MODFLOW 6  version 6.7.0.dev1
USGS Modular Hydrologic Model
ExplicitModel.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  explicitmodelmodule::explicitmodeltype
 Base type for models that solve themselves. More...


module  explicitmodelmodule
 Models that solve themselves.


subroutine explicitmodelmodule::model_ad (this)
 @ brief Advance the model More...
subroutine explicitmodelmodule::model_solve (this)
 @ brief Solve the model More...
subroutine explicitmodelmodule::model_cq (this, icnvg, isuppress_output)
 @ brief Calculate model flows More...
subroutine explicitmodelmodule::model_bd (this, icnvg, isuppress_output)
 @ brief Calculate model budget More...
subroutine explicitmodelmodule::model_da (this)
 @ brief Deallocate the model More...
subroutine explicitmodelmodule::allocate_scalars (this, modelname)
 @ brief Allocate scalar variables More...
subroutine explicitmodelmodule::allocate_arrays (this)
 Allocate array variables. More...
class(explicitmodeltype) function, pointer, public explicitmodelmodule::castasexplicitmodelclass (obj)
 @ brief Cast a generic object into an explicit model More...
subroutine, public explicitmodelmodule::addexplicitmodeltolist (list, model)
 @ brief Add explicit model to a generic list More...
class(explicitmodeltype) function, pointer, public explicitmodelmodule::getexplicitmodelfromlist (list, idx)
 @ brief Get generic object from list and return as explicit model More...
subroutine explicitmodelmodule::set_idsoln (this, id)
 Set the solution ID. More...