &
353  areequal = all(gwfex%nodem1 == gweconn%prim_exchange%nodem1)
354  if (areequal) &
355  areequal = all(gwfex%nodem2 == gweconn%prim_exchange%nodem2)
356  if (areequal) then
357  ! link exchange to connection
358  write (iout, '(/6a)') 'Linking exchange ', &
359  trim(gweconn%prim_exchange%name), &
360  ' to ', trim(gwfex%name), ' for GWE model ', &
361  trim(gwemodel%name)
362  gwfexidx = iex
363  if (gweconn%owns_exchange) then
364  gweconn%gweExchange%gwfsimvals => gwfex%simvals
365  call mem_checkin(gweconn%gweExchange%gwfsimvals, &
366  'GWFSIMVALS', gweconn%gweExchange%memoryPath, &
367  'SIMVALS', gwfex%memoryPath)
368  end if
369  !
370  !cdl link up mvt to mvr
371  if (gwfex%inmvr > 0) then
372  if (gweconn%owns_exchange) then
373  !cdl todo: check and make sure gweEx has mvt active
374  call gweconn%gweExchange%mvt%set_pointer_mvrbudobj( &
375  gwfex%mvr%budobj)
376  end if
377  end if
378  !
379  if (associated(gwfex%model2, gwfmodel)) gweconn%exgflowSign = -1
380  gweconn%gweInterfaceModel%fmi%flows_from_file = .false.
381  !
382  exit gwfloopexg
383  end if
384  end if
385  !
386  end do gwfloopexg
387  end if
388  !
389  if (gwfconnidx == -1 .and. gwfexidx == -1) then
390  ! none found, report
391  write (errmsg, '(/6a)') 'Missing GWF-GWF exchange when connecting GWE'// &
392  ' model ', trim(gwemodel%name), ' with exchange ', &
393  trim(gweconn%prim_exchange%name), ' to GWF model ', &
394  trim(gwfmodel%name)
395  call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.true.)
396  end if
397  !
398  end do gweloop
This module contains simulation methods.
Definition: Sim.f90:10
subroutine, public store_error(msg, terminate)
Store an error message.
Definition: Sim.f90:92
This module contains simulation variables.
Definition: SimVariables.f90:9
integer(i4b) iout
file unit number for simulation output
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ gwfgwe_cr()

subroutine, public gwfgweexchangemodule::gwfgwe_cr ( character(len=*), intent(in)  filename,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  id,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  m1_id,
integer(i4b), intent(in)  m2_id 

Definition at line 46 of file exg-gwfgwe.f90.

47  ! -- modules
49  ! -- dummy
50  character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
51  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: id
52  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: m1_id
53  integer(I4B), intent(in) :: m2_id
54  ! -- local
55  class(BaseExchangeType), pointer :: baseexchange => null()
56  type(GwfGweExchangeType), pointer :: exchange => null()
57  character(len=20) :: cint
58  !
59  ! -- Create a new exchange and add it to the baseexchangelist container
60  allocate (exchange)
61  baseexchange => exchange
62  call addbaseexchangetolist(baseexchangelist, baseexchange)
63  !
64  ! -- Assign id and name
65  exchange%id = id
66  write (cint, '(i0)') id
67  exchange%name = 'GWF-GWE_'//trim(adjustl(cint))
68  exchange%memoryPath = exchange%name
69  !
70  ! -- allocate scalars
71  call exchange%allocate_scalars()
72  !
73  ! -- NB: convert from id to local model index in base model list
74  exchange%m1_idx = model_loc_idx(m1_id)
75  exchange%m2_idx = model_loc_idx(m2_id)
76  !
77  ! -- set model pointers
78  call exchange%set_model_pointers()
integer(i4b), dimension(:), allocatable model_loc_idx
equals the local index into the basemodel list (-1 when not available)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ link_connections()

subroutine gwfgweexchangemodule::link_connections ( class(gwfgweexchangetype this,
class(gwegweconnectiontype), pointer  gweConn,
class(gwfgwfconnectiontype), pointer  gwfConn 
thisthis exchange
gweconnGWE connection
gwfconnGWF connection

Definition at line 403 of file exg-gwfgwe.f90.

404  ! -- modules
406  ! -- dummy
407  class(GwfGweExchangeType) :: this !< this exchange
408  class(GweGweConnectionType), pointer :: gweConn !< GWE connection
409  class(GwfGwfConnectionType), pointer :: gwfConn !< GWF connection
410  !
411  !gweConn%exgflowja => gwfConn%exgflowja
412  if (gweconn%owns_exchange) then
413  gweconn%gweExchange%gwfsimvals => gwfconn%gwfExchange%simvals
414  call mem_checkin(gweconn%gweExchange%gwfsimvals, &
415  'GWFSIMVALS', gweconn%gweExchange%memoryPath, &
416  'SIMVALS', gwfconn%gwfExchange%memoryPath)
417  end if
418  !
419  !cdl link up mvt to mvr
420  if (gwfconn%gwfExchange%inmvr > 0) then
421  if (gweconn%owns_exchange) then
422  !cdl todo: check and make sure gweEx has mvt active
423  call gweconn%gweExchange%mvt%set_pointer_mvrbudobj( &
424  gwfconn%gwfExchange%mvr%budobj)
425  end if
426  end if
427  !
428  if (associated(gwfconn%gwfExchange%model2, gwfconn%owner)) then
429  gweconn%exgflowSign = -1
430  end if
431  !
432  ! fmi flows are not read from file
433  gweconn%gweInterfaceModel%fmi%flows_from_file = .false.
434  !
435  ! set concentration pointer for buoyancy
436  !call gwfConn%gwfInterfaceModel%buy%set_concentration_pointer( &
437  ! gweConn%gweModel%name, &
438  ! gweConn%conc, &
439  ! gweConn%icbound)

◆ set_model_pointers()

subroutine gwfgweexchangemodule::set_model_pointers ( class(gwfgweexchangetype this)

Definition at line 83 of file exg-gwfgwe.f90.

84  ! -- dummy
85  class(GwfGweExchangeType) :: this
86  ! -- local
87  class(BaseModelType), pointer :: mb => null()
88  type(GwfModelType), pointer :: gwfmodel => null()
89  type(GweModelType), pointer :: gwemodel => null()
90  !
91  ! -- set gwfmodel
92  gwfmodel => null()
93  mb => getbasemodelfromlist(basemodellist, this%m1_idx)
94  select type (mb)
95  type is (gwfmodeltype)
96  gwfmodel => mb
97  end select
98  !
99  ! -- set gwemodel
100  gwemodel => null()
101  mb => getbasemodelfromlist(basemodellist, this%m2_idx)
102  select type (mb)
103  type is (gwemodeltype)
104  gwemodel => mb
105  end select
106  !
107  ! -- Verify that gwf model is of the correct type
108  if (.not. associated(gwfmodel)) then
109  write (errmsg, '(3a)') 'Problem with GWF-GWE exchange ', trim(this%name), &
110  '. Specified GWF Model does not appear to be of the correct type.'
111  call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.true.)
112  end if
113  !
114  ! -- Verify that gwe model is of the correct type
115  if (.not. associated(gwemodel)) then
116  write (errmsg, '(3a)') 'Problem with GWF-GWE exchange ', trim(this%name), &
117  '. Specified GWF Model does not appear to be of the correct type.'
118  call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.true.)
119  end if
120  !
121  ! -- Tell transport model fmi flows are not read from file
122  gwemodel%fmi%flows_from_file = .false.
123  !
124  ! -- Set a pointer to the GWF bndlist. This will allow the transport model
125  ! to look through the flow packages and establish a link to GWF flows
126  gwemodel%fmi%gwfbndlist => gwfmodel%bndlist
Here is the call graph for this function: