MODFLOW 6  version 6.5.0.dev2
MODFLOW 6 Code Documentation
Particle.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  particlemodule::particletype
 A particle tracked by the PRT model. More...
type  particlemodule::particlestoretype
 Structure of arrays to store particles. More...


module  particlemodule


subroutine, public particlemodule::create_particle (particle)
 Create a new particle. More...
subroutine, public particlemodule::create_particle_store (this, np, mempath)
 Create a new particle store. More...
subroutine particlemodule::destroy_store (this, mempath)
 Deallocate particle arrays. More...
subroutine particlemodule::resize_store (this, np, mempath)
 Reallocate particle arrays. More...
subroutine particlemodule::load_from_store (this, store, imdl, iprp, ip)
 Initialize particle from particle list. More...
subroutine particlemodule::load_from_particle (this, particle, ip)
 Update particle store from particle. More...
subroutine particlemodule::transform_coords (this, xorigin, yorigin, zorigin, sinrot, cosrot, invert, reset)
 Apply the given global-to-local transformation to the particle. More...
subroutine particlemodule::get_model_coords (this, x, y, z)
 Return the particle's model (global) coordinates. More...


integer, parameter, public particlemodule::levelmax = 4