subroutine, public | gwemwemodule::mwe_create (packobj, id, ibcnum, inunit, iout, namemodel, pakname, fmi, eqnsclfac, gwecommon, dvt, dvu, dvua) |
| Create new MWE package. More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::find_mwe_package (this) |
| Find corresponding mwe package. More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::mwe_fc_expanded (this, rhs, ia, idxglo, matrix_sln) |
| Add matrix terms related to MWE. More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::mwe_solve (this) |
| Add terms specific to multi-aquifer wells to the explicit multi- aquifer well energy transport solve. More...
integer(i4b) function | gwemwemodule::mwe_get_nbudterms (this) |
| Function to return the number of budget terms just for this package. More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::mwe_setup_budobj (this, idx) |
| Set up the budget object that stores all the mwe flows. More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::mwe_fill_budobj (this, idx, x, flowja, ccratin, ccratout) |
| Copy flow terms into thisbudobj. More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::allocate_scalars (this) |
| Allocate scalars specific to the multi-aquifer well energy transport (MWE) package. More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::mwe_allocate_arrays (this) |
| Allocate arrays specific to the streamflow mass transport (SFT) package. More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::mwe_da (this) |
| Deallocate memory associated with MWE package. More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::mwe_rate_term (this, ientry, n1, n2, rrate, rhsval, hcofval) |
| Thermal transport matrix term(s) associated with a user-specified flow rate (mwe_rate_term) More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::mwe_fwrt_term (this, ientry, n1, n2, rrate, rhsval, hcofval) |
| Thermal transport matrix term(s) associated with a flowing- well rate term associated with pumping (or injection) More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::mwe_rtmv_term (this, ientry, n1, n2, rrate, rhsval, hcofval) |
| Thermal transport matrix term(s) associated with pumped-water- to-mover term (mwe_rtmv_term) More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::mwe_frtm_term (this, ientry, n1, n2, rrate, rhsval, hcofval) |
| Thermal transport matrix term(s) associated with the flowing- well-rate-to-mover term (mwe_frtm_term) More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::mwe_df_obs (this) |
| Observations. More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::mwe_rp_obs (this, obsrv, found) |
| Process package specific obs. More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::mwe_bd_obs (this, obstypeid, jj, v, found) |
| Calculate observation value and pass it back to APT. More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::mwe_set_stressperiod (this, itemno, keyword, found) |
| Sets the stress period attributes for keyword use. More...
subroutine | gwemwemodule::mwe_read_cvs (this) |
| Read feature information for this advanced package. More...