MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
NCContextBuild.f90 File Reference

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module  nccontextbuildmodule
 This module contains the NCContextBuildModule.


integer(i4b) function, public nccontextbuildmodule::open_ncfile (nc_fname, iout)
 open netcdf file More...
subroutine nccontextbuildmodule::add_package_var (modeltype, modelname, nc_vars, input_name, varid, iout)
 add a package input variable to nc_vars structure More...
character(len=netcdf_attr_strlen) function nccontextbuildmodule::verify_global_attr (modeltype, modelname, input_name, nc_fname, ncid)
 verify global attribute modflow6_grid is present and return value More...
subroutine, public nccontextbuildmodule::create_netcdf_context (modeltype, modelname, input_name, nc_vars, nc_fname, ncid, iout)
 create internal description of modflow6 input variables in netcdf file More...