MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
Xt3dInterface.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  xt3dmodule::xt3dtype


module  xt3dmodule


subroutine, public xt3dmodule::xt3d_cr (xt3dobj, name_model, inunit, iout, ldispopt)
 Create a new xt3d object. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_df (this, dis)
 Define the xt3d object. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_ac (this, moffset, sparse)
 Add connections for extended neighbors to the sparse matrix. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_mc (this, moffset, matrix_sln)
 Map connections and construct iax, jax, and idxglox. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_ar (this, ibound, k11, ik33, k33, sat, ik22, k22, iangle1, iangle2, iangle3, angle1, angle2, angle3, inewton, icelltype)
 Allocate and Read. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_fc (this, kiter, matrix_sln, idxglo, rhs, hnew)
 Formulate. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_fcpc (this, nodes, lsat)
 Formulate for permanently confined connections and save in amatpc and amatpcx. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_fhfb (this, kiter, nodes, nja, matrix_sln, idxglo, rhs, hnew, n, m, condhfb)
 Formulate HFB correction. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_fn (this, kiter, nodes, nja, matrix_sln, idxglo, rhs, hnew)
 Fill Newton terms for xt3d. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_flowja (this, hnew, flowja)
 Budget. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_flowjahfb (this, n, m, hnew, flowja, condhfb)
 hfb contribution to flowja when xt3d is used More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_da (this)
 Deallocate variables. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::allocate_scalars (this)
 Allocate scalar pointer variables. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::allocate_arrays (this)
 Allocate xt3d arrays. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_iallpc (this)
 Allocate and populate iallpc array. Set lamatsaved. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_indices (this, n, m, il0, ii01, jjs01, il01, il10, ii00, ii11, ii10)
 Set various indices for XT3D. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_load (this, nodes, n, nnbr, inbr, vc, vn, dl, dln, ck, allhc)
 Load conductivity and connection info for a cell into arrays used by XT3D. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_load_inbr (this, n, nnbr, inbr)
 Load neighbor list for a cell. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_areas (this, nodes, n, m, jjs01, lsat, ar01, ar10, hnew)
 Compute interfacial areas. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_amat_nbrs (this, nodes, n, idiag, nnbr, nja, matrix_sln, inbr, idxglo, chat)
 Add contributions from neighbors to amat. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_amat_nbrnbrs (this, nodes, n, m, ii01, nnbr, nja, matrix_sln, inbr, idxglo, chat)
 Add contributions from neighbors of neighbor to amat. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_amatpc_nbrs (this, nodes, n, idiag, nnbr, inbr, chat)
 Add contributions from neighbors to amatpc. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_amatpcx_nbrnbrs (this, nodes, n, m, ii01, nnbr, inbr, chat)
 Add contributions from neighbors of neighbor to amatpc and amatpcx. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_get_iinm (this, n, m, iinm)
 Get position of n-m connection in ja array (return 0 if not connected) More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_get_iinmx (this, n, m, iinmx)
 Get position of n-m "extended connection" in jax array (return 0 if not connected) More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_rhs (this, nodes, n, m, nnbr, inbr, chat, hnew, rhs)
 Add contributions to rhs. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_qnbrs (this, nodes, n, m, nnbr, inbr, chat, hnew, qnbrs)
 Add contributions to flow from neighbors. More...
subroutine xt3dmodule::xt3d_fillrmatck (this, n)
 Fill rmat array for cell n. More...