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type | mpimessagecachemodule::mpimessagecachetype |
| Facility to cache the constructed MPI datatypes. This will avoid having to construct them over and over again for the communication inside the timestep loop. This class deals with separate caches for different units (solutions or global) and for different types of. More...
subroutine | mpimessagecachemodule::mmc_init (this) |
integer function | mpimessagecachemodule::mmc_get (this, unit, rank, stage, msg_id) |
subroutine | mpimessagecachemodule::mmc_put (this, unit, rank, stage, msg_id, mpi_type) |
| Put the mpi datatype for this particular unit, rank, and stage in cache. The datatype should be. More...
subroutine | mpimessagecachemodule::mmc_clear (this) |
subroutine | mpimessagecachemodule::mmc_destroy (this) |