MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
GwfStorageUtils.f90 File Reference

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module  gwfstorageutilsmodule
 This module contains stateless storage subroutines and functions.


pure subroutine, public gwfstorageutilsmodule::ssterms (iconvert, iorig_ss, iconf_ss, top, bot, rho1, rho1old, snnew, snold, hnew, hold, aterm, rhsterm, rate)
 Calculate the specific storage terms. More...
pure subroutine, public gwfstorageutilsmodule::syterms (top, bot, rho2, rho2old, snnew, snold, aterm, rhsterm, rate)
 Calculate the specific yield storage terms. More...
pure real(dp) function, public gwfstorageutilsmodule::sscapacity (istor_coef, top, bot, area, ss)
 Calculate the specific storage capacity. More...
pure real(dp) function, public gwfstorageutilsmodule::sycapacity (area, sy)
 Calculate the specific yield capacity. More...